Its not what they think

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The boys got back to their dressing room, sweat pouring from them.
"Did you hear them scream when Jimin ruffled your hair."
Jimin smiled shyly, he couldn't help it, his crush was so cute he felt the need to touch him. He was always amazed at how such an introvert managed to look cute and sexy at the same time.
"They did the same when Jin and Tae got close." Jungkook said.
Jimin took his sweaty top off, "I'm gonna ask if I can have a looser top I get so hot in this."
Jungkook looked up seeing the others slim toned body. " hey, put something on,"
"Why Kookie, jealous someone will want my body?"
Jungkook got up frowning," don't make stupid comments like that," he shoved the other back harshly sending him crashing to the ground.
"Jungkook!" RM shouted as Tae and Hobi rushed to help Jimin.
"I-it's ok", Jimin said biting his lip and smiling fakely, he grabbed a t shirt and slung it on rubbing his back slightly where he had collided with something hard on the floor. Grabbing his stuff he murmured," see you at the dorm," before rushing out.
"That was uncalled for,"Jin said to the maknae.
"I'm sorry ok I forgot how slight he is,"
"He was having a joke with you that's all,"Suga muttered.
"He was suggesting I'm gay!"
"You know we say we stand for LGBTQ but you?"
"Well what if he said it to you?"
"I'd be pleased, Jimins a catch."
"Look guys let's leave it eh? We had a good concert let's appreciate that fact."
Silently they gathered their stuff and trooped to the waiting cars.
"Jimin has gone ahead can you share with the others?" Security asked Jungkook who nodded.
Jimin made his way to his room muttering to himself," stupid Jimin, why can't you keep your mouth shut don't rock the boat,"
Fact was he had yearned for years for Jungkook to one day turn around and say Jimin I want you,but, it seemed far from ever happening.
He went and showered coming out he put shorts on and was pulling down a t shirt when his door opened.
"Jimin I....shit did I do that?"
Jungkook got closer seeing the big purple bruise forming on Jimins back.
"Oh I'm, you know me clumsy as ever had to fall on something." He tried joking seeing the others pained look.
"I'm sorry Jimin, I forget how strong I am I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's ok I shouldn't have annoyed you."
"Yer well, I shouldn't make remarks like that either, it's just it felt weird, I'm straight and it's like , the role play fan service was coming into real life."
"Role play?"
"You know all the 'Jikook' ships, they don't know things aren't as they seem, and it's not what they think,"
Jimins heart jumped, now he knew for sure that his crush and him were never going to be an item.
"So is it gays in general or just me you don't like?"
"Don't be silly Jimin , it's just the fake getting mixed up with truth, we are straight but they perceive us as gay."
Jimin had heard enough," sorry to rock your boat Kookie but I'm a 100% gay."
Jungkook stared at him mouth open, "I er well er I'll go now," Jungkook said quickly leaving the room.
Jimin slumped on his bed, his dreams crashing around him,was Jungkook really that dumb, the rest knew about Jimins sexuality one of the main reasons they had come out in support of the gay community. Suga was bi, obviously Jungkook had his head in the clouds not realising this.
He made his way to the kitchen helping Jin.
"Ok Jiminee?"
"That doesn't sound convincing,"
"I just found out Jungkook didn't realise I was gay,"
"Of course he must have?"
"Why do I give off a gay vibe?"
"Well no but your cute and gentle and giggly,"
Jimin laughed,"does that define gay?"
"No,you know what I mean, now come on cutie pie call the others,"
Jimin did so and the maknae was one of the first to the table, rather than sitting in his normal seat next to Jimin he chose one as far away as possible.
To say Jimin felt hurt was an understatement , he kept his head down and played with his food on his plate, before excusing himself and leaving the table.
"Is Jimin ok?" Hobi asked.
"He did seem quiet ," Suga muttered.
Jungkook cleared his throat," guys , I can't keep this to myself but( he sighed).... Jimin told me he is gay!"
He looked around waiting for the look of shock from the others but all he saw was confusion.
"We know he's gay, what's the big deal?" Tae said.
"What! You all know and you let this Jikook thing happen! I don't want people to think I'm gay, no more ...,I'm not doing fan service like that any more Ew!!"
Jimin who had come to get some water froze on the spot hearing those words, was being around him that unbearable?he turned shakily going back to his room and locking the door not wanting to see anyone. He lay on his bed tears rolling down his face. Being around Jungkook had brought out his inner flirt normally he was shy and quiet but Jungkook made him happy, turning on his side he made the decision to step back stop the interaction and let Jungkook be.
Morning came too quickly but Jimin got up and dressed for the gym, usually he would wake Jungkook up but today he glanced at the door opposite his room and then walked away.
Jungkook stirred yawning, was it time to get up yet, No couldn't be Jimin hadn't come in to wake him. He sat there thinking about what he had learned, was he really so self indulgent he hadn't realised. Yawning again he looked at his clock ,10 am!!! What the hell. Getting up he washed quickly and dressed going out of his room, Jimins door was open and no one was there. Going to the main room he saw the others lounging around.
"Hey Kook, you didn't go to the gym then?"
"Er no, is Jimin still there?"
"Yer, actually I heard him go out at 6.30, I hope he's not over doing it, we have dance practice at one."rM said.
At that moment the door opened and a weary Jimin walked in," hey," he called to the others.
"You didn't wake me up," Jungkook moaned.
"No I went early I thought you'd get yourself up?"
Jimin made his way to his room he felt shattered but knew once he'd had a shower and something to eat he'd be better.
He didn't realise Jungkook had followed until a hand gripped his shoulder.
"Look if this is about me yesterday you're being a bit childish!"
"I'm being childish? Your in a group that supports the gay community yet you push me to the floor for some remark, walk out the room when you found I was gay, sat in a different chair in case you caught something and announced to the whole group how uncomfortable I make you feel, so whose being childish, I'm doing what you want, cutting any unnecessary contact!" With that he walked into the room slamming the door in the others face.
"Good!" Jungkook yelled poking his tongue out at the others door before going into his own room.
It was pretty obvious to the others something had gone on, Jimin asked RM if he could permanently change cars and not once during the practice did Jimin look at Jungkook, he smiled and conversed with the others but it wasn't the Jimin they knew.
After practice it was a quick turnaround as they had a radio interview.
"So guys you've travelled a lot let me ask you, if you had to choose someone to travel with to a certain place who and where would it be."
It wasn't the first time they had been asked this so Jungkook was pretty sure he knew what would be said. It was theeefore a big surprise when Jimin spoke confidently that he would go with RM to see the Northern lights.
"Ah Jungkook you have lost your place with Jiminee "the announcer laughed, " why's that Jimin?"
"Oh I'm sure Jungkook has his own agenda," the smaller male said smiling making the announcer laugh.
The group left the station, crowds were outside yelling and screaming,
"Jikook we love you '
Jungkook frowned irritated.
"Jimin is Jikook real?"
Jimin stopped turning a fake smile," I'm sorry guys Jikook isn't real but we appreciate your love ,"
"Jimin marry me!!"
Jungkooks head whipped round, annoyed at that person.
"You'll have to ask my parents!" Jimin said before getting in a car with Hobi.
Jungkook felt annoyed for some reason.
"What's up Kook?" Jin said.
"Those Jikook shippers," he lied.
"Well you don't have to worry now, Jimin told them it's not what it seems."
"Yer," for some reason this made Jungkook more unsettled.

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