50 Heads And 99 Arms

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And just as quickly, it was the next day. Amy was packed for her departure on Tuesday and ready to appear at a party. She rolled over in bed, grabbing her phone and opening her text messages. The one still lay there. Amy didn't know what to say to her ex or how to reply but one thing for sure was that she had no idea how her ex had found her number. That. That right there was her mission for today. In fact, she even wrote it down on a piece of paper and placed it on her bedside table before getting dressed into clothes she could actually wear in public.

"Hey mom, hey dad," Amy greeted, finding a seat at the table and pulling out a chair before sitting in it. "I'm meeting with Darcy and Tara today so I don't need breakfast. We'll be having picnic at a park."
"Really?" Her mother asked, surprised. "That Daisy girl? I like her."
"Her name is DARCY, mom."
"Darcy. Got it."
As if on cue, a message was sent through Amy's phone and she therefor pulled it out of her back jeans pocket. "That's them and they're on their way! I got to go," Amy announced before running out of the room, slipping her shoes on and running out the door while strangling her a jacket to get on. A few minutes later, Darcy and Tara could be seen carrying a basket and a blanket down the street. They made their way closer to Amy's house.
"Ready?" Darcy asked.
"100 percent but why did we not invite Elle again?" Amy asked as they began walking to the park.
"She's busy with Tao," Tara sighed but Darcy was quick to bring the energy back up.
"But they are so cute! Amy, we need to find you a boyfriend."
"I'm good," Amy laughed.
"No, we are finding you a boyfriend," Darcy insisted. "What's your type? Do you have a type?"
Amy thought it was weird when a flash of Nick was seen in her mindset before Archie was then spotted in her head as well. She was quick to erase images of both nd shake her head.
"No, I don't have a type."
"Everyone has a type," Tara laughed. "Maybe we need to be more specific." Amy noticed Tara wink at her girlfriend yet she didn't think much of it.
"Yeah," Darcy nodded. "Like, are you looking for athletic douches or intelligent laid-back dudes?"
"Can't a guy be both in some weird way?" Amy asked.
"Do you want a guy with all four aspects?"
"I don't think I care."
"Yes, you do," Darcy laughed. "Favourite animal. Go."
"We're doing trivia now?" Amy whined.
"Yes!" Darcy squealed.
"Trust me," Tara held her head high, looking at her girlfriend. "She's a match maker. She will know your type probably better than you know your type."
Amy shrugged. "Alright. I guess it'll be funny to see how this works but it won't be correct cause I don't have a type. Anyways... all."
"Pick one," Darcy complained.
"Alright, alright. Dolphin."
"Dolphin? Of all animals? Most people say cat or dog."
"I don't know if you realized, but I'm not most people."
"Right, of course. Favourite ice cream flavour."
"Vanilla or... mint chocolate chip. Definitely mint chocolate chip."
"Fav Color."
"Purple, lavender."
"Favourite music."
"Pop? Maybe rock and roll? No. Pop for sure."
"Favourite movie."
"Cinderella? Documentaries? Murder? Murder."
"Chips or soccer?"
"Chips or soccer?"
"Do you know your aesthetic?"
"What? No."
"You like guys that don't show off. Basically you don't like douches, which is good because Harry is a jerk. Your type varies, which is why I can see you're confused. Movie stars to maybe people you just pass on the street you see a liking to. You obviously don't care about the hair. They could have pink hair and you obviously wouldn't care. Although, you would prefer to be with someone who isn't popular because you feel that they are taken from you and spending more time with others. Is any of this right?"
"All of it, actually. Now that I think about it," Amy nodded slowly, digesting the information handed to her a silver platter. Darcy smiled at Tara who smiled back.
"Okay... so that helps us with their hobbies but we need to know basics like what they look like," Tara exclaimed. "So you don't care about style of hair. What about clothing?"
"Hoodies," Amy answered quickly.
"Hoodies? You're attracted to a hoodie?" Tara said, disgustedly.
"Yeah... why not? Hoodies fit all!" Amy threw her hands in the air.
"True," Tara shrugged. "Now we find a guy with a hoodie and push you towards him."
"Nothing you need to worry about."
"But- okay."
"How about this spot, Tara? Amy?" Darcy asked them, cutting off the conversation. She pointed to a shady spot as it was under a tree.
"I like it," Amy nodded.
"Yup, looks good," Tara nodded.
The girls laid down the blanket Tara had been holding and sat down, opening the basket of food.

While eating sandwiches in peace, it was quickly disturbed by Tara.
"I heard from Charlie that Nick and him sat here during one of their dates that they hardly knew was a date."
"I know," Amy nodded. "Nick told me almost immediately after it happened but he was nervous."
"Nick Nelson?" Darcy gasped. "Nick Nelson, nervous? Wow. Pro rugby player nervous because of a guy who likes to play the drums."
"He's very good at playing drums. Nick told me that the first time he went to his house, Charlie tried to teach him the drums," Amy explained causing the girls to burst in laughter.
"Nick can't play an instrument to save his life," Tara chuckled.
"He should stick to Rugby," Darcy shrugged before taking another bite of her food.
"And Charlie should stick to the drums," Amy laughed. Her besties did to before they were interrupted by a loud ding and Amy pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

Jerk💔: Hey, Amy. I'll pick you up at 5:00 and we can head to red head's house for the party and bring beer. See you, gorgeous

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