Chapter 6

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Isabelle put on her jeans and a hoodie that she had stolen from her cousin to go to Hogsmead. She had never been to Hogsmead but since Pansy was so excited she was too. "Can you hurry up?" Pansy asked.

"Don't rush me." Isabelle said but hurried up a bit anyway. "I can't go any quicker."

Pansy sat on the bed impatiently, staring at Isabelle. Pansy loved Hogsmead because she could buy candy and drink butterbeer. Ever since third year she has been going with Draco but they don't know if he's going today.

"Have you seen Draco?" Pansy stood up and walked to the door as soon as she saw that Isabelle was done.

"I haven't." She picked up some galleons and knuts to buy something at Hogsmeade. "He has a lot on his plate so we shouldn't bother him."

Pansy muttered something and threw herself back on the bed. She stared at the ceiling with curiosity. "What do you think about Weasley?"

Isabelle turned her head to stare at her. "What?" She said distressed. "He's horrid."

"Yeah, well, I mean." Pansy tried to compose the words. "He is, but- Forget it. I don't know what I was going to say."

"You're crazy." Isabelle pulled her up. "Let's go."

The girls linked arms and started walking toward Hogsmead. Pansy pointed at different places to explain the story behind it. The shrieking shack was supposedly haunted but Isabelle had a hard time believing that. Next was the bridge that directed you to Hogsmead, where Pansy had her first kiss in her 4th year with a girl named Margot Buckingham. She said that it wasn't that good but it opened her eyes to a whole world of possibilities. Margot disappeared last year in the summer, Pansy suspects Voldemort had something to do with it.

When they finally entered Hogsmeade, students were all around them, shopping, eating and some were kissing in the little alleys that were all around the village. Pansy grinned at Isabelle's reaction to the town. She could see that she was excited by the ways her eyes lit up.

"First things first, Madam Rosmerta's butterbeer." Pansy yanked her towards the three broomsticks. "Her butterbeer is the only thing that gets me through the year."

"My aunt has tried to make butterbeer but it always tastes like ass." Isabelle chuckled at the memory of Narcissa trying her own butterbeer and almost throwing up. "She's a good cook just not at making butterbeer."

"Mrs. Malfoy sounds cool." Pansy said.

"She is." Isabelle smiled. "At least she cares for me. When it benefits her." She said that last part really low so Pansy couldn't hear her.

The three broomsticks was packed with Hogwarts students, ranging ages. From 13 to 18, but everyone was smiling and having fun. Everyone was forgetting all the homework and troubles, instead they were just laughing and bonding together. In one corner was Ginny Weasley and Dean Thomas snogging, in a table close to them was Ron, Harry, and Hermione talking about something while drinking butterbeer.

Pansy and Isabelle sat down at the first table they could find, which happened to be close to the other three. "I'm going to order the butterbeers. Be right back." Pansy stood up and walked to the bar area.

Isabelle played with a napkin that was in front of her. She made a little swan out of the paper and set it in the middle of the table. She admired the swan and how it seemed to move on its own. It looked so peaceful, like in its own little world. She sighed, knowing that peace was something that was unreachable, especially at this time in the wizarding world.

Pansy returned with two butterbeers in her hand. "Hey, you okay?" She asked and Isabelle nodded.

Suddenly a girl came suspiciously out of the restroom holding a present in her hand and she sat down next to another girl. She kept staring over at Madame Rosmerta.

Isabelle took notice and chugged her butterbeer as quickly as possible. "Come on." She said to Pansy and stood up to follow the girl. At the same time Ron, Harry and Hermione stood up too.

Pansy was iffy as to why Isabelle was following the girl but went with her anyway. As soon as the girl picked up a necklace that was inside the paper she shot up into the air and let out a bone-chilling scream.

Isabelle looked at Pansy. "Katie!" Harry said and ran towards the girl. "Don't touch the necklace. It's cursed."

Isabelle grabbed Pansy's hand and pulled her towards the castle. "Knowing them, they will blame us for that."

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