Chapter Fifteen

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"wait what" a confused look grew on his face.

"Yes uhm i uh i agree to your plan or whatever" i looked at his eyes. But the bell rang and he couldn't respond to me.

"Later at my place to night" he winked at me. HE WINKED AT ME??!?

I headed to my class which is math the most horrible subject well lets be grateful that i know math.

After a few classes the school ended i rode my bike home and thinking about walker idk why i can't stop thinking about him. When he winked at me i felt this weird feeling about him do i like him? I mean im allowed to like him now because he don't have a girlfriend right?

I knocked on to his house and like always leena open the door. I greeted his parents and went to his room.

"Hey walker" i opened his door seeing him laying in his bed with his PJs and watching Deadpool.

"Oh hi yeah lemme just clean up my room" he stands up and picked up his dirty clothes in his floor.

We proceed to do our story and debates on some things in the story. I thought he forgot what i said in the hallway earlier but i was wrong.

"So about what you said earlier is it true that you want to be my girlfriend, i mean fake girlfriend" he looked at me while i was writing some things on my notebook.

"Yeah about that uhm, i want to agree to be your fake girlfriend its not because i wanted to its because i want you to ve happy with shay again" i putted a fake smile, it's actually not true that i want him to be happy with shay, i want him to be happy with me.

"So when will we start to 'date' " he smiled while saying his words.

" I don't know maybe tomorrow? " I continue to write while saying my words.

" Yeah tomorrow sounds great" he continues to write on his notebook

" So i have some couple rules while doing this fake dating things" i turned my notebook into the next page.

"First of all no kissing at public unless i say so" i told him while writing it down

"what that is so lame boyfriends can kiss their girlfriend whenever the girlfriend wants it" he had an annoyed tone in his voice. Oops .

" Remember we are only fake dating. Second no telling to people that we are just fake dating" i wrote it down

"well what's the point of fake dating when people knows that it not true" i mean he has a point tho.

" Third no talking to girls and boys while  we are dating and fourth and last we need to date like going to the movies buying books and treating your girlfriend with food. Deal?" i pull up my hand and let him shake my hand.and i made a way to let him treat me with food

"okay deal" he shakes my hand.

The night continue with me and walker laughing and him making dad jokes while i say my opinion on his part.

I went home and saw dad and mom setting up the dinner table. I help my dad while mom is putting the food on the table.

After i ate dinner with my parents i went to my bed and drifted to sleep.

Heyyyyy i haven't been updating that much because im advance studying because school will start soon.

But enjoy this chapter!! Thank you for reading!!<33

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