The wedding

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💞Mia dress is custom made. It's white and gold and long. Its has a trail. No veil😂. (I don't like it) Mia will also wear no makeup because the wedding will be outside. And it's pointless to wear makeup when it's an emotional day.
(Just my opinion 🥺) alpha suit is black and gold. With a little red outline.

💖Alpha POV

Who would of thought me getting married. 💭 hopefully Mia on time cause she would change her mind on the day of the wedding. 💭 ok maybe she wouldn't💭 naw she difficult I need to make sure💭

Alpha walks to the door.

Where do you think your going-alpha brother

Yeah. You better not be running off.-Mia dad

I need to check on Mia. Y'all know how she is. -Alpha

Alpha goes and sit in the chair.

I will check on her for you.- Mia dad

Still. Why do you want to married that. - alpha brother says in a serious tone

Don't start- alpha says with a anger expression

No, seriously. Brother you haven't even date her for that long. And all your ex girlfriend wasn't even that serious to this point. I just want to know what change. -alpha brother

When she left. She didn't care how in love she was. She just left. And to sum that wrong. But to love deeply and to just leave after one mistakes was something I had to learn wasn't just a small mistakes. She taught me things by not being there. She gave me a reason to be better. I could also go back to how I was but when I'm with her I feel alive. I feel at peace and nothing is wrong with peace. - alpha say standing up and looking out at the guest.

Talking and chatting.

So I know what not to do. -alpha brother

And that's is ? - alpha

Feel.- alpha brothe
I see why Mia said get separated rooms- alpha

Ok fine I'm stop. You ready to do this . - Alpha brother

Yes. - alpha says smiling

🧸Mia POV
(Knock knock) Kira open the door please. - Mia says putting on clear lipgloss
It's your dad - Kira (Mia best friend)
Hey sweetheart ~ dad
Hi dad ~ Mia
Alpha thinks your going to change your mind and want to see if you was ok ~ dad
Actually I'm thinking about it
Why~both Kira and Mia dad say at the same time
Because I hate walking down the aisle ~Mia say look in the mirror
Look I'm be walking right with you. And if you just want to turn around and go eat ice cream we can ~ Mia dad
Ok ~ Mia
That a horrible idea ~ Kira say loudly
Mia and her dad laughs .
~alpha POV ~
Not like anybody care about the men
This is all about Mia really
I hope she ok 🫶🏽
Guest ~ reaction
Female - why in the world would he wear that in the heat. It doesn't even go with his complexion
Male - I see why Mia trying to hurry and get married. He laughs
Female - aww he look handsome
Male- now alpha know ain't no body looking at his butt

DAD! - mia say happily
Can you please stop yelling. The quickest you get married the quickest I can joke alpha about your crazy attitude ~ dad
You know I'm the only one who can give you the right headache. You ready - Mia
Mia look at her dad. He takes her arm and they get ready to walk .
Yes. And you do look pretty.~dad
🫶🏽they walk🫶🏽
It's so freaking hot out here. Everyone looking at me bro. They need glasses or sum. I'm not a celebrity 💭
Then finally she met alpha eyes. 💭 aww he took my advice and didn't wear black and white. And his suit is outline in red. Aww he looks so cute. I mean handsome. Who cares he bout to married me. Aww I'm so lucky💭 she cries

Alpha POV
The bridesmaids and men walk.
And now we just waiting for her.
The music start.
💭Damn. This is getting emotional. No wonder people said a wedding a big thing. They make it just like a freaking movie. When they know nothing about the couple💭
💭I don't see then yet. Probably because Mia said to wear glasses. I never listen. 💭 when alpha just about to put the glasses on where he found in his back pocket he see Mia. 💭
Damn💭 I'm so glad we didn't do traditional white. She look so much better in gold. I can't believe I'm getting married to her. She looks like a angel. Aww she just look at me and smiles. Now I'm crying and she crying. 💭
Pastor - who will be giving her away
Mia dad - I will
Alpha takes Mia hand out her dad hands.
You better take care of her. You know we smith crazy ~ Mia dad Whisper
Yeah, maybe I'm just addicted to crazy.💭
Then I look in to her eyes and see it's worth it. I let go of her hand. And take out the glasses and put it on top of her forehand.
It's a relationship thing you wouldn't understand.~alpha say out loud
Everybody laugh
Pastor-Now you may say your vow
I will go first ~ Mia and alpha say at the same time
No me ~ alpha
Naw me. I'm emotional. I have a 5 minutes limit before I cry again.~ Mia
Alpha laugh. My vows are way much more emotional and better. Me first. ~ he look at her up and down
Pastor~ uhh
Oh ~ Mia and alpha take a glance at the pastor and everyone else
Rock Paper Scissors ? ~ Mia
Of course !~ alpha
Alpha win the game.
You may go ~Mia
Mia looks him up and down.
Alpha ~🦋Fine . I alpha take you Mia to be my wife. To always protect and hold dear. To give you a life that is without doubt a beautiful one. And to never make you regret marrying me. To show you that I take care and provide and always be there for you. That when a tear fall from your face, I am the one to wipe it. That when your feet are tried that I am the one to rub it. You are my baby and will now be my wife. And as requested your Prince Charming who will always calm your attitude storm. (Mia rolls her eyes.) To love you unconditional and always make you feel appreciated, love and cherish. I promise to always be there, to always listen and to always protect. As you are now my most precious possessions. I will honor you and give you respect and to always treat you will gentleness. As always, forever yours. 🦋
Mia~ she wipes her tear. Ok I see what you did there. (Alpha smiles confidence) ❤️‍🔥I Mia promise to always show you love. To learn to be more patient and more forgive in the future and to always show you why I chose to married you. To show you gratitude and happiness when around you and to always care. To treat you as Our creation has treated us. To always protect you when you are there and not. To always care for you when you are sick and health. And to always treat you as a mother would to her baby. Because you are my baby that God has sent to me. And I promise till my last breath to always love you till my last give out. As always, forever yours. ❤️‍🔥
Pastor- I feel like y'all wrote each other vow but ok then.
Uncle - alpha say looking at him.
Pastor ~ The rings
Kira~Here you go
3 minutes later
I do ~alpha says
I do ~Mia says
The wedding after party
Kira - my best friend married
Mia- lol. Your next
Kira- maybe 🤔
They laugh .
/who pov do you think was better alpha vs Mia/

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