Chapter 10

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Rachael was compliant to her torturous tasks. If she was told to stay quiet, she would try her best to follow his orders. If she was told to sit, she'd obey in an instant. He liked her silent obedience but liked it better when she struggled or flinched against his touch. If he tried to touch her wrists, she would pull her arms away. He liked how she yelped when he pulls the chains back to him. Other people's pain excited him and he never understood why.

"Ow that hurts" she cried as he tightened the chains around her wrists.

"Good" he muttered, "now be quiet."

She tried staying quiet the rest of the time he was working but he yanked her up to her feet and she screamed in pain. He quickly covered her mouth with his palm. His other hand kept her wrists above her head. His mahogany eyes stared deep into her soul, warning her to keep quiet. Rachael's head fell in obedience. He yanked again but she bit her lip and pushed through the pain.

He let go of her wrists once the shackles were tight enough for his liking. She winced at the sudden jolt of her limbs.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked out of curiosity.

He glared at her and her eyes avoided his. He grabbed her face to force eye contact since she showed signs of being uncomfortable with it. He smiled maniacally.

"Doing what, my dear?" He laughed.

She looked uncomfortable in every sort of way. Her body moved away from his when he sat near her. Her face scrunched when his fingers traced her jaw.

"Why-" she was cut off by the ring of the doorbell. He froze before smiling at her.

Getting up, he taped her mouth closed and whispered in her ear.

"Hush now, Rachael. We don't want anyone to know you're here, do we? I'll answer your question soon enough."

His footsteps echoed as he left her helpless in the basement guest room. When he went to the front door and opened it, Savanah stood awkwardly at the front door of his house. He froze where he stood. Her smile made his blood boil.

"Hello, Mr. Porter.." she said. "Might I come in?"

"No... no unfortunately, you can't. It's a bit of a mess." He somewhat lied but she smiled and nodded, understanding that he was still upset at her.

"That's alright. You don't have to let me in. I just wanted to apologize again for..." She trailed off as her eyes met the floor.

She seemed to be struggling to find the word on the tip of her tongue. He happily filled in the sentence for her.

"Rejected me? When you tore my heart in two?" he mumbled.

Savanah stared at him. She had heard him and understood how sad he must've felt deep inside. He refused to keep eye contact with the girl he tried so hard to stay nice to. Now, he wanted her to leave yet he wanted to pull her inside so she would never leave. Her sympathetic soul would be useful to heal Rachael after what he was going to do to her but he didn't want her to see how much of a horrible person he was.

"No.... I'd like you to leave. Now." He demanded, gripping the doorknob. She could tell he wanted her to leave from his body language.

She nodded and said goodbye before walking back to her car. He slammed the front door and screamed out in repressed anger. He heard slight shifting of chains downstairs. Rachael knew what would happen now that he was upset and started to struggle in fear.

A smile creeped onto his face as he locked his front door. He pulled closed the curtains and turned off all of the upstairs lights besides his bedroom. He started his slow walk downstairs. He liked walking slowly to his victims but stepping loud enough for them to hear and know what's about to happen to them. He could hear her already beginning to cry. He couldn't help but laugh at her pathetic cries as he nears his new stress toy.

He entered the room she was in to see pathetic tears falling from her eyes. He went to her and tried wiping them away but she receded from his touch. He angrily ripped the duct tape from her mouth and she screamed out in pain.

"Shhhh.." he smiled. "Save your energy. I'm going to make you wish you were never born, sweet Rachael. And I want to hear you cry through the entire experience."

He slapped her hard across the face and she yelps. Her hair fell over her expression and he didn't like that. He gripped her chin and forced her to look him dead in the eyes. He wanted to see the fear he could distill in someone. He wanted to see her begging for him to just end her suffering before he had even started what he was planning on doing to her.

Mr. Porter got a burst of psychotic adrenaline when she began to cry out again. "What are you going to do to me?"

"We are going to have so much fun!" He cooed as he took out a pocket knife. "Do you enjoy carving Jack-O-lanterns?"

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