The Weirdo on Maple Street

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The next day I woke up a start to sit up quickly, looking around, suspecting Will had come home last night. Still, when I looked around, there was no sign of my little brother, "morning Bec" I heard Jonathan for me to look that way, smiling lightly with me, then getting up and stretching, knowing I slept on the couch last night, "morning Johnny boy", I answer to sit in my seat at the kitchen table to then notice mum is here as well, "morning mum" I say lightly to her as she looks to me with a cigarette between her fingers as she then touches my cheek with me moving into her touch hating it that Will is not here it's heartbreaking she is so lost without Will, "All right, mom. Breakfast is ready." Jonathan says as he is going to place down the breakfast as Mum takes her hand away from my cheek to begin moving the posters, "what? No, be careful of the poster." Mum says to move them as I take them to the other side of me as touch the picture of Will. 

"Yeah, okay. all right."  Jonathan says as he places the breakfast in front of our mother, who doesn't look like she wants to eat, "I can't eat", mum says as I touch her hand with sad eyes, knowing that I woke up crying last night for Jonathan to hug me until I would stop because I had a dream about Will. It was horrible and bone-chilling, "mum we need you to eat," I say as Mum looks like she is going to cry again; it was a terrible night last night, lots of crying for Will to come back and not leaving each other's sides, "Listen, Listen, the Xerox place opens in, like, 30 minutes." mum explains for me to watch her, "yeah." Jonathan answers as I squeeze her hand tightly on that, "And I don't want you to go alone...." Mum was saying as I watched her, she was breaking, and it hurt to watch her when it is happening, "No, I know. I told you, I got it." Jonathan explains as he then looks over at me to indicate to go to my room to get dressed which I nod, "It's okay, mum, I'll go with Jonathan." I tell her as she looks at me with a little smile touching my cheek, "thank you sweetheart", she answers as I get up while they discuss the posters for me to go into my room, close the door, then slide down it as tears run down my cheeks sobbing into my arms wanting Will back it hurts me to see mum like this and my twin, "Will I wish you were here, please come back to us soon" I sob for my light on my nightstand to flicker for me to look at it tilting my head as I wipe the tears away from my eyes to get up going over to it as I touch the lampshade, "Will?" I whisper as I look at it, but it goes out for me to shake my head. It must have been my imagination. 

I then heard Hopper's cruiser turn up for me to change quickly to come out standing by Jonathan, who sides hugs me knowing I need my family when Will is not here, "we're been waiting six hours." Mum says as I watch them, "I know. I came as soon as I could." Hopper says as I look at him that he has been searching for Will all night. I can tell he is tired by his demeanour, "six hours", Mum answers back for me to gulp in as Hopper closes the door while entering the house, "A little bit of trust here, all right?" Hopper answers as I watch the chief of police, "We've been searching all night. Went all the way to Cartersville." Hopper explains as I watch him knowing they didn't find him, "And?" Mum questions as Jonathan squeezes my hand tightly, "nothing", Hopper answers as Mum sobs into her hand, knowing she wants Will back. 

He is our whole world, "god", Mum says as I gulp in, closing my eyes as tears fall freely from my eyes down my cheeks, "Flo says you got a phone call?" Hopper questions as I open my eyes, breathing in. I have to be vital for my family, Mum, Jonathan and Will, or we all will break down one by one, "Oh, Yeah." Mum says while sniffling to stand by me as Hopper comes to the burnt phone for me to look at him knowing he will think of the storm doing this to our phone, "Storm barbecued this pretty good." Hopper says as I look at him with raised eyebrows. Even I question if the storm really did this, "the storm?" Mum questions knowing she doesn't believe it, not one bit, "What else?" Hopper asks as I look to my mother, who is beside herself, "You're saying that that's not weird?" Mum questions as I place a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down a little. 

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