Green eyed monster

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Jungkook was on edge . Jimin had come back that first day bringing Taemin with him. Of course they all knew him but since when was he so touchy feely with Jimin?
The pair brought some fried chicken back with them and everyone huddled around the sofas to eat.
Jimin was about to sit on the floor as the seats were taken when Taemin pulled him into his lap.
"I'll squash you!" Jimin laughed.
"Your as light as a feather," Taemin said laughing.
So Jimin sat there the whole time they were eating.
"Anyone want a refill?" Jimin asked raising a beer can and standing up.
Seeing the nods he went to the kitchen fridge, jungkook followed him.
"Let me help," he muttered. While there he grabbed a breakfast bar stool and carried it to where he had been sitting.
"Here Jimin you take the sofa,I'll sit on this,"
"Oh,ok Kookie,your legs are free Taemin," he laughed.
"Aw but your so cuddly," Taemin said smirking a little at Jungkook as if he knew something the other didn't .
"So do you know what you two are going to do? You only have this week," Hobi asked.
"Yes we have a plan and of course all the practice time, it should be good,"
"I hope I don't let anyone down," Jimin said nervously.
Taemin was suddenly serious," Jimin I love you to bits but your worst failing is self doubt, you are brilliant at what you do, believe in yourself."
"Hear,hear," Jin said patting the smaller on the back.
"I'm sorry guys, I just, I don't know I've always felt like I need to prove myself, I was chosen last I know I'm not the standard idol type."
Jungkook was surprised he had never realised the other had such a low opinion of himself.
"Let's play a game, truth or dare," Tae yelled.
"I'll start," Taemin said," RM truth or dare?"
"Hmmm, truth."
"Have you ever broken something and blamed someone else?"
RM blushed," er yes, Jin your game remote, I dropped it and cracked it so I put it by the side of your bed so you would step on it and think you broke it."
"You shit!I thought I was going mad as I never put it there but as I had drunk the night before I thought I was wrong!"
The others burst out laughing.
RM," Hobi truth or dare?"
"I dare you to sing a nursery rhyme while doing a handstand."
Hobi stood up," you know I'm shitty at handstands!"
After three attempts he managed to get there quickly singing before his legs went all over the place.
Hobi," Jungkook truth or dare?"
"Dare of course ,"
"I dare you to give someone here a kiss!"
"What,that's not fair!"
"So you gonna forfeit?
"Well I'm not kissing!"
"So who will take on the dare?"
"Me,I'll do it!" Taemin laughed
Taemin got up and gave Jumin a smooch on the lips which had the smaller boy giggling.
Jungkook felt furious watching this, how could Jimin let him do that.
"So Taemin, you get to choose Jungkooks forfeit."
"Um, he had to eat a sour lemon!"
"That's harsh Taemin, Kookie doesn't like sour things!" Jimin said .
"Well he should have done the dare then, " the other smirked at the maknae who stood up went to the kitchen cut up a lemon and brought it back , shoving it in his mouth as though it was delicious when really he wanted to spit it out.
Finally finished he took a mouthful of beer to get rid of the taste.
Jungkook," Jimin truth or dare?"
"After that I'll take truth."
"Have you......., ever watched porn?"
The others laughed ," ew Kookie!"
"No........, not deliberately ,"
"What you've seen it by chance?" Suga queried ,
"doesn't everyone watch porn?"
"No they don't weirdo," Jimin said blushing.
"So what do you mean not deliberately?" Tae asked.
Getting redder Jimin mumbled," I Erm walked in on a friend who was watching it."
There were guffaws of laughter," I bet you surprised them!!" RM laughed.
"Ok,ok look it's late, I need sleep, I'll see you out Taemin."
Jimin stood making Taemin follow. They said their goodbyes and Jimin walked to his room.
Two strong hands grabbed him pushing him against the wall.
"Did you enjoy that?"
"Taemin kissing you?"
"It's not real,"
"So you like having anyone just kiss you?"
"It's not a big deal is it?"
"We'll do a comparison then!"
Jungkook slammed his lips on the others plump ones. What started as a punishment changed as both gave in moans coming from them,suddenly Jimin pushed the other away .
"I er,that's enough!" Jimin rushed into his room in a panic.
Jungkook leaned against the wall knowing he'd started something ," No Jimin it's not enough I want more."
Looking down he sighed, looked like another cold shower!
Jimin paced back and forth in his room, why had Jungkook kissed him, he didn't understand, he remembered the tingly feeling as their lips touched.
Stop it Jimin it was just the beer and probably Kookies inquisitive nature, I mean look he watched gay porn!
Suddenly inquisitive himself he sat on his bed with his laptop and after finding what he was looking for he had his whole attention on it.
He found he was touching himself as he watched, wow they really seemed to find so much pleasure in each other! Glancing at his bedside clock he was horrified to see he had been watching for two hours and it was very late. Clearing his history he clicked off the laptop and got showered he dressed in some shorts to go down to the kitchen to get some juice.
The lights were off as everyone was asleep, so he carefully walked to the kitchen got a glass and turned bumping into a hard body. He shrieked dropping the glass.
"Stay still you have no shoes on," two strong arms gripped his waist and lifted him onto the kitchen counter.
The light was switched on and Jungkook swept up the broken glass. Jimin was about to jump down when a stern,"Wait!" Stopped him.
Jungkook hold of jimins small foot removing a small sliver of glass and wiping the blood away.
"Thanks," he waited for Jungkook to free his foot but he seemed to be unaware he was caressing it.
"I thought you were tired why are you still awake?" The maknae asked.
"I er was," Jimin lied," I woke up thirsty so came to get some juice..., you?"
"Haven't been asleep yet, here," Jungkook passed him a juice getting one for himself..
"Thanks," Jimin slipped from the counter and gulped the juice down.
"Well er I'm going to bed,"
"Goodnight Jimin..., oh and in future turn the sound down on your laptop,"
Jimin went beet red gasping, he ran away to the sound of Jungkooks chuckle.

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