Chapter 4-Found

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Tay Pov

It has been a year and 3 months since I left Bangkok and it has been great I'm still healing but It takes pain to recover but right now Im going to go meet Zee because Nu'New birthday is coming up and me and Zee are planning a surprise party for him...I was waiting for Zee when I heard the front door rang and I go to open it and it was Zee

Zee: Hey Tay Sorry I'm late!But I didn't come empty handed *Smiles*

Tay: It's ok come in

Zee came in and took off his shoes and put onnthe house slippers then went to the kitchen with a bag.

Tay: So what is that?

Zee: I got us some lunch and I got your favorite drink from your favorite cafè!

Tay: Aww you know me so well *hugs Zee* But we have to start making these plans!

Zee: Yes we do ok here you go~ *gives Tay his lunch and drink* so what do we have so far?

Tay: Ok I have the already contacted the bakery,his parents on the plane now,I call a couple of places so that I can give you guys time to decorate but I also called some people who will help you guys do it quicker since we only have like 5 hours and we have alot to do.

Zee: Ok thank you Tay I don't know what I would have done without you everytime I want to surprise him I fail because he finds out  about it.

Tay: Trust me he won't find out about this surprise.

Me and Zee talked then he left since New had called him I had decided to go to my garden of fresh bloomed flowers and sat their looking at the sky and smiled...Everything is perfect...

No one Pov

"Welcome to South Korea,Seoul"

A man walks off the plane and in a car...

Time:Any Updates...

He voice was deep and sharp it made the guard infront him more nervous than he was

Guard 1: Y-Yes he is was spotted at his house with a man and 2 hours later the man left and Then the Mistress went to the garden and now he is going to bed...that is all...

Time: Did you get this Mystery man Imfortmation?

Guard 1: Y-Yes I will send it to you now!

Time: Hm...

They arrived at this big mansion..the guard steps out the car and opens the door for Time and signal the other guards to get his bags...after everything was put in place everyone headed to their resting station.

Time Pov

I walked out the bathroom with only boxers and a robe and went to the window looking at the view...only thing I can think of is Tay...His touch, his smile,his voice, him under me moaning my name...but tomorrow he will be under me begging me for mercy...but...It's too late.

Next morning

Tay pov

I woke up and remembered I have to go get New in a hour so I quickly did my morning routine and got dressed then grabbed my things and went to my favorite cafè and order me and New favorite foods and drinks then made my way his house.

I pulled up at New house and called him to come outside...I was waiting then I heard someone scream my name and seen New was in the window and it startled me but I kept calm and open the door...

Tay: Let's go birthday boy we got places to go and things to do!

New: Hey Babi I missed you *Kisses Tay cheek*

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