Chapter 12

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Days grew slower as Rachael became weaker. Her body, now merely a cradle of flesh and bones after a week of not being able to leave the bedroom she was caged in, her limbs were numb from not moving in any way. She seemed delirious with hunger and began to laugh when he threatened her. He knew she needed a day out of the room. He grabbed snacks for her and put them at the bottom of the stairs. He grabbed a water bottle for her and extra clothes for her to change into. He also brought down a one-player game for her to have if she ever got bored.

    He would not play kind to her just yet. He didn't want his hard work on her to go to waste.

    "Wake up." He demanded.

    Her eyes fluttered awake and she turned her head to look over at him. He went to her and started taking the shackles off of her ankles. She watched him, thinking he was going to just retie her. She watched as her thought was proven false and he began to remove the chains from her wrists. Her arms fell limp over her head.

    "Get up." He thundered, "today is a cheat day."

    Weakly, she got up and regained her strength in her limbs that had been hanging in place for the entire week she was there. He grabbed her by her bruised wrist and pulled her out of the room and into a bathroom.

She had caught a glimpse of the basement as she was being walked over. The bedroom was behind the stairs leading up to the main floor, there was a living room-like area on the other side of the bathroom wall. She was pushed into the bathroom and he shut the door behind her.

"Please be quick.. yet take as much time as you need." He spoke with confidence, sounding like he knew she was aching all over yet wanted her to know he didn't care as much as he made it sound.

"Thank you." She smiled hesitantly at the door and started the shower in the bathroom.

She felt the steam fill the room, warming her numb body. Rachael took down her hair and undressed. She got into the water and let the water warm her all over before cleaning and getting out. She turned off the shower and dressed in the clothes he had placed on the toilet's closed seat. She brushed her hair with her fingers and he tossed in an unused toothbrush and deodorant into the bathroom. He said nothing else after closing the door again.

Using the few things she was given, she was able to freshen herself up and make herself seem not as horribly unfed as she was.

She knocked on the bathroom door. "I'm done in here... can I come out now?"

He said nothing and opened the door. He took her wrist again, making her wince in pain. She walked with him back to her room. When he opened the door for her, she saw the chains had been put away and the bed had been moved to the corner of the room. On the new carpet, there was a bundle of snacks and the game. She stared in awe before going to the snacks and starting to eat. She smiled, seeming to forget about how much of a horrible person he was.

"Thank you!" She said, crying as she looks around at the room he had made for her.

Maybe he wasn't so awful after all. He leaned against the door frame, watching her excitement over her newly rearranged room.

"Wipe your tears," he sighed. "Crying is not necessary for this type of event."

"What do you mean? My captor just gave me snacks, a game, and moved the bed I lie in to a secluded corner!" She looked at him.

He did not smile at her. He didn't want to show any vulnerability towards her in hopes she'll stay under his control whether he is kind to her or not. She understood why he didn't smile and slowly started to lose her smile as well.

"I... I'm sorry I got so emotional over this little change." She apologized.

"There's no need for apologies." He assured her as he closed the door behind him and walked over to her.

She continued to eat and he gently took it from her in order to slow her eating so she doesn't make herself sick. He sat near her, watching her tears dry from her face. He fed her a few chips at a time until she wasn't hungry anymore.

After opening the water bottle for her, she drank slow to savor and soak the water she needed. Once she finished the bottle, he finally smiled.

"If you ever need to use the restroom, call out for me and I'll let you out, ok?" He offered and she nodded.

"Yes please." She agreed.

He nodded and got up. He pat her on the head before brushing off his clothes and exiting the room. He locked the door so she had no way of getting up and leaving. The chains would've made it so that he could leave the door unlocked or even open but since he's letting her stay off of the chains, he needed to take extra precautions to keep her right where he wanted her. He needed her to stay in that room just for a few moments longer before he can find a new target and replace her. That was his plan yet he felt it was too harsh on Rachael.

Her smile... he imagined it in his head. It's like she forgot who I was.

He shook his head, losing the image. He didn't want to imagine her no longer being afraid of him. He had her locked up in his basement! There's no way she's not scared of me... right?

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