Part 3

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A faint sound of crying stirred Lindsey from his sleep. His eyes snapped open and he sat up straight, he looked around for a minute, trying to understand where he was. He only just sat down, he didn't even realize he had drifted off. 

Running a hair through the mess which was his curls, Lindsey dragged his feet up the stairs and took a turn towards the nursery. He checked his watch, wondering if he'd slept through a feeding or was it something else that had brought his son to tears.

"Hey there, buddy." Lindsey spoke to Will, a tired smile on his face. The boy quietened down at the sight of his father. "Oh, so you just wanted attention, huh?"

Lindsey bent over the crib and scooped his boy up into his arms. Will, now calm and content, stared up at his father's exhausted face and offered an expression, resembling a smile, when Lindsey pressed a kiss to his forehead. 

Lindsey returned to the living room and sat down on the couch, laying Will on his chest. The rare moment of complete silence made Lindsey's eyes grow heavy again and he would have easily fallen asleep if not for the phone. He rushed to answer it, not wanting the irritating sound to bring Will to tears again.

"'Hello?" Lindsey spoke up. "Hi?" He repeated, when there was no answer.

"Hey. It-it's me."

"Stevie?" He asked, sounding unsure.

"Yeah." She nodded to herself. "I, uh... is this a bad time? I could call you lat-"

"No, no. No, it's not a bad time." Lindsey rushed to say in case she was thinking of hanging up. "I'm surprised to hear your voice, that's all."

"I know, I'm sorry." Stevie apologized, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty for not deciding too call sooner. "Are you sure, you can talk? It sounds like I've woken you up."

"You kind of did, but it's actually a good thing. I have to be alert with a baby around." Lindsey laughed lightly. "How are you doing? How's... how's the wedding planning going?" He wondered if she could sense the smile fading from his face.

"It's going." Stevie didn't really want to discuss that. "I'm alright. How are you, Lindsey? You sound exhausted."

"Oh, trust me, I am." Lindsey didn't see a point in pretending that he was fine. "Turns out that newborns are a lot of work."

"I'm sure the two of you are doing a wonderful job." Stevie said even if it pained her to do so.

Lindsey gulped then took a deep breath. "Uh, yeah. The two of us." He looked at Will and kissed the top of his soft baby hair. "We're doing okay." 

"Good, I'm glad."  As happy as Stevie was for Lindsey, she really didn't want to have to listen about his family life, so before he went on about it, she made sure that he couldn't. "Well, that's really all I wanted to say. Just checking in, so..."

"I'm happy you called, but it'd be nice to see you, too." Lindsey understood why Stevie wanted to stay away, but she didn't have to. He wanted to tell her that, but maybe it was a face-to-face kind of conversation. "If you're not too busy, you could come over? I'm always home these days."

"I'll try to." Stevie couldn't make any promises. 

"I hope you do." Lindsey replied, unsure of how seriously she meant that.

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