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"Hey Kamran." I called out to him closing my book.

He stood against his car looking at the entrance like he was waiting for someone. His eyes blinked a few times like he was in a trance.

"Hey," he said back before looking at the school again. "I'm sorry, but I can't drive you home today. You know I agreed with Kamala that she could drive my car. I mean it's beautiful weather." Kamran chuckled but I didn't thought it was funny.

"Yeah no, I understand it's okay. Have fun with your new friend." I answered walking away from him.

It's shameful how he didn't even rememberd his promise he made the first day of school. 'I'm going to drive you home every day. No one will get between that.'

Yeah so Kamala Khan is now no one. I was used from my mother that she would forget when I had a performance or she said she would pick me up from school or a party. She always said she would come but in the end she never did.

My father was nowhere to be found and probably dead by what my grandma told me while she was still with us. He left my mom after a fire and was an addict after that.

As I walked over the street I saw Bruno being stood up by Kamala aswell and then she walked to Kamran's car like nothing happened.

"Hey." Bruno was now walking beside me since we both walked in the same direction.

"Hi. You're being stood up too?" I asked reffering to the two lovebirds.

"Yeah, I hate this guy." He said before realising who he spoke with. "I'm sorry I didn't meant it like-"

"Don't worry, I don't really like him too at this point." I laughed and cut him off.

"I don't even know why she likes him so much. It's like she saw him and now she's a complete different Kamala." He talked with his head low like he was ashamed of the words that came out of his mouth.

"It's human, if we like someone we are different around them. We are more like them because we think that person likes us more then." I said knowing who I spoke about in this moment.

"You sound like you have experienced it already." Bruno answered kind if impressed by my words.

"I read a lot about all of that, so you could say I do know some things." I answered.

We walked down a street with a lot of food restaurants and the next street I had to go in but I didn't wanted to leave him just now so I was still debating what to do.

"But have you liked someone or did you just read about it?" I wanted to answer him honestly, that I liked him and Kamala likes Kamran and that I know that he likes Kamala.

But I didn't, I said the only aswer that felt completly right without ruining something.

"I do like someone but he definetly doesn't likes me back. It's a bit chaotic." I let out a laugh.

"I bet he likes you."

"No, he likes someone else." I answered him. "But you like Kamala right?" I tried to change the topic for him even when I was still talking about the same thing.

"What? No, no I don't-" he looked down embarrased trying to hide the blush on his face.

"Hey uhm, I have to go here right." I stopped walking at the corner.

"Why there? Aren't you living on the different side. Wait, why are you even walking with me in the wrong side of your house?" He asked.

"I'm here because there is a book store." I answered pointing in the street "and I want to look for something also there is this guy and he works there and I sometimes give him some of my poems for his father to read since he's working at the cambridge university as a english literature proffesor and tells me what I can do better." I rambled to him before shutting my mouth and pressing my lips in a thin line.

"You're writing poetry?" Bruno asked walking into the street while I looked at him confused.

"You know you're not living in this direction?" I asked him but kept up with his step.

"I know but I want to come with you and I have high hopes that I get to read some of them." He answered.

"Well, seems like your lucky day. I have my book right here." I said holding the book in my hand up.

"Uh, can I read it?" He asked.

"Can you?" I asked again and he tried to grab it out of my hand but I began to ran away from him.

Bruno followed me quick and chaised me through a few street before I stopped at a old buliding with the name 'Books' written on the glass.
I waited for Bruno to catch up with me, he was panting and as soon as he was by my side he leaned on his knees taking in a deep breath.

"You're pretty fast." He complimented looking up at me before standing straight and walked to the door opening it for me to walk through.

"Thank you, kind sir." I laughed while walking in and towards the front desk.

A few other people stood in the aisles looking for books and new worlds.

"Hey Dan, I have some new ones." I told the guy sitting behind the desk.

Bruno walked up behind me and Daniels eyes went to him immediatly.

"And who's that? You finally got a boyfriend so you don't write that whole depresing thoughts of yourself and your lover down?" He asked and my eyes widend as he mentioned it.

"No, god no, that's Bruno, a friend from school." I introduced him while giving Dan the death stare so he doesn't says a word he should better keep in his mouth. "Bruno, that's Daniel he's the guy I told you about." I told Bruno and they shook hands.

"You talked about me?" Dan said touching where his heart was. Not that I believe that he has one but he wouldn't be alive if he hadn't.

"Oh I wish I didn't even came here." I muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"Nope, no turning back now." He said grabbing my book and beginning to read the new ones I wrote in it.

If he found one he liked or he thaught that his father would like he made a note so that I could sent him the PDF later.

Why I don't send it to him without coming here? I like looking for new books and it kind of got a tradition that when I get here I bring my journal with me.

I walked from the desk to the romance section with Bruno close behind me.

"You know, you can go if you want. And I'm sorry that he said some stuff that maybe made you uncomfortable he mostly just talks before thinking." I said grabbing a book that I didn't already knew.

"No it's fine. So your lover?" He asked joking.

"Oh shut up." I said looking at him.

Bruno leaned against one of the bookshelves and god he looked good in this moment. I got lost in his eyes a second before clearing my throat.

"So you're having any plans today, otherwise from watching me reading books?" I asked him.

"Uhm, no not that I know off, you?" Bruno aksed back.

"No." I shook my head before hearing Dan yelling my name through the whole store.

"Uhm yeah. I'm gonna go but yeah you can stay or go I don't care." I said walking backwards until I was at the desk again.

"Yes Daniel what is it?" I asked him.

"Carolina. You write so much better than the last time, my dad is going to love it." He confest and I nearly screamed.

"Omg really? Thank you so much." I thanked him, grabbing my book from  again. "I see you next time, bye." I said walking backwards before bumbing into Bruno.

"Oh sorry. So you wanna go?" I asked and he nodded so we walked out and parted ways.

Ok so the ending is bad I know.
I'm unsure if this is good or bad but it is long. That's for sure.
I just wanted to let them finally really talk and spent some time together.
I hope you like it and if you do then I would be thankful if you show it with a vote and/or comment.
Thank you for reading <3

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