Chapter 18: Quackity

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Dream sat in his prison cell once again. He was sat on the hot obsidian fall as he lent against one of the three obsidian walls and he stared at the lava wall in front of him. The heat was almost too much to bare. After being in the cold snowy biome for so long the heat was such a difference.

Sam had been feeding him less and less as the time passes. But Dream couldn't find it in him to care at this particular moment in time. Quackity had also been visiting again and Dream was beginning to think that Quackity had a death wish.

Dream heard Sam and Quackity talking across the lava and sighed knowing it was Quackity's visiting time, well more like torture time.

Dream listen as the bridge began to bring Quackity across the lava fell to reveal Quackity standing there with a sadistic smile on his face and his axe in hand.

"Hello Dream, did you miss me?" Quackity asked lifting his head to look at Dream.

Dream sighed as he stood up from the floor and stood to his full hight which was taller than Quackity. "No, I didn't miss you Quackity" he told the man.

Dreams clothes where ripped and bloody. Dreams white mask was cracked slightly and had some blood patch's on it but Dream didn't dare take it off to clean it knowing Sam is constantly watching the security camera and he refused to show his face.

Quackity's smile fell as he walked towards Dream threateningly. "Is that so?" He asked now stood in front of Dream.

Dream tilted his head to the side before laughing slightly. "Why would I miss someone who comes here to torture me?" He retaliated.

Quackity shrugged his shoulders "I suppose"

Quackity attacked Dream with his axe. Dream dogged as many attacks as he could but he was still hurt from the last visit and Sam hasn't been giving him enough food so his strength wasn't the best and because of the lack of food his energy was low.

Quackity cut his axe into Dreams side and watched as blood began to come out of the wound he gave to Dreams. He then kicked Dream down into a corner.

Dream sank to the floor as one of his hands went to his wound trying to stop the bleeding. "Hahahaha" he heard Quackity's insane laughter.

"The almighty Dream is not so mighty anymore!" Quackity shouted laughing. His switched his axe for his sword looking down at Dream. "And because I know you can revive yourself I can kill you again and again and again" Quackity said repeating again and again as he took some steps closer to Dream who was still on the floor. Quackity lent down closet to Dreams form "I'll kill you again and again and watch in satisfaction as the life drains from you eyes every time"

Dream hist in pain as he tried to back away from Quackity. "I wonder what Techno would think, would fell seeing you being killed other and other again in the communicator" he thought out loud with a fake thoughtful look on his face.

Something snapped in Dream. He began to laugh emptily as he raised slowly from the floor Quackity's eyes widened as he slowly took three steps back.

Dreams arms fell motionless at his sides as he raised to his full hight. He took a step towards Quackity "do you really think I'd allow you to do that?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

Quackity began to breath faster as fear filled him. "I-I'll kill yo-u!" Quackity shouted bring his sword down on Dream.

Dream raised his hand gripping the sword with his hand not at all bother by the pain that came with it cutting into his hand. "Scared Quackity?" Dream asked lowly.

Quackity shoved Dream back and swung his sword at Dream again wounding him again. Dream laid on the floor as a pool of blood began to form around him for his wounds from Quackity.

Quackity laughed as he looked down and Dream who was beginning to loss consciousness. "Hahaha yes as if you can stop me Dream. Look at you Dream" Quackity said gesturing to Dream who was struggling just to say awake.

"Your nothing like how you used to be Dream. Now you nothing but a weak sad man left alone to rot in this prison" Quackity laughed at Dreams predicament.

Dream laid down and let his head rest in the blood pool around him. Now the blond could get up but as he read in a book years ago 'act strong when weak and weak when strong' so he stayed laid in his blood and didn't retaliate at Quackity's words and the man laughed and left.

Dream stayed laid in his blood pool as he listened to Quackity's laughter get farther and farther away till he could no longer hear the man's laughs.

Dream sat up and look at the camera that was in his cell he knew Sam was probably watching him but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

Dream stood up slowly his head spinning from the blood loss. His uninjured hand went up to his head as he tried to steadily himself.

Dream sighed as he stumbled slightly to his sink he turned the water on and put his hand under the water cleaning his cut hand, the water was hot which frustrated Dream but it was impossible for cold water to flow out the tap the hot temperatures would not allow that.

Dream did his best to clean his wounds before walking up to the camera. "Hey Sam can you bring me some bandages please?" He asked Sam hoping the warden would give him the luxury of wrapping his wounds this time.

The camera flashed before Dream heard Sam's voice "Now why would I do that Dream?" The warden asked through the mic build into the camera.

Dream huffed shrugging his shoulders "oh I don't know maybe so I don't bleed out and so my wounds don't get infected" he said sarcastically.

Dream heard some grumbling and complaining along with some shuffling before Sam's voice rang into the cell once again. "Alright fine can't have you dying on my watch" Sam said "if I did Quackity would kill me for letting you die without him being the one to do it" Sam grumbled underneath his breath not meaning for Dream to hear that.

Dream sighed as the light on the Camera went off signalling that Sam was no longer speaking through the mic.

Dream waited and waited till the lava moved to reveal Sam stood there in his armour. Dream stood in the back of his cell not wanting to give Sam a reason to hurt him or add a reason to why Sam would lower his food allowances along with medical supplies when needed.

"Here, this is all I'm giving you for a long while, make use of it" Sam told Dream throwing some bandages at Dream not looking back at the dirty blond man as he left.

Dream sighed as he picked up the bandages wincing slightly from the movement. He wrapped his wounds before trying to fall asleep on the hard hot obsidian fall, he fell asleep hoping Techno was doing alright.

The protector that lost what he needed to protect (Dreamnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now