Tears Of Blade

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"Nick, stop it!" Amy squealed in his arms, laughing. "Put me down!"
"Say your sorry." He chuckled.

Let's start off with a backstory. Nick is dating Charlie. Charlie is dating Nick. Amy Moore's best friend since ever has been the one and only Nick Nelson. Amy is straight but Nick is Bi. They've kissed. Once. Six years ago. At a party. It was a dare but it didn't help the fact of Amy wanting to delete her feelings for her best friend. She's been holding them for as long as she can remember. When they were younger, they always joked about how one day they were going to get married but they were six and five at the time. Not 18 and 17. Amy doesn't want to ruin her friendship with Nick and therefor will never admit her feelings. Those feelings are for her and for her only. Plus, it made it easier to compress these deep thoughts further down whenever some chic would be put together with Nick by his so called "friends." Like Imogen. She had been shipped with Nick for a long time. And Tara when Nick was 13 had been shipped with him after they kissed. Once. Anyways, it was just after rugby practice and Harry had gotten mad after someone pummelled him to the ground when he caught the ball. It had then rolled out and Amy had taken this chance to grab it and run. Play practice ended five minutes early when she refused to give it back. But now she was getting the consequence.

"Put me down, Nick!" She continued to shriek.
"Uhh, no."
"No!" He had been pretending to drop her at every second on the field.
"Don't you dare drop me." She warned. "Or you won't ever be seeing Charlie again because you won't be alive."
Smoothly, he let her go, placing her on the ground. "You wouldn't do that."
"Watch me."
They glared at each other as a teasing moment before both erupting into laughs.
"What are you two laughing about now?" Harry made his presence known after coming out of the change rooms. "Plotting on how to crush our team so we lose?"
"Chill out, Harry. It was a joke." Nick rolled his eyes.
"Was it? Was it really a joke?"
"Yes." Amy dead-panned. "Now I think you have a course to attend. The I-can't-take-a-joke-class and you're late so hurry along."
"You think you're all high and mighty, don't you?" Harry stepped closer to Amy but she stood her ground with her arms crossed. He got close enough she could smell his breath.
"You're in my personal bubble, back up." She ordered.
"Harry, just go away." Nick grabbed his arm, pulling him back. Harry accepted without lashing out at the contact.
"Protecting your girlfriend now, are we?"
"Just go away." Nick ordered.
Harry put his hands up in defeat as he took small steps backwards. "Alright, alright. Im leaving." He pointed to Amy. "See you around, beautiful."
"Ew." Amy snarled at his farewell before Nick stepped in front of Amy, blocking the view of Harry.
"Wanna go find Charlie? I said I'd meet up with him after practice."

The two walked into the school, turning and walking down aisles, trying to find Nick's boyfriend.
"I see him! He's at the end of he hall." Amy pointed out.
Once Nick had caught sight of his boyfriend, he called out his name while running after him. "Charlie!"
He stopped at the sound of his name. Stopped walking and turned around. "Nick?"
"Hey!" They kissed.
"I'm here too." Amy pointed out causing Charlie to pull away and hug her.
"He probably didn't see you." Nick teased. "You're small."
"Hey!" Amy hit her best friend in the ribs and he acted accordingly.
"Bony body."
"Watch your tone, mister." Amy waved a finger in his face at the same time the bell rung for next class.
"We have history together, right?" Charlie asked Nick.
"Yup." He clarified.
"I have science." Amy groaned. "I'm glad I get to miss it."
"Appointment?" Charlie questioned. Amy nodded.
"It's some sort of check up at the doctors that is not at all a check-up and instead is just an excuse to miss science class." Nick corrected.
"That too." Amy shrugged before beginning to walk away. "See you at fifth period!"

At the doctors, Amy was suspiciously happy. After all, she was missing the most boring class ever. Every couple minutes, she checked the clock. The doctor was late and she had told her friends she would be back at last period. She pulled out her phone, texting the group chat.

Amy🌵: May not be back in time for PE :(
Nick 🏉: What?!
Amy🌵: Doctor's late
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Okay. Maybe we can hang afterwards though?
Amy🌵: Sure!
Nick 🏉: Sure.
Charlie🏳️‍🌈: Okay, talk soon!
Amy🌵: Bye!

Amy clicked on the side of her phone, turning it off and shoving it into her pocket when she stood up when she noticed the doctor walk in the room.
"Hi." Amy sat back down.
"Hi. How are you, Amy?"
"I'm good, Crofton. How are you?"
"I'm good. Check-up, right?"
"Science class?"
"You know me too well."
"I should. I'm your doctor."
"Anything hurt? How's that sport you play?"
"Volleyball? Great. And no, nothing hurts."
"Awesome. How's Nick and his... uh, what's his name?"
"Nick and Charlie? Yeah, they're good. Still dating."
"That's good to hear."
"Okay, let's do a couple scans and see how you're doing."

After a couple tests and all of the above, Amy was really happy. Next was PE class and she loved sports. It was a common thing her and her best friend liked. That and, well, boys. The doctor a couple minutes later walked back into the room, a confused and disappointed look on his face.
"What's up?" Amy asked. "Something wrong?"
"Yeah... hold on." He went to the computer and did some typing before turning back around. He didn't look happy.
"What is it?" Amy urged.
"I... I'm not sure but... oh god, how do I put this? Amy, you're... I think you have cancer."

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