Chapter 22

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Brian planned his arrival perfectly, even to the point of driving around the block twice, waiting for the strange car to show up in front of Amanda's house. He parked and got out, whistling a sheath of papers in his hand.

He knocked on the door then waited doing his best to hide his smile. Amanda answered dressed in her usual distasteful cloths. This time it was a long skirt hanging below her knees. Her slim calves and ankles were hidden by her boots, the skirt topped with a large sweater which had no waist or any other defining curves. It was ugly as sin.

"You look beautiful today Amanda." He spoke loudly enough for her company to hear. She was forced to be polite, when a member of school board was at earshot.

"Hello, Brian what brings you here today?"

"He quickly shouldered his way inside before she could tell him she was busy. "I have some things to discuss with you about your project."

"The team?"

"That's right. I had some ideas to go over with you."

A man entered dressed in a business suit and looking every bit stuffy as Britney had claimed he was. He didn't so much as glance at Brian. "Is something wrong Amanda?"

She looked harassed. "Ah, no." Then she grudgingly made the introductions. "Brian this is Tyler Shaw. Tyler meet Brian Mead, the man I told you about. He is proving to be a big help with the after school basketball program."

The men shook hands. Brian smiled with devious innocence. "I am sorry Amanda I didn't realize you had a date tonight."

She didn't disappoint him with her reaction. He grinned as she turned beet red. Brian had the feeling it was mostly due to anger. "Tyler is a member of the school board. We were going to discuss the new fund raiser."

"Is that right? Maybe I can help. I am always willing to support the schools."

It was obvious that he had gotten Tyler's interest. He may have wanted to be alone with Amanda but apparently he also wanted financial aid. He opted for the money. "Wont you join us Mr Mead."

He grinned. "Brian. please. I'd be delighted." Then he turned to Amanda. "But I do need to speak to you about a few things, also."

"Of course we have the afternoon free." Tyler was being very charming." Isn't that right Amanda?"

With a strained slightly malicious smile Amanda nodded. "Certainly. Brian knows how interested I am in doing what I can for the school."

Brian watched her, satisfied. He made certain she was aware of his intent in visiting. He wasn't planning to be devious yet. That would come later. Maybe after he lulled her with false confidence.

"Would anyone like anything to drink?" Amanda headed for the kitchen. Brian watched her knowing she was only using the excuse to fume in private. He gave her thirty seconds, then left Tyler looking around an empty living room so he could give Amanda some help.

She had her back to him, setting glasses on the counter and filling them with tea. Silently he moved up behind her then bent and kissed her exposed neck.

Amanda jerked, nearly knocking over one of the glasses. Brian caught it, set it back on the counter, then met her outraged glare. "I have missed you so much sweetheart."

"Don't you ever do that..."

Brian quickly covered her mouth with his own. Her startled gasp was held suspended somewhere between them.

Her lips were soft and moist and she tasted Delicious. Using all of his experience he seduced her mouth nibbling at her soft lips licking gently reclaiming her, urging her closer.

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