Chapter 3

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Kaylie Brown was a lot harder to endure than Parker. She screamed when told not to instead of being scared of his numerous threats to kill her. It was almost like she wanted to die.

"I HATE YOU!" She screamed at him. She did this whenever she heard him walking past the room.

She had no idea it was the same room her daughter was tortured for doing the same thing she is doing. Finally, he snapped.

He screamed right back at her, gripping her throat in pure rage. "SHUT UP!"

She could no longer breath because of the hand wrapped around her fragile neck. She gasped for air, grabbing at his skinny wrists to try to pry him away.

The aggravation in his tone was uncanny compared to how calm he sounded every time he spoke to her before. "You are so loud... why not relax and maybe go to sleep?"

His hand tightened and she passed out from lack of oxygen once again. He lets out a sigh of relief and releases her throat. Her head fell limp and gently hit the wall behind her.

Hours passed before she awoke again. Her scared expression pleased him. She saw him standing in the corner of the room. She gasped a little in surprise. Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw the long machete in his stretched fingers. The devilish grin on his face made her panic. She could see the killer in his eyes. She screamed for help that would never arrive.

"Don't be afraid, miss. It will only take a moment. You'll be with your daughter soon enough. You wanted that, right?" He laughed as he slowly approached the petrified Kaylie Brown.

She couldn't move. She could've kicked, screamed, or even distracted him with the rattling chains. But she froze. She closed her eyes and exhaled.

"Mommy's coming, Parker. Everything is going to be ok." She whispered as tears fell from her eyes.

He swiftly thrusted the sword straight through her heart. He then slowly turned it clockwise as the adrenaline rush overlapped her pain. Kaylie Brown only flinched before looking up at the tall man and smiling.

"You are a sad soul. I forgive you for what you do and God will provide a chance to repent." She sputtered before her eyes became lifeless.

Her head fell forward. She died right where her daughter died. She went right where her daughter was. She was finally safe after weeks of searching for her haven named Parker Brown.

He was stunned by what she said before she passed.

God will give me a chance? he questioned himself as he watched the wind from the window blow her hair into her face.

Then and there is the first time he felt a small surge of regret. He stared at the lifeless body in front of him. That was a mother. He had a mother. She was a daughter. He was a son. What have I done? He couldn't look away from Kaylie Brown. He felt horrible with himself in that moment.

Of course, that soon faded when he cut down Parker Brown's body. He smiled, seeming proud of himself for what he has done. He no longer felt like he made a mistake. He would never change. He loved his life. He loved his job.

God couldn't save him and he knew that. God doesn't want to save me, he admitted as he buried the two women. If he didn't bury them, the smell would never leave him alone. He could sleep peacefully in a house of murder but not when the room smelled like murder.

That night, a woman was taking a stroll past his house. The smell hadn't left yet and it caught her nose. She gagged and quickly ran from the house. She informed the police of what she smelled and her suspicion of the missing Brown women.

The police put out a group of three to go inspect the house. He wasn't aware of the police going to his house but once he realized, it was too late. They searched the house, finding blood stains and chains everywhere. He heard them and tried escaping through a window. They caught him and pulled him back inside. He impaled one of the officers but was quickly unarmed and handcuffed. He kept a smile the whole time of his arrest. He made the front cover under the head title "Bakers murder. Dozens murdered under the roof of 27 year old Mr. Porter." It was such a great sight to him as he sit in his new cell, awaiting the same torture his victims have fallen under. The same smile stayed plastered on his face the entire time the police repeated the names of his victims to him.

"....Mary Terris, Ivan Westland, and Parker Brown...."

"And Kaylie Brown." he said with a smile.

They write that down, a bit mortified because of how proud he was of himself.

They stuttered a bit in fear. "Uh.... So- so it says here you've killed over a dozen men and women. Is that correct?"

"I believe so."

"How have you killed that many people without getting caught?"

"Well... unfortunately, a magician never reveals his secrets." The tall man replied with a bone-chilling grin.

His eyes seemed to go straight into the officers soul and see their deepest fear. No matter how hard the officer tried to hide his fear, Mr. Porter knew how scared the officer was of what he could do. And he loved every single second of it.

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