The Upside Down

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After we got everything we needed, we headed home for me to bite my lip and fiddle with my nail, knowing that what we were about to do was crazy. We could be killed if this goes wrong, and I don't think I could live with myself if something happened to Jonathan or Nance. So as the car stops, I jump out, go around to the boot, opening it up as Nance and Jonathan join me; I grab the fuel, Nance grabs the fire extinguisher, and Jonathan grabs the box full of weapons and the bear trap, I closed the boot when we got everything to go inside placing the things on the ground with a thud for me to look at my best friend and brother hoping to god we will kill this thing, "let's get to work" I tell them as they nod on that with us beginning to put the bulbs on the fairy lights. 

Jonathan nails the bear trap into place as I sit with my best friend watching as he pulls it a little, showing it is put in strong and won't move even when the creature thrashes around; Jonathan turns to us, nodding for us to return the gesture. Nance puts bullets into her gun as I find some more wire to put on my weapon to sit at the kitchen table, stringing it around the bat, hoping to God that I won't be using it tonight but knowing my luck, I will be using it because that thing wants blood. 

Nance spreads lightning fluid on the ground to Will's room, and then the two set up the bear trap for me to flip my lighter waiting for them. As I light it and then close the cap, it will burn for what it did to Barb, that disgusting creature that doesn't deserve to live. I look at my brother's bat smiling, liking it as the nails are sticking out; it could hurt someone badly. I then grab three sharp knives from the kitchen draw for me to gulp in, passing them to my brother and best friend, "Remember," Jonathan says for me to nod on that as I don't want to do this, but if we are going to help mom, we need to do this for Will and mom, and maybe for Hop as well, "Straight into Will's room. And....." Nance was saying to us for me to gulp in, looking at my brother, "Don't step on the trap." Jonathan says as I breathe in, looking at my brother, who then looks at me, wanting me to finish the sentence, "Wait for that yo-yo to move." I say as he nods at my words as we breathe heavily, knowing we are all scared, but we are going to kill it. 

"Then.." I say as I flip the lighter for Nance and Jonathan to nod as we all look at each other, "All right. You ready?" Jonathan asks as we take out our blades, I'm not really into blood, but if it is to save my brother, I will do it again and again for him, "Ready." Nance and I say together as the blade sits on our hand for me to shake while standing there but keeping my hand still while I think of my little brother home and, well, "On three. One....two..." Jonathan says as he counts to look at us for me to be standing there looking at the window with me, closing my eyes with tears coming and running down my cheeks, "You don't have to do this...." Jonathan then says as I open my eyes, looking at him with a pissed-off look, not the time Jonathan or the place, "Jonathan, stop talking." I hiss as I narrow my eyes at him, "I'm just saying, you don't have to...." As Nance had had enough of my brother talking, Jonathan said, "Three." As we make significant cuts with our knives, Nance says, with me doing the same as I gulp in, shaking a little at what I just did with my brother and best friend. It's like we were making an offering to some God; well, the God we are offering our blood to is planning on eating us, so we are doomed if we do, and we are doomed if we don't. 

We do some damage on the carpet for Mom to kill us for that, for I to cringe as I wrap a bandage around my wound, knowing that this is a crazy business we are dwelling into. Nance is sitting across from Jonathan, patching up his hand with a bandage for me to play with my lighter while sitting there. I stop when we hear a creak for me to look around with Nance doing the same, "Did you hear that?" Nance questions for me to roll my eyes. Must be the wind or a cat, "It's just the wind. Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes." Jonathan says to Nance for me to know that there is chemistry between them, I can see it, but it seems that Nance has more chemistry with Jonathan, my twin, than with King Harrington himself; I wonder where he is at the moment. 

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