My demons

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I wanted this chapter to be about the things. That Mia must work on for the relationship to be better. The things she must see to believe.
Mia never really wanted a relationship. Not because relationship are terrible but because she lost hope in it. She lost hope that a random strange could possibly find a reason to love another random strange and treated them beautiful. 💕
It's weird that we call that love. But the best love is the unexpected.
And that is what we shared. It may not be the best at times and I may definitely have anger issues but you are the only one who can actually see my bad part.
My demon are not something I can easily get over. They take over and ruin a lot of things. However, my demon didn't run you away. And that doesn't scared me. What scared me is knowing that someone actually is down for the ride. Who actually care more about me than my own flesh and 🩸 . I have trauma and other traits that would of run other people away.
However that wasn't the story for alpha.
Was it because he has his own demon that he himself cannot show. Or is it because he actually perfect and not a broken soul like me. What lies behinds a mirror isn't something beautiful. What makes it beautiful is that it imperfectness is beautiful in its  unique way. Can I learn to open up once again. Can I learn to trust and not fall to temptation when your not there? Will I be able to handle the stress that comes from this relationship or other problems facing this world? And why he ever get me to open up again?

😟must we talk about this again😟
Yes it truth
I'm happy with you. But when I'm not, the thought of cheating creepy in my mind. For example the devil doesn't attack you when your happy or strong but attack you when your vulnerability is enough to touch. To ruin the love that we shared is only when I feel like you love me least.
Honestly why do I think that. I'm a overthink of course. But when I was further from your love you move on. So why do those thought creepy into my mind. Because as easily it was for you to move on is as easily as for you to stop loving me. This is my truth and this my scars. Maybe in time it will cover up or maybe I will forever feel this way. I just wanted you to know the reason why I think the way I do.

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