Chapter 9

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Her breath became shaky when he got up. His gaze looked lifeless and filled with pure rage. No matter how hard he tried to hide his anger, he was unable to ignore it. The ache in his chest made him tense beyond compare.

    "I'm leaving." He sighed, his tone stone cold.

    "I truly am sorry, Porter" she tried calming him by taking his hand but he pulled his hand away and raised it to hit her. He wasn't thinking straight and didn't realize what he was doing until she flinched. He saw what he was doing and quickly stopped. He put his hand down and began his walk home.

    If he hadn't had walked away, he would've hurt her.

I don't want to hurt anyone.

When he got home, he screamed in fury. He threw a chair and kicked another one down. He punched a wall and began to cry.

He leaned his forehead against the wall and screamed again. "I HATE EVERYTHING!"

Hot tears scorched lines down his face. He pulled at his hair, curling up into a ball in his house. He felt alone. Completely and utterly alone.

He's felt this before. When the first girl he ever loved didn't love him back. When she turned away from him and broke his heart deeper than he's ever felt before. He's felt this feeling once upon a time and he wanted to rip it up and blend it into shredded bits of nothing.

But he couldn't grasp it. Every time he tried to handle it like a normal person, it would slip through his fingers and torture his every move with its haunting feeling. He didn't want to be tortured by this one anymore than the last.

I will fix myself... He promised. Once I've fixed humanity.

There he was. Mr. Porter, the bakers murderer was back in his first mindset of kill and don't get caught. He ripped off his basic outfit and put on his oversized shirt and pants.

"It's hunting season.." he laughed in the mirror as his reflection became mortified of his own words yet amused by the thoughts in his head. He looked psychotic and it made it so much funnier.

He laughed for a while before wiping his tears away and leaving the house to collect his first target. The bar is always the best place to find someone to hook up with.. but he was looking for someone desperate and isolated to only a few friends. Like him.

A drunk girl walked right into his arms and looked up at him with the desperate look he was wanting. His psychotic face melter into a false sympathy look.

"Hello, miss. Would you like to crash at my house?" He said, stroking the side of her face.

She nodded and leaned into his touch. She intoxicatedly stumbled after him to his house. No one stopped to acknowledge them in the slightest. Perfect. If no one noticed who either of them were, this plan would work so much better than he anticipated.

Once she was inside his house, he led her downstairs to the guest bedroom he never used. She laid her head down and passed out immediately. He chained her down to the bed while she slept and ran his finger over her jaw.

"We're going to have so much fun, my little intoxicated toy." He cooed at her limp figure on the mattress.

Morning was hectic. Rattling woke him early in the morning and immediately put him in a bad mood. He came downstairs to a discombobulated, hungover female chained to the bed. She looked up at him and started to panic. The rattling got louder and he cringed at her cries.

"Help!" She sobbed. "Help me please!"

"I will help you. Your head hurts, doesn't it?"

She nodded, tears of fear forming in her eyes. That made him smile. He nodded after her before leaving the room to go get her water. She sat, trying to remember the night before.

"Who are you?" She asked him.

He helped her drink the water, not replying until she was finished drinking.

"I'm not someone you want to befriend." He told her. "I'm your doorway to death."

Her eyes widen. Her breathing started to get faster and she began to panic again. She began crying, exclaiming she didn't want to die yet. He rolled his eyes, becoming annoyed by her whines. He didn't care. No one cared about her. That's why she's the perfect target.

"Hush now! I won't kill you yet, of course. We must keep you-"

Her cries cut off his sentence and he huffed before speaking again.

"You must stay with me. I will keep you... out of sight.. and out of mind. Do you understand?"

She nodded.

"What's your name?" He said, tightening her chains.

"Rachael!" She groaned out.

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