[truth or dare] - chapter 10

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⚠️ smut (written in italics)

Catra had woken up to breathing on her neck, she tried to turn around but felt two hands on her waist. She looked over to see Adora leaning her head on her, she tried to get out of Adora's grasp, by shifting around.

Adora held onto her tighter, mumbling quiet words in her ear. Adora was fast asleep as Catra's cheeks started burning. She felt Adora's hand reach under her shirt, her breath hitched as her back arched, her cold skin pressed against Catra's fur felt nice. Adora rubbed her hand through Catra's fur, unknowingly. Her hands stopped at edge of Catra's bra, she froze in Adora's arm, her tail hung over Adora's waist. Adora's lifted her leg over Catra's, as they intertwined. Catra was breathing heavily, her face was burning.

"Adora! Adora wake up!"

She opened her eyes slowly,

"ugh, it's so hot." She groaned, unaware of where her hands were, she saw Catra's back practically leaning against her,

"u-uh.. catra..?" She started moving her hand, Catra's back arched farther, making Adora quickly remove her hand from Catra's shirt. She rolled over frantically, falling off the bed.

"Oh my grayskull! Catra- I-"

Catra got up, with her tail wrapping around her arm, she used her hand to cover her mouth.

"It's.. alright." She put her shirt down, Adora got up and put her hands by her side.

Her face was flushed, and Catra was red hot and her pupils were dilated.

She was about to walk away when Adora walked up to her quickly, grabbing her arm

"Hey, Glimmer invited us .. to.. go out for drinks."

Catra was still too flustered,

"C-can I borrow.. a suit?" She asked, Adora released Catra's arm and nodded.

Catra then walked out, she noticed that Finn was gone. She hasn't spent much time with them lately. She very much minded whereas Finn did not as they knew their mother was busy. Catra shouted to Adora

"Where's Finn?"

Adora walked in,

"Scorpia took them."

"You just- you just let Scorpia take my kid?"

"Yea-yeah." Adora shrugged as Catra sighed,

"Alright, i guess. Why did she take them?"

"It's Flora's birthday and Finn was invited."

"Oh. Oh shit, yeah it's her birthday." Catra realised as Adora scoffed, she laid the suit for Catra out.

"Isn't it a bit big?"

"So cut it." She said as she walked away

"wh-" Catra began putting the suit on. She folded the bottom of the pants and tucked the shirt into her pants, putting a black blazer on top without buttoning it up, she tied a tie under the collar.

Adora walked in wearing a crimson dress with padded shoulders, the sleeves ran down just under her elbows.

Catra stared at Adora, her dress was stunning and her figure was better. She blushed a little, she could still feel her touch all over her. It was intoxicating. She stared at her hands, blushing intensely.

Adora held onto Catra's shoulder,

"Okay, they're down the road, let's go." Catra walked behind Adora as she walked to Bow's car.

Glimmer was sat in the front, and someone was in the backseat, Adora opened the car, they both froze.

Catra's smile faded, and Adora was more angry than shocked.

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