Chapter 38- one drink is enough

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"Come on Ralamoa," Isildilia shouted, tapping her foot in her impatience.

She stood once again in the courtyard of the Palace, waiting for Ralamoa to hurry across once she finished descending from the steps. She had hurried back to her room after the arrangements were agreed upon, to also get herself disguised for the occasion. Isildilia had tried her best to look as simple as possible, but she could help but occasionally scratch at the wig, which irritated the skin behind her ears. She just hoped she wouldn't accidently knock it off.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she shouted as she rushed towards her. She looked just like when Isildilia first met her in disguise. She had a red shawl wrapped around her hair and tucked into the back of her cloak, but apart from that she looked like any other possible street child. She didn't wait for Ralamoa to catch up before she turned around to address Mist and the rest of her guards, who were all positioned up behind her.

"Keep yourself distance from us tonight. Spread out to watch over a wide area, but try and keep yourself hidden and unnoticed. Do you think you can do that?" she asked of them. They bowed their heads.

"It can be done, Your Highness," Mist replied. "We will be the watchers and will come to your aid should you require it." Isildilia inclined her head too, doubting how they would go so unnoticed with such clunking armour.

Ralamoa followed her out to the Two Swords Inn. She remembered coming here years ago, and she wrote to her family that if they so wished to, they could meet her here. She hadn't received an y reply so she was delighted to see when the two of them came around the corner to see they were all standing outside, looking around for her. They looked up and waved when they saw finally saw that it was her approaching.

"I was wondering if you would come," she told them when they were within earshot.

"We wouldn't miss it," Elencra told her as she held out her arms for a quick embrace. She looked at Ralamoa once the two of them separated. "Who is this?"

"This is...Rifuka," she replied using Ralamoa's street name. Ralamoa quickly bowed politely and they all responded in term. It's would be safer for her this way if they didn't know who she really was.

"I take it they are with you too," Rhinel asked pointing behind her. Isildilia glanced over her shoulder and saw Mist and the others turning off from the main path to hide themselves from sight.

"Afraid so, I can't get away with it this time," she apologised. "Don't worry, they won't be coming in."

"That's fine. Let's go in, I'm in need of a drink," Rhincale spoke out. "Work has been piling on even more, ever since the new shipment of pure ore came in," he told her. He opened the door, flooding the street with the sounds and light from inside. The Two Swords Inn was the strangest and liveliest inn Isildilia had ever known, and tonight was no different.

The room was bustling with people, men and woman alike. The room was very warm with the amount of bodies inside, and the air was thick in a mixed aroma of sweat and drink. Somewhere in the room there was a musician playing a fiddle and harp, but she couldn't see them past the crowd. While her brothers went to fetch the drink, the rest of them attempted to find a place to possibly sit.

Luckily, as they approached one corner, the men seated at it were getting up to leave, so they quickly claimed it for their own. Eventually Rhinel and Thinel managed to make their way over, with drinks in either hand.

"So, Isi," Thinël asked as he sat down. "A wig?" Isildilia chucked and involuntary scratched at it behind her ears again.

"It's not mine, it's on loan. Thought I'd have better luck being unnoticed if I wore one." Beside her, she her Ralamoa snort under her breath, so Isildilia tapped her leg with her foot under the table.

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