Rules and Regulations

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Amy had gotten a public bus back to school yet no matter what, she couldn't think straight. She had cancer was the only thought rushing through her head. That and however way she was going to tell Nick and her other friends that she had only just the school year left before... before everything ended. Everything.

"Hey, Amy!" A girl waved in the hallway of the school. Amy glanced up and flashed a smile before going back to her regular state. Frowning and looking down at her feet as she walked to class but it was difficult with people trying to make conversation.
"Hey Amy!"
"Hi Amy!"
"You're back!"
"Oh, Hi Amy."
"Hi Amy."
"Hi." She responded before pursing her lips and jumping into an empty classroom to avoid confrontation with everyone at all costs.

Amy waited a while before heading to her last class of the day. She had waited the crowd out to avoid the people yet it costed her and now she was going to be late as she would only be arriving for the second half of the class. Oh well. At least the teacher liked her.

With her head low, Amy walked in and confronted the teacher. "I'm here." She said.
The teacher drastically spun around. "Hello, Amy! How was your appointment?"
"Fine." She shrugged. "What are we doing?"
"Everyone is outside doing whatever they want. Some girls are doing volleyball. They were asking for you. Boys are playing rugby. Some are playing soccer. Go do whatever you like."
"Okay. Thanks."
"Of course."
Amy ran off and on her way out, she grabbed a volleyball. Once on the field, instead of searching for her friends, Amy began practicing setting with the ball but she was already too good at it. At volleyball in general.

It wasn't long until a fit and tall figure jumped up in front of her and caught the ball before Amy was given the chance to hit it back into the air.
"Hey!" Amy yelled.
"Woah!" The figure looked taken back by this sudden out burst from his friend. "You alright, Amy?"
"I'm fine."
"You don't seem fine."
"Can I have the volleyball?" She outstretched her hands but Nick only stepped back.
"No. Not until you tell me what's up."
Amy groaned and turned around. "I'll just go get another one." She began to walk off.
"Wait!" This caused Nick to have to run after her, dropping the ball by his side. He grabbed her arm but she pushed him off. "Amy, what's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong, Nick!"
"I've known you since we were four. Something is wrong."
"Nothing is wrong!"
"You can tell me. Did your check-up not go how you thought it would?"
As the words from the doctor about having cancer replayed in Amy's head, tears began to fall. She didn't have long with her best friend and soon, she would be leaving him. With tears in her eyes, she ran off to the change rooms. Nick stood in his same spot, unsure of what exactly to do.
"Your girlfriend reject you?" Harry laughed, creating his presence and making it known.
"Shut up." Nick responded.
"Hey, what did I do wrong?"
"Be born."
"That's not my fault."
"Everything is your fault."
"You gonna go after her? Confess your feelings like Romeo?" Harry continued to joke. Nick pushed him back.
"You know I'm dating Charlie." He hissed.
"Oh, that's right! You're bi! Ha!"
"That's weird, don't you think?"
"No. It's normal and I don't need to put up with you. Leave me alone, Harry." Nick pushed him aside again as he ran after his best friend.

By the time Nick had found her, she had been running into the girls bathroom. When the door closed, he pounded on it.
"Amy! Amy, come out!" But instead of a response, it was only soft cries of a 17 year old. "Amy!" He groaned. "Please, just come out of the bathroom."
"No!" She screamed.
"Please, Amy." He pleaded. "We can go get frozen yogurt, we can skip school. Just come out of the bathroom."
There was silence before the door slowly opened and Nick stopped leaning against the wall, facing his best friend and noticing her mascara running down the sides and under her eyes. He took a minute to glance at her before they hugged and refused to pull away. Eventually, Nick did and Amy wiped away her tears but they continued to trickle.
"What happened?" Nick asked.
Amy thought about it before taking a minute to breath and let her tears dry. She was debating in her head if she should tell him the truth or not. He was her best friend. He should know! But she also didn't want the sympathy but that doesn't mean she didn't need it. She didn't want him to feel sorry for her. She didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her. She wanted to pretend everything was normal. Maybe she'd tell him the day before she left the world but not know. She needed to treasure the days she had left with him without him ever having the thought of her having cancer in the back of his mind.
"I'm fine. Just nerves." She lied.
"About what?"
"Your rugby match coming soon. I really want you to win." She lied again.
"Your nervous? For me? Really? That's what you're crying about."
"Oh my god." Nick let out a chuckle at the thought? "You're crazy. It's just a game."
"Just a game? No! It's a reputation, Nick!" Amy joked causing her to smile for the first time in the last hour or two and make Nick laugh.
"We're not skipping school anymore." He shook his head.
"But I wanted frozen yogurt." Amy pouted. "But fine. I guess watching you get trampled to the ground in rugby will have to do."
Nick burst into laughter as well as Amy at her side joke before Nick got control over himself. "Yeah, whatever. Let's head back before the teacher thinks we're skipping."
"Skipping PE class? I would never think of it, who would?"
Nick shrugged. "I don't know but I'll race you to the field.
"No fair!" Amy shrieked, gesturing to her friend. "You're way stronger and taller than me! And you play rugby! You're obviously faster."
"That's the point. I'll win."
"You douche!" Amy playfully pushed him back and he stumbled as she sprinted towards the doors and onto the field.
"Cheater!" Nick called out before following after her.

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