A Taste of Color

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A/N: Wow, I actually have another chapter ready! Hope you enjoy it!

The three of them played a few more games before Eri got bored and decided that they were done. After being reminded to put away the games and then doing so, Eri brought over a clear tub. The clear box was a little too big and heavy for Eri to carry but she still insisted on bringing it over herself. Inside was a random mess of craft supplies, the items inside were not sorted and had been clearly thrown in without order. He could see a mix of colorful papers, pens, markers, and paints along with other supplies that he could not name. Whoever had bought the supplies had definitely went out of their way to make sure that Eri had a large variety of art supplies- which wasn't surprising saying that one of the only things Eri did when she first arrived and was too scared to do or ask for much, was art.

Not long after Eri started drawing Mirio saw himself out, claiming that if he didn't get going he'd have to turn in Eri's art instead of his homework assignments.

The teachers on the other hand were currently gathered around the dining table. He tried not to eavesdrop but he did hear them talking about some kind of trip.

Midoriya himself was relaxing into the couch just watching Eri focus on her work. Eri was using a mechanical pencil carefully trying to draw something that she claimed was a big secret. A while ago after Eri had gotten frustrated about messing up on her drawing Midnight-Sensei had shown her that if she was trying to make it super neat that it was better to draw it with a pencil first then add the colors. Eri had taken the advice to heart and now tended to almost always use a pencil before she added color to the page.

A young voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Deku-nii could you please get me an apple juice?"

"Yeah, Eri. I'll be right back with it." He answered her before pushing himself out of the cushions and standing up. He made the journey over to the fridge and grabbed Eri's drink. He started to shut the fridges door before opening it back up and grabbing himself a juice box as well. He brought the drinks over to where Eri sat leaning further over the table as he got closer. Her arms were crossed trying to hide the drawing from his eyes. He passed her the apple juice and watched as she struggled to get the straw into the box. When she managed to poke the straw through she let out a small cheer before greedily sucking on the straw.

Midoriya was about to follow Eri's lead and poke the straw in when a loud shout surprised him causing him to accidently stab his hand with the straw, "Hey there's some snacks in the cabinet if you want some little listeners!"

Midoriya let out a small hiss of pain before lifting his hand into the air and shaking it off. Eri had noticed his pain and put her apple juice down carelessly- the box slightly tilted before luckily landing upright. She ran over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Izu-nii! Are you okay?" She asked as she inspected the small cut that had formed on his hand.

He let out a small laugh before responding, "Yes. I'm fine Eri, it's just a tiny little cut."

She let out a relieved sigh, checking over his hand once more before returning to her spot on the floor.

Finally remembering what caused him to be distracted in the first place he turned towards his teachers.

"Hey, sorry about scaring you! You good?" Present Mic asked giving a small bow as he talked.

Midoriya waved his hand towards them insisting that he was fine before turning back towards Eri.

"So Eri do you want me to get you snacks?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes! Yes, please!" Eri smiled at him, "Could you bring me apple slices?"

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