Words of truth

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Jungkook dialled Jimins number.
"Hey it's you," a very drunk Jimin said.
"Jimin are you drunk,where are you?"
"Schwimmin in the tub"
"Are you deaf I'm schwimmin"
"Where's Tae,"
"Ofer there."
"Jimin your not making any sense"
"Huh me sess you mr I'm straight not gay!"
"Jimin put Tae on"
"Can't "
"He's ashleep with hish shoe"
"Where are you I'll come and get you?"
"Noooo, your no gud fur mee, I'm gay yur not haha!"
"Jimin come in tell me where you are"
"I'm here cuz you can't luv me, I can't play with you no more."
"You never even knew, you screwed me to pass the time,"
"Jimin I know your drunk but don't make out it's all me you agreed to it!"
"I did didn't I, pathetic Jiminee,always wanting your attention , waiting for you to notish me, agreeing cuz I'm so stupid to let you fuck my ass, be your plaything, that first time, I wanted you to stop me from leaving your room for you to take care of me but you didn't , I felt like some hoe leaving a johns room but even then I didn't stop it,"
"Jimin im sorry I shouldn't have made you feel like that, please tell me where you are."
"I can't, I can't do it anymore, you want a different life and me, I fucking love you Kookie but I can't carry on like this, let's go back to how it was we can speak but you can avoid me too after all you did it for years, now I gotta go I have a bottle of soju with my name on it"
The phone clicked off, jungkook held it in his hand staring at it running over what he had heard.jimin loved him? He felt something other than confusion, then indignation, Jimin had agreed to it too, it wasn't only his fault, he'd told Jimin what he wanted!
Yes but did you ever ask what he wanted, the voice in his head asked.
No but he could have spoken up.
How you shoved him out of your room when he was sore and hurting like some dirty secret.
All these thoughts went through his head making him feel nauseous.
Surely when Jimin got back and wasn't drunk they could talk about this?
Feeling slightly better jungkook made his way down the hall stopping at Jimins door and going in, laying on the bed smelling the others unique scent that gave him comfort eventually falling asleep.
"Oh god..., I'm dying!"
Jimins eyes could barely open his head thumped
"Me too but I have the remedy,"
Tae put his phone to his mouth," hello, yes room 113 , IV  for two and massage, twenty minutes fine"
"What's going on?"
"This place gives you an drip to cure the worst part of a hangover, while it's running we have a massage after that breakfast believe me you don't feel like it now but you will, let's open a window or two it stinks of alcohol."
"You said twenty minutes? Shit this place is a mess and we should shower we stink of alcohol too.
Dragging themselves up Jimin cleaned around while Tae quickly showered then Tae opened windows sprayed expensive aftershave while Jimin showered.
By the time two males came in carrying folding massage tables the room looked neater and smelled fresher.
Both males were in boxers and robes , once the tables were set up each of them lay on their stomach, one man disappeared bringing in drip stands and two IV fluid bags with electrolytes and vitamins to make them feel better.
Once attached they proceeded to give a massage both males relaxing as the headaches vanished and they felt better,the drips ran out the men packed up and Jimin and Tae dressed.
Tae ordered them breakfast and called security to pick them up in an hour.
"So ready to face him?"
"I sorta already have, he called last night after you passed out and I told him we are no longer a thing."
"Good for you,"
"Not really because being the drunk ass that I was I told him I loved him and had always cared about him!"
"Oh shit!"
"Tae why am I so pathetic?"
"Your not pathetic your in love people in love do silly things."
"Mmm, I told him things should go back to how they were or he can avoid me."
"So, maybe if I make sure he doesn't get you on your own today that could help?"
"Please Tae...., would you, not that he will care but just in case?"
Tae nodded but part of him had a plan he wasn't so sure Jungkook was as uninvolved as he thought he was, he'd seen the way he hung around Jimin and how he got annoyed when Jimin was too close to others,nodding to himself he thought it was time to bring in the team, going into the bathroom he rung someone he was sure would help.
"Suga,are you on your own?"
"Yes what do you want?"
"I need your help,"
He explained Jimins dilemma.
"I knew his back hurt from being fucked,but hey that was his business, and yes I agree Kook fancies him and needs to step up, we need to make him jealous,ok I'm on it"
"Should we tell the others?"
"Not yet, Hobi can't keep a secret, Jin will giggle like a schoolgirl and make them suspicious and RM , well he may feel obliged to tell management as he's the leader."
"Ok I gotta go , before Jimin gets suspicious!"
Just before he went out he took a couple of selfies then walked out.
"I was getting worried thought you may have felt ill did you take your phone in there?"
"Doesn't everyone, it has great lighting for selfies look,"
He showed Jimin the selfies , which made the other laugh.
Not long after they were on their way to the dorm Jimin twisting his hands nervously the nearer they got.
"Calm down,you've made your decision now stick to it."
Jimin nodded taking a deep breath when they arrived.
"We are back did you miss us?" Tae yelled on entering.
"I thought you two might of gone drinking but you look fine " RM stated.
Jimin and Tae looked at each other before bursting out laughing," we didn't look so hot earlier!" Tae laughed.
Jungkook stood up looking at Jimin,waiting to catch him alone.
"Great your back, Jimin can you come to the studio with me I want to try out a tune and you can help me with the vocals ," Jimin nodded, he often helped Suga as he thought he was a musical genius.
"Come on then the sooner the better."
So Jimin turned around and went out with Suga much to Jungkooks disgust.
Instead he cornered Tae." Where we're you?"
"Oh just a  little place I go to now and then to chill out."
"Jimin was very drunk last night"
" oh did you talk to him?"
"Yes,didn't he say?"
"Nope should he have was it important?"
"What,er no not really"
LIAR !!!Tae was convinced he was right about Jungkooks feelings for Jimin..
"It's nice Suga believes in Jimin isn't it? And the way he stuck up for him the other day....." he let it trail off knowing Jungkook would overthink it.
He sauntered off to his room whistling as he

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