Chapter 13

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Neither of them knew how long Rachael stayed but soon enough, she became the hook and worm to capture victims. Porter and Rachael had a deal: Rachael baits them and keeps their valuables or money while Porter kills and keeps Rachael.

    She was also given a guest room in the upstairs part of the house so she wasn't downstairs with the victims anymore. She was part of his part-time gig and she seemed to falsely love it just as much as Mr. Porter did.

    He still had his job at the office that he did at home. If anyone asked why there was a girl in his house, he would say Rachael was his best friend of three years staying at his house for a while. Three years sounded too long but yet so fitting. It couldn't have been three years already... right?

    "Victim number 11 is secured in shackles. They didn't have much on them but they did confess to be extremely wealthy." Rachael reported to Mr. Porter as he worked at the dinner table.

    Rachael was allowed to shop by herself as long as she leaves all of her valuable belongings at home. He didn't want her saying she was going to the store and then run off with her money. She was not planning on leaving anytime soon though.

    She stood in a baggy t-shirt and ripped jeans. She was given a gas mask to shield her identity to the victims. She usually captured victims during the night so they couldn't see her face and would put the mask on as soon as there was a chance they would see what she looked like. Her strategy has worked immensely and has been proven to be 97% effective.

    "And where is said wealth?" Porter questioned, turning away from his computer to see her expression become clouded in nervous fear. She didn't know the answer. He could tell from her how she stood.

    He sighed and got up. She put her head down, keeping her eyes on his shoes to avoid eye contact. He spoke in a low tone, making her bite her tongue in fear of being hit for not knowing the answer.

    "If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself." He huffed.

    He past her, slamming his shoulder into hers. She stumbled to the side as he walked down the stairs to meet the new victim. She held her shoulder, silently crying out.

The new victim was a burly young man. He couldn't have been any older than 20 but had the muscles of a body builder. The chains were seeming to start to give way. Porter only smiled and left the room without a single word.

Mr. Porter grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the wine cellar shelf inside the living room in the basement. He then grabbed cups and offered the glasses to Rachael.

"Care for a drink with him?" He hinted. She took the bottle and the cups before nodding.

"Blue or medium?" She smiled.

He smiled maniacally. "Well done."

She nodded and made her way into the victim's room. She had her mask on as she closed the door behind me.

An hour past before Rachael finally left the victim's room. She threw her mask at Porter and spoke quiet as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Need to shower."

He noticed she had stains on her shirt. He picked up the mask and washed it in the sink. A paper slipped out of the mask as he cleaned it. It was an image. He quickly pulled it out of the sink and put it to the side to dry and be able to see what it was. He finished cleaning her mask and dried it.

Looking at the damp picture, he could make out Rachael's body in the picture with a little boy at her heel. There was writing on the back.

It read 'Gavyn, my baby brother from a mother who did not love -2011'. He admired the picture for a moment longer before putting her mask on the dinner table. Next to it, he put the picture. Porter knew not to meddle with Rachael's life but he's always learning new things about her each time he gets the chance.

He went downstairs to see how Rachael did with the victim. The man laid in the bed provided, his lips tinged blue with alcohol poisoning. Porter smiled as the life of the man in front of him was slowly drained out. He, of course, had gotten sick on the floor of the room. Rachael had mentioned that she couldn't handle others getting sick in any way. That must've been why she went to shower so quickly.

After cleaning up the mess and Rachael finished scrubbing herself head to toe multiple times over, they disposed of the body before leaving the house together for fast food dinner.

"You're lucky I asked where his money was before he started drinking because once he got that first taste, he never gave the bottle back." She sneered quietly as they entered the building.

As they ordered their food at the cash registers, a group of cops were seated near them. The cops' eyes never left them.

Porter noticed and played the couple game. He put his hand on the her lower back to tell her to play along as a couple. She smiled at him and ordered while he plastered a goofy smile on his face. She then played it off by going on her tippy toes and placing her lips to his. He froze for a moment before moving his face away. They both smiled at each other before Porter was told the amount he had to pay. He nodded, searching for his card in his wallet.

They were used to faking a kiss on his command but the genuine feeling he got from that kiss shocked him into silence. He held her side, paying for the meal with his card.

Rachael held her breath when she saw the cops begin to pick up their stuff from their seats and table.

Mr. Porter mumbled under his breath as the cops stood. "Luck be in our favor."

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