12 - ♦5

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For the third night in a row, Soran and I roam the streets on our way to one of the arenas. So far we have not been able to find an arena where Swimsuits participate. Yesterday we managed to wait outside one of the locations in the hopes that one would come out after a game, but the two Swimsuits jumped right into the car afterwards and quickly disappeared from sight.

Slightly grumpy, we put our search on hold for tonight, because we're going to participate in a game ourselves. Actually, we both don't have to do that until tomorrow at the latest, but a shopping mall sounds like an interesting location where we might be able to score some handy tools afterwards. Besides, it looks like we're still a bit lucky this evening. We have just come around the corner and see the doors of a car open. Four Swimsuits jump out and make their way to the entrance of the mall, laughing. One girl takes her last sip of beer and smashes the bottle on the street before they enter. Daring to be under influence at a time like this. Even Reo and the others didn't do that for our second game. Maybe this girl is fearless. That seems like a dangerous situation to be in during a game, but we decide to give it a try.

Soran and I walk past the car and peek inside. The boy behind the wheel uses the lamppost to read his book. Before he realizes we're staring at him, we quickly avert our eyes and stop in front of the arena entrance. There we go. Once through the transparent lasers, we can't go back. With a fast beating heart I make the choice to step inside. Soran soon follows. We end up in a kind of lobby where a number of participants are already waiting. Obviously we're supposed to grab our cell phones here and wait for the game to start.

The seven players that are already there pay no attention to us when we step towards the table. Now there's only one phone left, which makes the maximum number of participants ten. We hear our names and step aside to take as little attention as possible. Now I notice that the others are secretly trying to estimate us, but of course we realize that. I look at my phone and see the timer counting down from four minutes. Whatever game we're going to play in this mall, I'm reminding myself to crack my brain right from the start. No more aimless violence. No more last minute solutions.

I look through the room just as subtly as everyone else. It's already common knowledge that you try to see through who is competition and who is not. Still, the two boys standing together on the side-line don't look around the group that way. It's clear that they have absolutely no idea what's going on here, but they dare not speak to anyone. Without thinking I feel myself take a step towards them, but Soran grabs my arm and stops me. He gently shakes his head. His face is pure concentration, as if he wants to say we need to get into focus and don't have time to help newbies. I want to oppose, but then the contestant who enters last catches my attention.

Yuki keeps his eyes on the table as he enters, ignoring that he's being watched by the others. His appearance makes me nervous. Why that is I don't know, but since he told me that he hoped to never see me here again, I feel awkward. I step back to Soran and decide not to interfere with the newbies. 'Takashi, Yuki,' the computer voice says once the facial recognition is complete. 'Maximum number of participants has been reached,' the voice continues. 'Registration is now closed. The game starts now.' Yuki steps aside and starts to look at the other players, but stops when the voice continues. 'Difficulty, five of diamonds.'

Soran isn't the only one letting out a tense sigh, but I feel a strange feeling that I haven't felt before here. The concerns I had have been pushed a little more into the background. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's thinking. I hope to prove that again this time. 'The game is "Seek and ye shall find",' we are told. 'On the floors are items that must be found by the players in four rounds. Rule of the game: Bring the required item into the camera's view within five minutes, otherwise the player from the item in question will receive a game over. Clear condition: Complete all four rounds within the time limit. Go to the first floor now.'

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