Feeding the passion

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Jungkook saw the trepidation in the others face, he forced himself to get rid of all the built up frustration he'd felt that weekend.
He calmed his kiss coaxing the response he wanted, Jimin placed his small hands against The others chest sighing into the kiss.
Jungkook knelt up stripping his top off before coming down for another kiss.
Now Jimins hands touched the bare skin roaming over the strong abs and brushing against Kooks nipples. A hiss of pleasure left the maknaes mouth. He slid his hands under Jimins top delighting in the feel of the others skin, before long he'd taken the top off and was kissing the collarbone he knew to be sensitive.
"Ahhh Kookie"
Jimins little moan of pleasure sent Jungkook over the edge. He stood up stripping his trousers and boxers off letting Jimin see how turned on he was, then keeping his eyes on Jimins he undressed the other seeing he too was more than ready.
Embaressed Jimin made to cover himself but was stopped by Jungkooks dominant demand.
"No, let me see all of you,"
His hands stilled as he watched Jungkook lean over to a draw bringing out some lube. His brows raised, were they really going to do it. Jimin felt his dick give away his pleasure at the thought leaking pre cum.Embaressed he made again to cover himself. This time Jungkook grabbed his hands putting them in one of his and holding them above Jimins head.
"So, who's not doing as they are told?" Jungkook leaned over biting gently on Jimins nipple.
"Aah," Jimin wriggled but Jungkook held him in place.
"I'm going to fuck you Jimin, I'm going to be your first,"
His words turned Jimin on, "Kookie I ....."
"What do you want Jimin tell me."
"T-touch me...."
Jungkook ran his free hand down Jimins body caressing the slim lines before halting at the leaking member, rubbing his thumb against the slit.
"Mmmm, more" Jimin moaned.
Jungkook let go of Jimins hands sliding down until his mouth could take Jimin in.
The deep moan that came from the small boy sent Jungkooks dick into neediness leaking as Jimins was.
Jimin had dug his heels in the bed his legs flopped open while Jungkook sucked on his length.
Looking down Jungkook could see Jimins puckered hole, he undid the lube rubbing it on his fingers, Jimin totally unaware as he was too blissed out from Jungkooks administrations. Jungkook watched his reaction as he slipped a finger inside. His closed eyes opened and he bit his bottom lip, this intrusion new,
"That's it baby, let me loosen you up," in went another finger, all the while Jungkook was distracting the other by licking and sucking on his dick, his own member getting painfully harder.
As a third finger went in Jimin winced,
"k-Kookie ,your so big what if it doesn't fit?"
"That's why I need to loosen you up relax,"
Remembering his 'studying ' he hooked his fingers as he thrust back and forth suddenly Jimin nearly jumped of the bed.
"Oh god....what's that....more Kookie" he moaned .
Jungkook smirked knowing he'd found the right spot.
Jimin writhed in pleasure , "oh god...."
Jungkook could no longer wait slipping his fingers out he rubbed lube over his rigid member then lining himself up he looked at Jimin holding his hands then pushed in, Jimin gasped at the pain.
"No Kookie!"
"Breathe Jimin relax it will feel better soon,"
Jungkook held himself still even though he wanted to push right in. His tongue licked away the tear that rolled from Jimins eye and he kissed the smaller male while waiting for permission to carry on.
Jimin breathed deeply and the pain muted. Jungkooks mouth was working wonders.
"Is it better yet, I read it usually hurts the first time but you get used to it?"
"Alright for you to say your not the one who feels like he has a baseball bat stuck up his ass!"
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh, Jimin joining in at the absurdness of his answer.
"God Jimin please say I can move I'm hanging on by a thread here!"
Jimin nodded and Jungkook pushed in groaning in pleasure at Jimins tightness.
"Oh fuck Jimin you feel so good," jungkook gasped.
Jimin was overcome with the fullness and when Jungkook pulled back before thrusting in again hitting Jimins sweet spot making Jimin keen in pleasure.
Soon all the room was filled with loud panting and harsh grunts as Jungkook pounded into the other.
" I'm gonna cum, Jimin moaned holding onto Jungkooks shoulders as the pleasure built up, before he released spurting his seed between them.
"Aaaaaaargh! Oh god........!"
Jungkook got faster chasing his own release, Jimins hole clenching around him.
"Oh fuuuuuuuck! " he yelled out as he came inside Jimins tight sheath , the pleasure overwhelming him.
He felt Jimin squeeze every last drop from him and he flopped down rolling at the last minute so his weight wouldn't squash Jimin.
The pair lay there panting.
"We did it," Jimin muttered
"We did,"
"So..., what does that mean?"
"What do you want it to mean?"
Jimin knew what he wanted but wasn't prepared to lay himself bare until he knew Jungkooks intentions, so he joked instead," well I thought I was the gay member?"
"Yer well call me inquisitive,"
"Oh so it's a one off then?" Jimin kept the pain from his voice.
"No! I mean...., can't we be friends with benefits?"
"So your still straight?"
"Look Jimin , I want a family in the future, you know a partner, kids......,"
He frowned confused when Jimin laughed.
"You do know gay people can have families?
"But it wouldn't be the same?"
"Why not? You can have surrogates to have a baby using your sperm, or adopt...., what's different as long as your with a loving partner?"
"You sound like you've thought about it?"
"I have ever since I knew I was gay."
"Well......., strange as it seems I ...., want to hook up again?"
Jimin knew he shouldn't and he'd only get hurt but,
"Yer,friends with benefits....."
Jungkook smiled then Jimin sat up wincing,
"Do you need help?
"No....,I'll go shower in my room, you don't want to get caught out do you when the others come back?"
Jimin hoped by some strange miracle the other would stop him, instead......
"Shit your right, you should go,"
Biting his lip Jimin bent to pick up his clothes and walked slowly out and across the hall to his room, walking to the shower and turning it on before sinking to the floor and sobbing.
Jungkook got up , not knowing why he felt uneasy, he walked into his shower letting the water run, while soaping himself he wondered if Jimin was ok, he had gone a bit hard on him, hurrying through his shower he decided to check on the other before the dorm filled up but as he left his room he became aware of chatter in the sitting room.
Going there he saw Jimin curled up in a chair cushions around him.
The others were asking him questions about his weekend.
When Jungkook walked in the members looked at him warily.
"It's ok I'm over my bad mood,"
"Thank god," Hobi muttered
"Er hi Jimin,"
Jimin looked up, so that was how he was playing it.
"Hi, you were asleep when I came in, didn't want to wake you."
"Oh, er right,"
"Jimin have you hurt your back?" Jin asked in concern, Jungkook froze.
"Yer......, first day there slipped fell on my ass think I bruised it,clumsy as always."
Jungkook let out the breath he had been holding.
"Actually guys I think I'll go to bed not had much sleep,"
"Yer your eyes look a bit puffy, wait let me get you a painkiller," Jin said acting like a mother hen.
Jimin swallowed the tablet and carefully stood smiling he said goodnight and walked to his room, flopping on his bed and sleeping.
A long time later Jungkook quietly poked his head in the room, Jimin lay sound asleep in his t shirt and sweats on top of the bed.
Not thinking twice Jungkook crawled next to him, he wanted to be near him, if anyone came in they would see two fully dressed males asleep, he could pass it off that they had fallen asleep chatting, it's not like it hadn't happened to all of them before.
Satisfied he cuddled up to Jimin more than pleased when the other turned towards him in his sleep, this felt right he thought before drifting of tiredly.

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