Chapter 8

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The next morning Isabelle woke up in an empty dorm room. Pansy's bed was left exactly as it was before they drank firewhiskey, so Isabelle assumed she never went to sleep, or if she did it wasn't in this room. Today they had Slughorn's class, which is fairly easy for Isabelle so she decided to have a good start to her morning.

She walked towards the great hall for a quick breakfast. Pansy and Blaise weren't in the great hall either. Isabelle saw Draco sitting alone, a smile spread over her face. She hadn't seen him in a week so she was overjoyed.

"Draco!" Isabelle exclaimed. His head shot up, he looked horrible. His hair was oily, his face looked like leather, his eyes didn't have that blueish tint they sometimes had, his eyebags looked as dark as Isabelle's hair, and his lips were extremely dry.

"Good morning." Draco muttered in return.He was eating some eggs.

A worried expression covered Isabelle's face. "Are you okay, Draco? You look tired."

"I'm fine." He replied and went back to eating and looking at the floor.

"Why don't we take the day off today? We can go to the lake and just relax." Isabelle suggested. Draco looked like he needed a break.

"Isabelle, no." Draco looked at her meanly. "You should be going to class, not going all about with Pansy and Blaise. Just- just leave me alone."

"Yeah, well maybe I'm hanging out with Pansy and Blaise because you don't even talk to me anymore. Hell, I don't even see you." Isabelle said back, trying to keep her calm. "There goes my good morning." She whispered that last part.

Isabelle stood up and walked away. She couldn't believe Draco, she was just trying to be a good cousin. She went to the slytherin dorms and knocked Blaise's door.

Pansy opened the door wearing a robe that was seemingly not hers. "Oh, hey Isabelle. How's it going?"

"Erm- I'm good." Isabelle blinked, trying to process what she was seeing. "I was just going to ask Blaise where you were, but I see you are alright."

"After we drank so much firewhiskey I was really tired and didn't want to wake you, so Blaise let me sleep with him." Pansy smiled at Isabelle.

"Okay. See you in Slughorn's class."

As Isabelle was continuing on, she heard giggles inside the dorm. Her suspicions were correct. Pansy knew she liked Blaise.

Isabelle stormed through the halls of the school, she still had an hour until Slughorn's class. A painting of a fat lady stood at the top of a staircase. She was feeling daring so she decided to walk up to it.

"Password." The lady stated and started singing. "I need you to hurry, I have to keep singing."

Isabelle had no idea what the password could be, so she decided to be funny and tell the fat lady something Draco had told her in his first year about the fat lady. "Caput Draconis."

The fat lady's portrait moved to the side and let Isabelle pass. "You are not even a Gryffindor."

Inside was what Isabelle knew to be the gryffindor common room. Ron Weasley sat in the middle of the common room, he looked to be crying. "Are you okay?" Isabelle asked.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here, Lestrange?" Ron spat. "And I am perfectly fine."

"I was feeling sad so I decided to explore." Isabelle shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, go explore somewhere else."

Isabelle looked at him in disbelief. The gryffindor common room was for the students so she didn't know why Ron was so mad. It's not like she was bothering him.

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