It Would Be Idiotic To Disagree

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Charlie🏳️‍🌈: What are we talking about?
Nick🏉: She's talking about the play happening this year
Tao🍔: The stupid little Harry Potter one? Who even likes Harry Potter anymore?
Tori🖤: Why was I ever added into this group?
Amy🌵: Hi Tori!
Tori🖤: Hey.
   Tori🖤 has removed herself from the chat, Pathetic Losers.
Amy🌵: I'm sorry, why did we name ourselves the pathetic losers again?
Darcy🎉: NICK! It was Nick's idea
Elle📱: It's finnnnnneeeeee
Tao🍔: That's what she said
Amy🌵: Tao!
Nick🏉: Tao!
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: 🤷🏻
Darcy🎉: We've been over this, Charlie. STOP USING EMOJI'S TO COMMUNICATE. We don't care if it's a faster way than typing words 😩
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: 👆=🤪
Elle📱: Nick. Translation?
Nick🏉: Darcy is crazy
Darcy🎉: Yo!
Tao🍔: Agreed
Amy🌵: Guys!
Darcy🎉: I'm a girl...
Tara🎵: Shhh Darcy!
Amy🌵: Did anyone else other than Nick sign up for the play that didn't tell me?
Elle📱: NICK? As in thee Nick Nelson?
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: You didn't tell me that...
Tara🎵: Nick. Production. Same sentence. Is it possible?
Tao🍔: But you're a rugby lad!
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: TAO!
Nick🏉: A... what? When was this a thing?
Elle📱: It's what Tao called you when Charlie had a super big crush on you ever since you were put together to sit with him at the start of the year
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: ELLE!
Nick🏉: WHAT? 😂 You had a crush on me Mr. Spring?
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Tori was right. Why did we ever create this chat?
Elle📱: Nick.
Darcy🎉: Nick.
Tao🍔: Nick.
Tara🎵: Nick.
Amy🌵: Amy.
Nick🏉: Ha!
Amy🌵: ANYWAYS, who else is part of the play?
Tao🍔: ...
Darcy🎉: ...
Amy🌵: Seriously?! Just me and Nick?!
Darcy🎉: Yup. Ugh, my mom is calling me down for dinner. Bye guys.
Tara🎵: Bye!
Tao🍔: Gonna go get a burger. Bye.
Elle📱: Bye!
Nick🏉: Cya.
Amy🌵: Adios!

Clicking out of the group chat, Amy had still been squealing with excitement and practically jumping on her bed when a ding was sent through her phone and she immediately picked it up.

Nick🏉: Hey Amy.
Amy🌵: Hi! Did you get the part of J. Finch?
Nick🏉: No, I got someone else
Amy🌵: I'm so sorry. Who'd you get?
Nick🏉: Harry
Amy🌵: As in Harry Potter?
Nick🏉: Yup and I'm guessing you got Ginny
Amy🌵: Yeah
Nick🏉: Harry I guess is alright
Amy🌵: Harry is great! But... one problem
Nick🏉: Oh god. What?
Amy🌵: Harry likes Ginny
Nick🏉: ... I don't get it
Amy🌵: Have you even read the script?!
Amy🌵: NICK! They kiss!
Nick🏉: And?
Amy🌵: HELLO? Idiot! Charlie?
Nick🏉: Oh.
Amy🌵: Yeah!
Nick🏉: He's our friend, he'll be fine. It's only for a production

The word, only, sat in the back of Amy's mind. Only. Just only a production.

Amy🌵: Right. Just a production. So you'll talk to him about it?
Nick🏉: ME? You got me signed up!
Amy🌵: You agreed to the roll of Harry without looking at the script, stupid
Nick🏉: Hey!
Amy🌵: Talk. To. Him
Nick🏉: Finnneee 😩
Amy🌵: I got to go. Homework. Bye.
Nick🏉: Bye.

