The new kid (Ranboo-centric)

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This story is based of: I was here
By: _HufflepuffGal_

The original story was discontinued, but since I liked it, I am writing a similar story. This will be different than the original story in many ways, but if you like this, or you don't, definitely check out the original one as it probably much better than mine.

Also, I may turn this into an actual book if I want to, I won't delete the chapters in the oneshot book if I do, but if I have enough ideas it will become a lone book.

Anyway on with the story.

"Watch where your going kid" a gruff voice of a man said that Ranboo had bumped into. He didn't want to bump into him, and he probably would have stopped to apologise, if a voice didn't call out
"There you are, come here you" the man seemed confused, but when looking at who the lady was running after he dropped his things and tried to grab Ranboo, but by then he had started running again. The woman started chasing after him again, but considering his small size, he managed to loose her in the crowd.

Now, you may be wondering, why was he running away from her? Well it's simple really. He was a foster kid and she was his care taker. To clear things up, after being in multiple homes, he decided that he had enough of the foster system, so he decided to run away. And if your wondering, no, this wasn't his first attempt. Ranboo has had many attempts, many unsuccessful. This was probably around his 8th or 9th attempt, and it looked like it was finally going to work.

He didn't stop running until he reached an alley. It wasn't special, a simple alley, with some bins, and cardboard as a 'mattress'. The reason why Ranboo was going there, was because it was a safe point to every foster kid running away in this city. He had only reached it once, but it was the best week of his life, before he was found and taken back. If Ranboo remembered correctly there were about 10 kids there last time. He didn't remember all of them as there were only 3 of them that he properly met. And there was only one rule, DONT tell anyone where they were hiding!

Deciding he didn't want to get killed by their leaders Nadia and Wolfy he didn't tell anyone. The two were only 4 years older than him, but they knew so much more than him. As far as he could tell they were best friends and had known each other a long time. One thing he learnt was that they were different than other kids. For some reason, no one who walked past their alley noticed them and they always had enough food. But whenever he asked the two about it they got nervous and brushed it off saying that grown ups just didn't care about them, which was true.

The most important thing he learnt there though, was don't trust anyone. So he didn't. But sadly after a week he was caught walking around coutside and brought back to hell, as he called it.

And that's where he stood, in front of the alley, it always looked empty from the outside, but once he walked in, Ranboo saw Nadia sitting on the side, someone's head in her lap, singing softly. Opposite from her were two kids that he didn't recognise, it looked like they were play fighting, but he wasn't quite sure. He looked around to see if anything had changed from the last time he had been here 3 months ago. And nothing had, which brought a smile to his face.

He slowly walked towards Nadia to tell her he was back, but he tripped about 5 metres in front of her, which made her head snap towards him, but when she saw him, her look softens. "Hey Ranboo, glad you could make it back. Did anyone follow you?" She asked, her smile faiding at the end
"Well when I ran a care taker was chasing me but I lost her in the crowd" he gestured to the people walking outside "and otherwise no one payed attention to me, except a man, but he didn't even bother chasing after me"
"That's good, we'll you know how things go here, did you have breakfast?" Nadia asked, she always made sure everyone else was okay before worrying about herself
"Yea, I've been eating more these past weeks, so they wouldn't realise I was going today" that's another thing he learnt from his many attempts, eat a lot before you leave, because you never knew when your next meal was going to be on the streets, and make sure to start eating more awhile before you leave, so it isn't suspicious if you suddenly eat more one day.

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