[my number?] - chapter 2

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Catra reversed into the garage, getting out of the car and going to the other side to retrieve her very.. very... very drunk girlfriend.
"You literally got us kicked out. I can't believe you."
Violet hiccuped and shushed her with her finger,
"dON'T spEAk tOooOooooooOOO meeee likEe thaaaat. I'll kiiiill yooooou!" She tried to hit Catra but instead hit her hand on the doorway as they walked in. She cried in pain, Catra picks Violet up, taking her to their bedroom and putting her in bed. Catra went and began to walk away, she stopped to look at herself in the mirror.

She felt.. not happy. She just stared, stared at this somebody who used her name, who looked like her. She started tearing up, until Violet began to undo her tie, and wrap her hands around her shoulder, starting to take her blazer off.
"Violet, stop it." Violet ignored Catra and continued.
"Jus.. let's do iiiit once. Come oonnn, let's go to bed!"
Violet tried to drag Catra to bed, but Catra snatched her hand away.
"I'm not doing it, when you're not capable to think for yourself or even make rational decisions, so get off me." Violet stared at her, raising her eyebrow, angry. She always looked some type of happy when she was angry, when she knew Catra was afraid of her, when Catra was vulnerable, and all hers.

Violet put her hands around her throat, beginning to kiss her neck. Catra pushed Violet onto the bed,
"I said, stop." Violet began to cry,
"I thought yoOOOu lOVed meeEeeEeE!!"
Crying like a child when they don't get their way, because that's just how Violet is. Catra began to cry, quite noticeably frustrated and stressed by this situation. But Violet wasn't going to stop.
"I'm not doing this, I'm not doing it when you're fucking drunk, you look like you're going to black out. Just go to fucking sleep!" She yelled, but quietly yelled - and yet it was still effective. Violet got up from the bed, and slapped Catra across the face. Catra did nothing, her cheek went red, and she exited the room. She locked Violet inside, terrified. She leaned on the door as Violet screamed Catra's name, crying. Catra had tears rolling down her face as she slid her back against the door, and held her knees closely, crying into them.

After a few minutes of silence, Catra got up and walked to the bathroom, washing her face and taking off her blazer, hanging it up. She stared into the mirror, her red puffy eyes were somewhat noticeable, and even with the now big red mark on her cheek, Catra began to bleed because of Violet's nail scratching her, but she didn't care. She ran her fingers through her hair, she held her head in her hands. Everything was so stressful. She washed her hands and walked out.

She walked into the living room to see Finn sleeping with a blanket on them. She went inside of the kitchen, and saw Adora washing the dishes, and cleaning up. She had her jacket off, so her arms were clearly visible.

Catra sat down at the table,
"You don't have to do that, you know?"
Adora shrieked, surprised by her presence,
"Yeah, well I don't mind really and anyways me and Finn made this mess, so it's only fair I clean up."

She turned to Catra who had her head in her hands and was sighing, obviously tired.
"You alright?"

Catra looked up with a big fake smile, and her red puffy eyes and blood dripping down her cheek.

"Oh my grayskull" Catra looked confused for a moment

"What?" Adora quickly rushed over to Catra with a first aid kit, wiping the blood off cleaning her face with an alcohol wipe, and then putting a large plaster that covered the wound on.

"There, you can't have it getting infected, that would just be bad and would hurt."

Catra stared at her in awe,
"T-thank... you a.. lot." Adora looked at her for a moment, as she regained her senses
"v-vERY MUCH! THANk.. you very much.."

Adora laughed at her, Catra found her laugh comforting so she chuckled along with her. Adora smiled awkwardly before taking a large sigh, and sliding her phone in front of Catra

"N-numbe..r? please?" Catra looked at the phone, then at Adora
"Is this for babysitting purposes?" Adora quickly blurted out
"No." Catra was caught off guard with her answer and laughed as she smacked her head,
"Yeah, I'll give you my number, but you have to ask properly." Catra slowly said, staring at her, Adora blushed slightly at this response, she thought it was flirty, but she was probably overthinking it. Adora caught onto her game and stared back at her
"Can I get your number, Kitten?" Catra was stunned, her jaw almost dropped to the ground with Adora's sudden confidence. She laughed,
"Well done, I assume you have a boyfriend if you could do that." Adora looked astonished,
"Y..you think I ha..ve a boyfriend?" Catra looked over at her and nodded whilst she typed in her number in Adora's phone.

Adora suddenly banged her head against the table and started weeping, exaggerating. Catra didn't know what to do so just asked
"What?! What's wrong??"
She lifted her head up,
"Y-y-y-you think I look straight!" She cried. A few moments of silence, Catra laughed loudly, after calming down she said
"So you're not?" she said whilst wiping her tears of laughter, Adora huffed
"Well no, what kind of straight girl would have these?"
Adora began flexing her arms as Catra laughed loudly once more.

She hadn't laughed like this in a while, it was hard to laugh around this house, it was harder to be happy.

There was something that stopped Catra from even being able to smile honestly.

She felt sick to her stomach when she was in her room.

They talked for an hour or so, then they both decided it was late and Adora should leave before it starts getting too late, Catra watched Adora leave in her car, and listened to her drive away. Then she picked up Finn, taking them to their room, and setting them comfortably in their bed. She tried to walk away, before Finn grabbed her sleeve
"mama, don't. Sleep with me, don't go back to room. we can hug."
Catra smiled softly at them, before settling in beside them, putting her hand around them - she fell asleep quickly, she was exhausted.

Finn knew, they knew that if she went back to her bedroom, she wouldn't be able to sleep without feeling safe. They moved their hand to their mother's face, touching her plaster, they felt bad they weren't there to protect her. Finn never liked Violet, she always made their mother sad, and she was never happy with her around, she couldn't be. Violet somehow found everything offensive and was prone to violent outbursts, she was unstable. There was something wrong with her, and Finn didn't like her taking that out on their mother.

As Adora got home, she stared at her phone for a few, unsure if she should send a message or not, perhaps she should worry about that in the morning, she still needs to talk to Glimmer about the wife and everything about her, well maybe not everything.. that's a bit creepy. She doesn't seem to be a good person anyways. As Adora got dressed and ready for bed, she fell asleep straight away, she was extremely exhausted.

yeah, thats chapter 2. idk did you like it? dk if i did 😭

My Kid's Babysitter. || Catradora. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin