Chapter 18

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Isabelle stared at her closet, trying to find something to wear. She thought about putting a purple skirt with a black top, but this wasn't Gryffindor attire. She only had one piece of red clothing and it was a dress she has never worn. She wanted to fit in, so she threw on the red dress, put on some yellow eyeshadow and laced up her boots. She grabbed the bracelet she made Ron and left the dorm.

She wanted to leave without meeting anyone, since she didn't want people to ask her where she was going. She was about to leave the common room when Draco spoke from the couch. He was fairly hidden, so Isabelle almost jumped out of her skin when she heard him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, looking her up and down. "Are those Gryffindor colors? Are you going to the Gryffindor party after they beat us at this rematch?"

"No, I'm not, Draco. I am just going to the library to read some stuff I need for my project." She lied, trying to be convincing. "By the way, have you been working on your project with Hermione?"

He scoffed. "Oh please, she can do it alone." He turned to look back at her. "You are going to the Gryffindor party with Weasley; I know it. It's embarrassing to even think about. Do you think those mudbloods will accept you as their friend? They won't and you will be sad and come crying to Blaise and Pansy like you always do."

"You just had to ruin my night, didn't you, Draco?" Frustration laid thick in her voice. "At this point I don't care if you know where I'm going. Ron Weasley invited me to the Gryffindor party and I'm going because I'm tired of only having Slytherin friends." She twisted her head to not look at his mad expression. "I'm leaving now."

She almost ran to the door of her house's common room, closing it behind her. Music was heard faintly through the corridors, making her anxious to see all the Gryffindors. Isabelle hadn't really thought of what she would do when she got there. She could only hope that Luna Lovegood was there and was willing to talk to her.

There were 2 students standing in front of the fat lady portrait, talking to her in hopes she would let them in. All she did was shake her head and they both knew that meant now. Isabelle approached the door and smiled at the lady.

"Isabelle Lestrange. Weasley said he would inform someone I was invited." She said with a smile, studying the portrait's face to see if she was actually on the list.

The woman grimaced at her, but swung open nonetheless. "Weird company for a Gryffindor party."

Isabelle thanked her and stepped through. The music was blasting on some weird looking boxes in the corner of the room. Red lights set the mood throughout the whole common room. People from other houses were here too. She recognized Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw who she had seen talking to Harry. Apart from that, she didn't recognize anyone.

Maybe this was the perfect time to make friends, seeing as she was the only Slytherin there. She approached a girl, she assumed a Hufflepuff, and waved.

"Hi, I'm Isabelle." She greeted with a smile. "What's your name?"

The girl looked her up and down, one eyebrow raised. "I know who you are." She hissed. "What are you doing here? Spying on us for your mummy?"

Isabelle was taken aback by the harsh words. She had been nothing but nice. "I just want to make friends." She cleared it up, in case it was unclear.

"Then go make friends somewhere else." The girl waved her hand like you would do to a dog. Someone behind Isabelle caught her attention. "Ron, you have a Slytherin here. I don't even know how she got in."

Isabelle didn't dare turn, not wanting to see Ron's reaction. "Actually, Cindy, I invited her." He shot back. Isabelle twisted to look at him now. "How are you, Belly?"

The girl stared with an open mouth. "I'm doing good, Ron. Oh, darling, close your mouth. You don't want bugs flying in there." Isabelle said to the Hufflepuff who walked away after that. "When did you start calling me Belly?"

Ron blushed, shrugging at the question. "I don't know. Do you not like it?"

She nodded quickly. "I like it, it just caught me by surprise." She smiled at the redhead in front of her. "So, you guys won this game and I heard that you were amazing."

He smiled shyly. "Where did you hear that?"

"Oh come on, you can gloat a little." She nudged him with her elbow, making his smile even bigger.

"Okay. I was so good. The team won because of me and I know everyone is proud of me." Ron's eyes lit up when talking about this. He was so giddy because of this game that Isabelle wanted to hug him like a puppy.

"I might have to go to your next game if you're that good." Isabelle joked, but she really did want to go. "This is a great party that you guys threw." She motioned to the space around them.

He smirked with pride. "Yeah, Gryffindors can throw a bloody good party, you just have to be cool enough to be invited."

"I guess I'm cool enough then?" She gave him a downward smile.

"I guess so." Ron answered bashfully. Isabelle thought he looked pretty adorable here. Although, he was sweaty and probably a little tipsy.

The bracelet she made him was in her pocket, and it was the perfect time to give it to him. Just as she was about to pull it out, the Gryffindors started chanting Ron's name. He was basking in the glory with a proud expression on his face. He turned around and stood up on a table.

His name was made to be chanted, to be glorified; Isabelle knew that now. He was made to be adored. He lifted his arm up in celebration and a blonde girl stood forward. Isabelle thought she was going to hug him, but she kissed him. Ron kissed back, not stopping for a while.

A pinch of something unrecognizable hit Isabelle right in the chest. She became nauseous. Suddenly, the room became unbearable to be in. She basically ran out of there, stopping at a staircase and sitting down. She didn't know why she was feeling so horrible, if she didn't like Ron. He was an acquaintance, nothing more.

Still, she felt like throwing up. She tried to breathe through her nose and out her mouth, but it didn't do anything. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to feel better. Two voices made her become alert. It was Harry and a crying Hermione, looking for a place to sit down. Isabelle and Hermione made eye contact, seemingly crying about the same thing. A mutual understanding flowed through both of them and they looked away.

Isabelle closed her eyes again, deciding to wait to go to her dorm. She dozed off, until she was awakened by Harry.

"You fell asleep, you should go to your dorm before Snape sees you." He spoke a bit nicer than the last time they talked.

Isabelle looked at where she was and why she was here. "Thank you, Harry." She smiled at him. "Good night." She said while going to sleep in her own warm bed.

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