The Monster

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 Jonathan looks at me as we are screaming out for Nance's name for me to be shivering all over, wondering where my best friend has gone, and there is not a good feeling going through me, "Nancy! Nancy! Come on, come on. Nancy! Where are you?" Jonathan calls as I am shining my light around the area. I have goosebumps up and down my arms on what took the deer before, and I wish not to know about it at all, "Nancy! Nancy!" I then call while we are breathing heavily as I look around the area to hear the faint calling from Nance, "Jonathan, Bec, where are you? Jonathan! Bec! Jonathan! Jonathan, Bec! I'm right here!"

Nance calls for me to look at my brother as we are shaking right now, not knowing where Nance has gone, and it is spooky here in the woods, "Where are you?" I scream for my best friend as I bite my lip, gripping my bat tighter, ready for anything to jump out at us, "We're right here!" Jonathan then calls as I look around, knowing we can hear her, but where is she? We can't see her, "Jonathan! Bec!" she screams as I look around us, hearing her voice like she is over our shoulder, but her not being there at all, "I'm right here! Nancy! Just follow my voice!" Jonathan yells as I feel fear eating away at me, "Jonathan!" Nance calls sounding scared as it seems distant, like she is not here truly, "Follow my voice, Nancy, I'm right here!" Jonathan yells as we run around the trees, looking for Nance. 

"Nancy!" I yell, knowing I can't hear her now, which makes me pant with fear in my eyes as I hear a scream for me to run in the direction I heard it from, "Nancy? Nancy." I yell as I run, wanting my best friend back. We run to the tree. We found her stuff to see some portal or something for me to gulp in, bending down as I touched it softly, making a face because it was cold and gooey to the touch; yuck, "Nancy! Follow my voice!" Jonathan calls into the tunnel for me to look at him. If that creature is on the other side, he is leading it to us; good job, genius, "Nancy?" I call as a hand, then reach out of the portal for me to fall back, looking at it in fear as I back away a little from it, not wanting to be killed tonight, I want to see the world and maybe have sex at some point in my life. 

"Jonathan! Bec!" the person behind the hand says as I go wide-eyed on it being Nance, she's alive, "Nancy!" Jonathan and I say together to grab Nance as we pull her out of there for me to hold her in my arms. She cries into them for me to close my eyes as tears go down my face knowing that it is close. I nearly lost Nancy to whatever thing that was, and I suspect that thing took my other best friend, Barb. She then springs the hug on Jonathan, not letting go for me to watch as they are hugging, rolling my eyes a little but not that much because I am fearful for what she saw on the other side, "We got you." Jonathan says as I watch the gate close for me to gulp in, touching the tree where the portal was for me to lick my lips, wanting it to stay that way. Still, if Will is on the other side of that, I will go there myself to find him and bring him back; I will then kill that creature that nearly took Nance from me. 

We then go back to the Wheeler's for me to sit on the roof, twirling my flashlight in my hand as I look up at the stars with me, then closing my eyes as I breathe in a while sitting there, not wanting to know about that place at all and the fear still on my best friend is terrifying at the moment because it could have taken her from us. While I was sitting there, I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I opened my eyes when I saw Steve get out of the car for me, gulp in, crawl over to the window, open it, and fall in, which was not graceful on my part, but I did not want Steve to be here at the moment with Nance the way she is. 

I was going to close the window when Steve met me face to face. I got a little wide-eyed at him being so close to me; I got a little pink in the cheeks of his face so close, "Oh, hi, Steve", I whispered to block his vision of Nance and Johnny boy with my body hoping to god he would not take it the wrong way, "Bec are you girls having fun?" he questioned as I smile nodding on that knowing he could care less if I was having fun he only worries about Nance, typical, "yeah tons, we were just going to sleep" I whisper as I look over my shoulder a little at my brother and best friend knowing I need to make up a lie now, "oh yeah coming, Nance" I say as I nod knowing I am lying to Harrington on the spot for me to look at Steve with a little smile feeling pity for him, "have a nice night, king Harrington" I whisper to kiss him on the cheek then as he looks to me tilting his head on the action. Still, I brush it off as I close the window, drawing the curtains so no one can look in. 

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