Chapter 13: I'm Back

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Ghost Drè sat back down next to Techno and looked at Tommy. "Hey, Tommy. Everything's been good I hope" Ghost Drè asked acting more like Dream. The commotion caused by Tommy brought most memories back. If not all of them. Some where still foggy, but other than that he remembered.

Tommy was shaken from his shock when Ghost Drè spoke. "Oh, it was. Everything's been amazing. Till you showed up" Tommy told Ghost Drè, the last part was whispered under his breath but was still heard. "Ah, it's good to hear that there's no more fighting. And I'm sorry you feel that way" Ghost Drè apologised.

Tommy was about to respond but stopped. He was once again shocked. He heard the sincerity in Ghost Drè's voice. Ghost Drè was actually sorry about the way Tommy felt. Ghost Drè stood up again making everyone look at him. "Well, thanks to Tommy and a very reminiscent moment, I remember almost everything," Ghost Drè told them as he made his way out of the living room.

The four others that where still in the living room looked at each other before standing up and following the ghost.

The ghost exited the house into the snowy tundra. "What are you doing Dream?" Techno asked slightly ahead of everyone else. "I remember how to revive myself," Ghost Drè told Techno. Techno's steps faulted for a second. 'Dream?' He thought. He'd get his green tele-tubby back. The others behind them who heard where also shocked. They where all happy apart from...Tommy.

Ghost Drè stood still, turning round to look at the others. "Stand back please," he told them nicely. They did as they where told. Tommy huffed rolling his eyes. He didn't want to listen to Ghost Drè. He also didn't want Dream to be revived.

Ghost Drè sighed rolling his shoulders. He knew that it would take a lot out of him to bring himself back. It doesn't take a lot to bring someone else back. The only reason he passed out when reviving Wilbur was because he was wounded.

Ghost Drè started his chant. It was different from the one Techno and Phil heard he do when reviving Wilbur. "mi faccio rivivere. Dalle profondità dell'inferno alla terra dei vivi. Da fantasma a umano. Dalla morte alla vita. Riempi i miei polmoni con l'aria fresca del mondo. Il mio cuore, pompando ancora una volta il sangue in tutto il mio corpo" Ghost Drè began to glow. "Per vivere di nuovo!" He shouted before being consumed by the glowing light.

( For anyone who wants the translation of it.
I revive myself. From the depths of hell to the land of the living. From Ghost to human. From death to life. Fill my lungs with the fresh air of the world. My heart, pumping the blood throughout my body once again.
To live again!)

Once the light cleared. Dream stood there. He stood tall. Ignoring the exhaustion that threatened to take over and make him collapse. Dream turned round to face the other. Outstretching his hands before saying "miss me?"

"No, no I didn't. I don't think anyone missed you" Tommy said crossing his arms. "Dream?" Techno asked taking a step forward. "Hey, Techno. How've you been?" Dream asked looking at Techno who began taking long strides over. "You nerd, don't do that ever again," Techno said now standing in front of Dream. Dream sighed. "You know I can't promise that," Dream said a sad smile behind his smiley mask. "Yeah, I know," Techno said. "But hey I'm back for now" Dream said sounding happy. "I guess" Techno sighed.

Dream looked behind Techno. "Hey Phil, Wilbur and Tommy" Dream waved to them. Phil smiled "it's good to see you Dream," Phil told Dream. "It's good to see you too" Dream replied. "Wellcome back my saviour" Wilbur said happily. Techno growled quietly at that. "It's good to be back" Dream replied. "Well I for one wished you didn't come back," Tommy said glaring at Dream.

Dream ignore him and turned to Techno once again. "You avoid my question. How've you been?" Dream repeated. "Fine" Techno replied looking slightly away from Dream. Dream sighed. "Don't lie to me Techno" Dream scolded. "I'm not" Techno tried to get out of it. "Techno" Dream warned. "Fine, I didn't sleep much much" Techno mumbled quietly knowing Dream would still hear it anyway. Dream sighed again. "You needed to look after yourself. Forget about me I'll be fine on my own" Dream whispered quietly to Techno. Techno shook his head "no, someone needs to worry about you. Seems you don't worry about yourself" Techno said firmly but quietly. "I'll be fine Techno. Stop worrying" Dream replied looking back at the three who had no idea what they where talking about because they where so quiet.

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