Later that day at dinner, Amy sat down at the counter, not expecting an expectation.
"Honey," her mother welcomed her into the kitchen. "Sit." Amy nodded, pulling out a seat and sitting down in front of a plate of food. As she ate with her mother and father, they were deciding when to bring up a topic they had been worried about. Eventually, Amy noticed them sharing glances at each other.
"What's going on?" Amy asked.
"Nothing, baby." Her mother smiled.
Pointing with her fork between the two, Amy squinted. "What is it?"
"Well," her father spoke, rubbing her attention. "Your grandmother, my mother, hasn't been feeling very well."
"Really? Is she okay?"
"She's doing alright but we wanted to let you know that we will be flying there next week to go take care of her."
"But I have school!" Amy protested. "I have the Harry Potter production and my friends! What if I get put back a year? I won't be with my friends!"
"You'll do your studies from Toronto." Her father exclaimed, taking a bite of mashed potatoes.
"Mum!" Amy shrieked for help. "Help me! I can't leave."
"It's your grandmother." Amy's mother replied without eye contact.
"I'll call her everyday! Just please don't make me move to Canada."
"You're going and we leave next Tuesday. Be ready." Her father ordered.
"But this isn't fair!"
"Amy!" Her mother shouted. "There are some things more important than friends and a stupid little production about a little boy with a silly name!"
"MOM!" Amy groaned.
"It's final." Her father said.
"I'm not hungry." Amy pushed her food away and stood. "I'm going to my room."
"Take an orange if you're not going to eat your dinner." Her mother frowned.
"Fine. Worst week ever."
Amy grabbed an orange from the basket of fruit and stomped upstairs, texting the group chat.

Amy🌵: My parents are sending me away to Toronto
Darcy🎉: Parents suck. I hate living here with my bossy mom who doesn't even approve of having me as her daughter
Tara🎵: Come stay with me, Darcy
Darcy🎉: Literally packing my bag right now
Tao🍔: Wait. So... why?
Amy🌵: My grandmother isn't doing well

Amy debated in her head weather to add and neither am I to her text but then she realized she wasn't ready to tell them. Maybe she never would be.

Nick🏉: I'm sorry
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Oh god, Amy. Wow. I can't imagine
Amy🌵: Yeah...
Elle📱: Amy, if there is anything we can do... you know, call us
Amy🌵: I will. There is one thing...
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Yeah?
Amy🌵: Nick, I will be taking Nellie
Nick🏉: Uhhhh no
Amy🌵: So you're just gonna let me be sad?
Nick🏉: I don't care. I need Nellie
Tao🍔: You might as well marry Nellie if you weren't already dating my best friend
Elle📱: Umm. Right here
Amy🌵: Ouch, Tao. I'm dating Nellie
Nick🏉: Nellie isn't lesbian
Tara🎵: Can a dog be lesbian?
Tao🍔: Well, Nick is a golden retriever and bisexual so... yeah? I think so
Nick🏉: Sorry, I'm a what? How is that- what?
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: TAO!!!
Tao🍔: Oh yeah, ha! I forgot. I wasn't supposed to tell you, Nick. Oh well
Amy🌵: 😂 oh so, I forgot to ask but what ever happened to Aled and why isn't he part of this chat anymore?
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: I told you, genius. He had to move to Canada and continue school there because his parents I don't think approve of us so... yeah. It's apparently super hard and he's constantly studying and therefor asked me to remove him from this chat so he can't get distracted. He's coming back for the summer
Nick🏉: Correction: His parents don't approve of Amy
Nick🏉: Attempt at kidnapping
Amy🌵: ???
Tao🍔: WHAT?
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Don't freak out. He means Nellie
Amy🌵: #Nicklanguage #Translatingcharlie
Nick🏉: Shush.
Amy🌵: You shush
Elle📱: Both shush! I'm studying and my phone is going to break
Amy🌵: I should pack anyways. Bye
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Byyyeeeee

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