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Kenny sits at the steps of the barn, back leaning against a post, one leg dangling over the edge the other bent as she leans her elbows on it. She watches Cara teaching people to fight, repeating order after order, they've started to get it, finally. It's only taken them... she glances upwards at the sun, registering its point in the sky... eight hours.

It's then she realises she's been sat here, in the same spot for all that time.

She drops her leg, stretching her arms above her head letting her bones crack as she lets out a quiet groan. A pair of boots thud on the steps beside her, she ignores them, even when they suddenly stand in her way for a brief few seconds before passing to stand beside her.

The Mandalorian looks down at her as he leans against the hut, watching her carefully.

She shifts, wiggling her hips as she swallows and tilts her head up even further, her hair falls back over her shoulder revealing something silver poking out of her shirt.

The burning gaze she feels on her skin makes her lift the collar of the shirt, covering the mysterious colour.

'We could do with your help.'

He moves forward, lowering himself to sit beside her slowly, 'Aren't you afraid I'll turn them all into evil super assassins?'



'Because you're not an evil super assassin.'

She scoffs and shakes her head, 'I don't understand you, Mandalorian, you compliment me, you're nice to me, you talk to me- which I've noticed you don't with other people- Then you ignore me, make me feel little, remind of things I had no control of.'

'I've never had another person around before-'

'That's no excuse.'

'I know.'

There's a silence that passes over them, the soft snores of the Child from inside the hut is the only thing that can be heard, it's broken by a shout of frustration from Cara in the distance.

'I don't think you're evil.' He tells her to break it, 'Or bad.'

She doesn't say anything in reply, doesn't even acknowledge he has said anything. He remains where he is, towering over her and casting a shadow over her figure. Protection from the sun or a way to remind her who's in control? She's not so sure.

He doesn't want it to keep being tense like this. Especially if they're going to travel together for the time being. He stays still, fighting against the urge to shift closer to her.

His head hurts from how much he's been thinking, he's sure she can hear the thoughts bouncing around inside his beskar head.


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