Chapter 8: Promise

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Phil, Techno and Wilbur where stood in front of a grave as it began to rain. The rain ran down there faces mixing with there tears hiding them. But they all knew they where crying. No one was an exception. Soon after Phil and Wilbur go the courage they spoke there finally words to Dream.

Phil took a deep breath before starting to speak. "I remember when Techno came home happier one day and I asked him why....he said he made a friend. This new friend stood you to the mean people and told them to leave him alone. That his new friend pushed some kid that was picking on him. I remember how Techno showed so much emotion and expressed himself when he spoke of him. This happened for so long then I meet them. They where everything Techno said and more.
One day I asked Techno what he wanted to be when he was older and do you know what he replied with?" Phil finished with a question he knew he wouldn't get an answer to. "He said to be a wanted to be strong, like his friend. He wanted to be able to protect his friend as they had for him. So he trained and trained. They made Techno who he is, and I'll forever be thankful. That friend was you Dream" Phil said putting his hand on the gravestone. "So thank you, Dream" Phil spoke. His speech put more tears in there eyes, that refused to stay back, so they flowed freely down there faces.

Then it was Wilbur.

Wilbur took a step towards Dream's grave. "I remember when Techno introduced me to you. I was so amazed. Amazed that this world has someone like you in it. You where so selfless even from a young age. You where such a good actor as time passed. You fell right into the person they needed, a villain. It frustrated me how good of an actor you where when it came to that. Thank you for just exciting. I'm blessed to have met you, my savour. You saved me from my own hell" Wilbur thanked Dream.

Phil and Wilbur looked at Techno from the corner of there eyes. Techno just stood there looking at the gravestone. They didn't know if he was going to say a few words or not. Or if he wanted to say his final words to Dream alone. Just as they where about to leave Techno spoke up. "I don't know where I'd be if I never meet you, Dream" Techno started. Phil and Wilbur looked at Techno as he carried on. "I'd probably be dead" Techno put it bluntly. "When I needed you, you where there. Even when I didn't ask or tell you, you where there. No matter what. The voices have always been quieter when you where around. Sometimes it was like they weren't there. They'd just stop speaking completely. And it gives me time of peace. That I won't get again. But I would have them yelling at full volume if it meant you'd come back. If it meant you'd come back to me" Techno said the last part quietly, so quietly Phil and Wilbur almost missed it. "But I know that won't happen. No matter how much of a God I am. Or you. I miss you already, but like you said I'm not saying goodbye, I'm just saying see you later" Techno finished as a lone tear rolled down his face reflecting in the moonlight. Once he finished they stood in silence with there heads down before Phil and Wilbur left, leaving Techno there on his own.

When Techno was alone he silently took his cape off and walked closer to the grave. Techno put his cape around the gravestone just like he did many a time to Dream.

(Art by me

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(Art by me. I know it's not the best but I thought it'd be nice to have a reference for this seen).

Techno put one of his hands on the stone. "I'll bring you back. I promise. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" Techno said as he turned and walked away. On his hip tied to his belt was Dream's white smiley mask.

The protector that lost what he needed to protect (Dreamnoblade)Where stories live. Discover now