Chapter 5

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Weeks after he last saw her, she had only passed him on the sidewalk as if they had never known each other before. He past her each time and smelled the same heavenly perfume: roses with lavender undertone and sometimes a hint of a Victoria secret body lotion. Each time he passed her, he would melt into a state of pure ecstasy. Her delicious smile made his heart race and his face burned up like a house on fire. The sway of her hips made him nauseous with memorization. He watched her pass him every time. He was speechless until he got home.

Then, he would lay in bed and remember her. Her smell, her smile, her body. Her hips as she walked out of his reach every single day. Her stylish fashion each time she left his sight. Each time, he would silently beg for her to turn around and walk right back to him

His only friend was his neighbor, Bard. Bard was the janitor at the local school. He would sometimes offer to clean up houses around the block in order to earn some extra cash. Bard had a big, burly beard hanging off his chin. His eyes were grey and lifeless from a long hard day of peeling glued condoms off the mirrors of the bathrooms. They were opened but rarely were they ever used. It's a nasty thought but, hey, high schoolers are disgusting creatures.

Why would anyone want to have kids?! They all eventually turn into High schoolers and end up eating all of the food in the fridge just so you will go shopping to buy more of the single food they wanted. They are lanky gremlins who have so much rage pent up that the slightest inconvenience will burst them into flames of fury. That, or, they are lazy gremlins who will beg you to buy chips the next time you go shopping.

His thoughts were quickly erased when the doorbell rang. He blinked, snapping into reality. He got up and went to the door. Through the oval peephole, he saw the beard of Bard. He opened the door to a warm smile and lifeless grey eyes.

"Heyo, neighbor!" Bard said with an accent.

He smiled at the grimy old face he has known as a friend, "Hello, Bard. What brings you to my house?"

"Justta daily question: need anythin' cleaned?"

"No thanks, Bard, I got everything cleaned to the tip last night."

Bard kept his dopey grin while he spoke. "Oha I see. Well, maybe next week, eh?"

Both men chuckled. It felt good to laugh. It felt good to have friends after so many years of being tormented by thoughts that he will never feel loved again after what he's done. Mr. Porter had zoned out, reliving all of the horrible things he's done. A part of him loved the scenes he saw while part of him was mortified.

Bard spoke, saving him from the disgusting climax of his memory. "You alright?"

"Oh... yes I'm fine. Did you ask something?"

Bard adjusted his beer belly and huffed. "I wassa asking if you had a missus in your life...?"

He froze in a bit of shock. Why would anyone love someone as horrible as me? he asked himself before answering Bard's question.

"Nope. Single as you could get..." he said with a small smile.

Bard nodded, either agreeing or understanding. "Oha sorry, son.."

Porter shrugged. They stood in awkward silence for a solid minute before Bard cleared his throat and said his goodbyes. Once the door closed, a tension was lifted from his shoulders.

Days later, she finally spoke to him. He didn't understand what she said to him because he could only hear the pounding of his heart in his ears. The selcouth feeling in his heart when she smiles at him was too much to handle. Her head tilted like an interested puppy and her hair tickled her untouched skin. He was intoxicated by the smell of her heavenly perfume. He could hear the seduction in her smooth tone. He melted into a complete puddle of pure ecstasy. Her daring hazel eyes searched his soul from head to toe and he adored every second. Her plump limps slowly curled into a smile once they stopped moving. He blinked back into reality to hear her speak the last words of their conversation.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Porter, but I need to be heading home now." She spoke sweetly.

He cleared his throat and nodded. "I should be heading home too."

They say their same awkward goodbyes before waving their same waves and walking separate ways to their separate houses. He listened to his heart as he walked home.

She's so pretty. Her perfume smells so good.

Words of her description danced around his head and played with his thoughts. He knew what was happening because it had happened once before with a girl he felt the same way about. She was intoxicating to be around and he loved how everything she did was for him. Yet her fingertips felt like fire on his skin and her words were degrading, he was enchanted by her domination. He would do anything for her. She was the reason he began to kill people. It was all out of the blindness of love.

He had forgotten to check the time while he was daydreaming and remembering. He got up from the single-person bed and checked the clock on the wall. 11:49pm?! How was it already that late?!

His thoughts spoke out again.

Oh no.... I think I'm in love with her.

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