Chapter 19

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The days after the party were horrible for Isabelle. When she got to her dorm Pansy was out, so she fell asleep crying. The next morning Draco asked how it went and she had no choice but to lie about how it ended.

She didn't want to see him, but she needed help with the project, so she had no choice. The problem was that she could not find him.

Hermione was sitting down on a bench, reading a book. Isabelle walked cautiously over to her. "Excuse me, Hermione. Have you seen Ronald? I can't find him."

Hermione looked up, giving her a grimace. "He is probably with Lavender, sucking each other's faces off."

Isabelle laughed at her comment. "You don't like her very much, do you?"

Hermione sighed. "You could say that." Her face dimmed. "You aren't fond of her either."

Isabelle shook her head. "Let's just say your party ended on a sour note." She started backing away. "Well, thank you for speaking to me. If you see Ron, please tell him to find me."

She left Hermione back to her book, still on the lookout for Ron. She needed to plan the next meeting for the project and since Christmas is coming up, they have to make progress.

She wandered around the school for a while until she was going to give up. Luckily, she saw Lavender smiling and leaning against a wall. Isabelle strutted towards her and put her hand on her hip.

"Where's Ron?" She asked plainly, no time for pleasantries. "I've been trying to reach him all day."

Lavender scowled. "What do you want with my Ronny?"

"We're doing a project together and I need to finish it. We have to be doing it together." Isabelle replied, slightly disgusted by the nickname.

"He shouldn't be talking to you. I'm the only one he needs." Her voice was so peppy that Isabelle was cringing. "But no matter, I will take you to him."

Lavender started walking towards the Gryffindor common room, speaking to the fat lady. The door opened and Isabelle followed her inside. Sitting on the sofa was Ron. He was staring at the fire with a mystical expression. He broke out of his trance when he saw Lavender.

"Hello, Lavender." He smiled at the girl, who giggled uncontrollably. He then noticed Isabelle standing behind her. "Oh, hey, Isabelle. What are you doing here?"

She lifted an eyebrow, attitude wanting to seep into her words. "I have been looking everywhere for you. We need to finish this project, Ron."

"Sorry about that. Lavender and I have been keeping to ourselves lately." He blushed while reaching for his girlfriend.

"What you mean is that you've been swapping spit with her." Isabelle hissed, a little annoyed at the cuddly couple.

This comment perked Lavender's attention. "Are you jealous he wasn't snogging you?"

Isabelle rolled her eyes in response. "I wouldn't kiss Weasley if my life depended on it. Fenrir Greyback could be here threatening me and I would still not kiss him."

"Well I think he's a great kisser." Lavender replied and turned her head towards Ron. She kissed him, and it still made Isabelle queasy.

Belly cleared her throat, reminding them that she was still here. "We need to meet up tomorrow because Christmas break is coming up and we should be done with it by then."

Ron pulled away from Lavender and nodded, but his girlfriend had other ideas. "I don't want Ron to be with another girl that isn't me. Especially since you like him."

Isabelle scoffed at the comment. "First of all I don't like Ronald. Secondly, we have to do a project which isn't going to finish itself." She couldn't believe the girl. "On second thought, I'll do it myself. If you want to do something then meet me at the library at 12."

She twisted around and went back through the door. Without having to look back, she knew they were back to kissing. The sound of it pounded through her ears. It was disgusting.

It was also ridiculous what Lavender was requesting: that she had a crush on Ron. It was outrageous, she could never. Her standards were higher than a blood traitor.

Was he attractive? Yes. Did she enjoy spending time with him? She didn't hate it. Is she liking their new bond? Also yes, but that means nothing. She's just glad she has a friend, right?

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