Chapter 3

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Isabelle and Pansy sat in the library reading some fantasy books that a fellow slytherin recommended. Well, not really reading, just giggling whenever something exciting happened. They had been shushed by Pince whenever they laughed and got a bit out of hand.

Hermione Granger sat in a corner reading about 5 books at a time. She kept throwing mean stares at the two girls that were just having fun. "Confundus." Isabelle muttered under her breath so that Hermione couldn't concentrate on reading and leave.

They could see Hermione rereading the same page, she couldn't concentrate. Finally, she left the library frustrated with a stern look on her face. The girls laughed so hard that the librarian came and kicked them out.

"This is a library." The librarian lectured them. "If you want to cause that much of a ruckus you can leave." She took away the books from the table and motioned them to go.

Pansy and Isabelle ran out of the library. "Nice move." Pansy complemented. "Using the confundus charm to make Granger leave." Pansy was never really good with making quick decisions. She admired Isabelle for being so quick with everything.

"Her stare was so annoying." Isabelle complained as they walked into their room to grab their books. "I just had to do something and I think that making her leave was a nice idea."

Today they had transfiguration with Mcgonagall, which Pansy wasn't excited for. Isabelle on the other hand really liked transfiguration. At the manor she would transfigure inanimate objects into animals so that she could play with someone.

She was a really lonely child. Draco would tell her all the stories about the teachers and the activities so that she could live vicariously through him.

On top of Isabelle's bed was a letter addressed to her. She picked it up to open it, but she saw it was from Narcissa. This made her scared and nervous, whenever her aunt sent her something it wasn't good. She opened the envelope with terror. She read the letter quickly.

Dear Isabelle,

Please mind Draco, you know what he has to do. Your mother and I have taken care of this incase he doesn't pull through with it. We have also learned that you are a slytherin, me and your mother are proud of you for carrying the family name. We have been trying to free Lucius from prison but it is becoming rather difficult. Remember to make friends with the purebloods, hopefully slytherins. Try to find an eligible bachelor, pureblood. No mudbloods are allowed to spend time at the Manor.

Nice day, Narcissa Malfoy

Isabelle took the letter and stuffed it into a purse that she always brought with her. She had no intention of showing anyone the letter, especially Draco. At Least this one wasn't bad like all of the other letters she got when she stayed with her aunt and uncle when her mum was at azkaban. She knew that her mom was a fugitive but she wasn't going to turn her mother in. She wasn't the secret keeper so even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

"Everything okay?" Pansy questioned. Isablle nodded. Pansy saw her getting nervous when she saw the letter but now she was more relaxed. Her shoulders un-stiffened and she looked more loose. "Come on, let's go to transfiguration."

They were the first ones there. "Hello, professor." Isabell greeted and Mcgonagall gave her a nod. They sat down in the front of the classroom since Isabelle loved this topic.

One by one the students started to get there. The familiar trio entered and sat down together. The boy-who-lived kept talking about something that made them look over at the pair that was sitting, they were sitting around the middle of the room.

"Mr. Potter." The professor said while giving him a menacing look. Immediately he shut up and took out his parchment. "Today we are going to be transfiguring inanimate objects into food. This is very difficult... why?"

Isabelle's had shot up quicker than Hermione's. "Because if it isn't well transfigured you can get poisoned." She knew this from experience. She had tried to transform a book into a cake and she ended up in St. Mungos for a week.

"Very well." Mcgonagall looked at her with what seemed like compassion. If there was something Isablle hated was when people gave her compassion because of her childhood.

"Do you get any of this?" Pansy leaned and whispered in Isabelle's ear. How could she not get this? This was incredibly easy for Isabelle.

"Mhm." Isabelle pulled out her wand to practice what the professor was explaining. In one try she had already mastered it. Hermione looked at them from where she was seated.

"Very good, miss Lestrange." Mcgonagall congratulated. "5 points for Slytherin." She never really gave out points so this was a bit surprising.

Pansy gave Isabelle a smile with a glisten in her eyes. Slytherin needed the points because they were trying to beat Gryffindor, who won for the last five years. All of them knew that this was because Harry Potter got points for literally breathing. This has upset all of the other houses, even if they don't say anything. If the teachers gave points for answering questions Hermione always won them, but now they have Isabelle which seemed to be exceptionally smart.

"Okay, class." Mcgonagall announced. "You are dismissed." Everybody picked up their books and started walking out.

As they were walking out Luna Lovegood stopped Isabelle in the middle of the hall. "Hello. Professor Slughorn told me to give you this." She handed her an envelope. Pansy got red as soon as she saw Luna.

"Oh- thank you, Luna." Isabelle opened it up with Pansy. It was an invitation for dinner tonight. "Cool." She closed it up and started walking to her room.

"Are you going?" Pansy questioned. She had heard about the Slugclub because Blaise was invited on the train. She didn't know why Isabelle was now being invited.

"Yeah." She threw her books on the bed and sat down. "I need to know what he wants with me." She didn't know why she was being invited but oh well.

She got ready and by getting ready she just meant to put a bobby pin in her hair so that it would be out of her face. Pansy just started doing Mcgonagall's homework on her bed to get it out of the way.

"I'm leaving." Isabelle waved at Pansy and left for Slughorn's office.

She knocked the door only for it to be opened by Blaise Zabini. "Ah, M'dear." Slughorn announced as he saw Isabelle. "Please sit down. You can sit next to Mr.Zabini and Ms.Granger."

Hermione rolled her eyes and scooted closer to Ginny. Isabelle sat down and gave a smile at Blaise who was now also sitting down. "Well, Isabelle, how is your mother?"

"Hopefully dead." Ginny muttered but Isabelle heard her.

"She's good." She replied as the professor did a spell and food appeared in front of them. "Why did you invite me here?"

"Oh, this is for the best students." He chuckled. She just looked at him weirdly.

This dinner party was extremely boring, it was just Slughorn trying to make connections with family members but that still didn't answer why Isabelle is here. Why would someone want to have connections with Bellatrix Lestrange? Yeah, she was rich and her family had a lot of power but why would Horace want that?

Finally it was time to go back to their dorms. "Hey! Wait up, Isabelle." Blaise ran after her."I'll walk with you to the common room."

Isabelle hummed in agreement. Blaise had dark skin that the moonlight reflected on. His eyes were brown and sparkly, his lips were a dark pinkish color. He was quite attractive.

"How has your first week been treating you?" He asked, smiling.

"Pretty good." Isabelle answered. "I didn't see you on the train. We could have used company."

"I was with Slughorn, actually." He said. They were now approaching the slytherin dorms. "He was just trying to make friends with me because of my family that he pegged as rich."

"Tell me about it." Isabelle utteres as Blaise laughed. "Oh- We are here. I will see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night."

Isabelle walked to her dorm and changed into her pajamas and went straight to sleep.

"Sweet dreams." Pansy said and rolled over.

"Good night, Pansy."

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