Sorry I Ghosted You, I Liked You Too Much (Happy Ending)

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P.s. I cried writing this

So... I met my grandma. My dad cried. Typical. That's what you would expect from anyone when their mother is about to pass, right? Of course! After saying goodbye to my grandmother coldly, we were off to the next hospital when we were stopped by the biggest thing that can make any grown man cry. Traffic. Looking out the window, I looked back on my life, accepting all my regrets when in my peripheral vision I watch some run and if you know me I love to people watch. Looking closer I noticed it wasn't a stranger, no. It was... Nick.
"Open the door!!!" I screamed, pushing down the handle.
"AMY MOORE put on your seatbelt!!!" dad screamed.
"Let me out!!!"
"Let her out," mom ordered.
I almost asked the same thing.
"If she wants to die then let her," mom continued. "We've tried, darling. And she just doesn't want our help so let's let her run off."
In a huff, dad unlocked the doors and I sprinted out onto the sidewalk. I looked to my left to see Nick hundreds and hundreds of feet in front of me. Before I begin a sprint, I was trampled to the ground and a familiar voice spoke while on top of me in the grass.
"I'm so sorry, ma-... AMY!" Tara screamed.
"Tara, get off the poor girl." Darcy poked out from behind her, lifting her girlfriend to her feet before helping me. "How- what? How did Nick not see you?"
"AMY!" Elle screamed, engulfing me in a hug before I could respond to Darcy.
"How... Ahh... this... I hate running," another familiar voice huffed as they lightly jogged up to me. Tao.
"It's amazing to see you guys," I chuckled, thinking it was all a joke. And without thinking I hugged them again. No, it wasn't a dream. Well... maybe it was. But it was a good one. A dream come true. "I need to get to Nick."
"We'll get you there, darling," Elle reassured me.
"Taxi! Taxi!" Darcy began to scream at the traffic seconds before the light turned green and it began to move.
"Scratch that," scoffed Tao. "And I am NOT running after your boyfriend, Amy."
Tara was quick to be the voice of obviousness. "Anyone got a phone?" she asked.
"It's at home."
At the pathetic excuses of answers, I looked in the direction Nick ran. I was a good runner, too. Maybe I could catch up to him.
"I'll run."
"What?" Tara shout, ending the bickering between everyone else. "Amy, you can't. It's not good for you. I know your doctor and I talked to him. He said no exercise, Amy. It's kill you if you run. The cancer will kill you."
"It's already killing me! And it's already murdered my relationship with Nick."
"Don't do it, Amy."
"I have to."
"No you don't! We'll find another way!"
"I don't care! Okay? I don't care! I don't care if my last moments are for him! I don't care if him and Charlie are together! I don't care about this disease! I don't care about my idiotic parents! I care about him! I love him!" I shout, surprise myself and the others. "I'm sorry."
Darcy is the first to think and respond. "It's okay, it's okay. We're not mad at you. Just stay with us."
"Yeah, stay with us." Elle nods.
"We'll find him," Tao reassures.
"No... we won't." I shake my head in disbelief. "I need to go. Now."
"Amy, no," Tara says with a firm voice but I'm already looking in the opposite direction, building up the courage and strength to run.
"I love you guys." And then I'm off as fast as my feet will carry me. Running from the creams behind, I quicken my pace just a bit. The feeling feels great again to run. I haven't done it in a while. I love it. I love myself. I love him. Suspecting he ran straight, I take a right straight through the park and across a grass field as a shortcut. After exiting the dog park my pace slows for a second before I notice and speed up again. My chest begins to hurt like heart burn but I don't stop. If you know me, I finish everything I start. Running faster and harder, I cross a street and notice a small figure ahead. Nick? I run faster until I'm close enough to pounce on them and so I do, bringing hem to the ground with everything I have as my body just collapses. It's hard to breath but now I'm with him. That's what matters. Panting, I look to my right as he lifts himself up.
"Watch where your... Amy?"
"Hi," I pant, unable to bring myself up.
"Amy! Are you okay?" He drops onto his knees next to me and puts me in his arms.
"I'm... fine."
"Amy, stay with me. Amy, don't go. Amy I love you."
"I love you, too." I smile the same time tears slide down his face. "Don't cry. We knew it was gonna happen."
"What?" He choked. "You dying or us admitting our feelings for each other?"
"Both," I let out with what I think may be my last breath.
"I think I've always loved you. And I'm sorry."
"For making it seem as if you couldn't tell me earlier."
"That I had cancer?"
He nods.
"That's okay," I sigh, my voice raspy.
"Amy, I love you."
"I've always loved you, Nick Nelson."
"And I've always loved you, Amy Moore."

And that's the end. Sike! No it's not because I'm jolted awake when a bright light is flashed in front of me and I sit up in bed in a ginormous room.
"Babe! Again?"
I nod, letting tears fall down my cheeks as he holds me close.
"It's okay, babe. I have you. It was a dream, right? It's not real. You never had cancer."
I nod. It was just a dream.

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