Holly, Jolly

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Someone shakes me a little, which wakes me up by the fluttering of my lashes as I open my eyes, looking up a little to smile at the person happily, knowing that I'm still in my happy mood this morning, which is a first for many days, "hey Nance" I whisper in a groggy voice for her to smile a little at me as I wipe my eyes with my sleeves, "what time is it?" I ask as I sit up, yawning a little about being awake this early in the morning, but I am finding that I slept like a log on the couch at Harrington's. That's new to me right now, "time to go," she whispers as I sigh, getting up to check if my clothes are dry that were sitting by the fire, with them being dry, yay, "okay let me get changed, then we'll walk back to your place" I say as I go into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror moving some stray hairs away from my face knowing I am not beautiful like Nancy or Carol. Still, I look a little like a child at this age, for me to sigh while changing out of Harrington's clothes, knowing that would be a sight to see when I am not even his girlfriend, Nancy. 

Once changed back into the clothes I was wearing last night, I smile in the mirror, leaving the room as I look at Nancy doing a little twirl as she giggles on that, but something seems off; I can tell by her demeanour that I'll question it later knowing that we need to head to the Wheelers and knowing Mrs Wheeler she is going to give poor Nancy a long lecture on where she was for the last hour because of the disappearance of my brother everyone is on edge around town. 

I will not be sticking around because I will climb into my best friend's room to sleep over at her house like we usually did when I was younger. We exit the house to hear a hoot of an owl. I gulp in, grabbing my best friend's arm because it made us both jump at the same time, "let's go", I whisper, pulling her arm as we begin the hike to her home; I wonder where Barb went and if she went home after the party ended, who knows, "did you see Barb before I fell asleep on the couch Nance?" As we walk back to her home, I ask, " No, " she says sourly for me to look at her. 

She seems off about Barb and with me making me sigh, raking a hand through my hair, knowing we need to get this over and done with, "What's the matter, Nance?" I then question as she looks at me, as I feel the burning of her eyes on the side of my face, "it's what Steve called you at the beginning", she then says as I then turn my eyes onto her with a frown on my features, "its nothing Nancy, we were joking around" I answer as she looks at me as I then stop with her stopping as well with me looking down, "okay if you want to know, do you remember when we were little, people made fun of me because of my clothes or the way I looked or even how poor I was" I explain looking to her as she nods on that trying to understand where I'm going with this, "do you remember the name they use to call me then Nance?" I question as she tries to think of my name to shake her head. 

"lady Pauper," I say as she goes wide-eyed, making eye contact with me with shock in her eyes as I smile small, knowing it hurts to relive that memory. Still, it's my past, "I bet Harrington was just referring to my nickname as a child," I say as she looks to the ground knowing that my childhood was a sad time, my parents divorced. Then, my family became what we are today, so we kept to ourselves more at that time, "I'm sorry, Bec, I didn't know about that," she says as we begin to walk to her place again. I smile big at her, with her returning it, "it's okay, Nance, that's in the past; let's look to the future because we can never dwell in the past, or we might miss the future," I answer as we see the Wheeler house come into view for me to look at the picture-perfect house without anything out of place much like the Wheeler name. 

I climb up into Nancy's room, and I then set up my cot on the ground, knowing that I stay over a lot because it is too quiet at home; I like it here more because the family love each other so much, well I think they love each other lots. Nancy comes in as I smile at her while flipping through a magazine that I found in her pile; not into many, but some are good. After we got ready for bed, I lay there looking up at the ceiling, breathing in, and then closing my eyes, "So, how was it?" I ask as I then open my eyes, looking over to my best friend, who is looking at the ceiling as well; then turns to look at me, "how was what?" she then asks as I then lean on my side as my best friend watches me with wonder, "you know the thing?" I question with a little smile wanting to know the details, "oh my god, Bec are you talking about that?" she asks for me to nod, wanting to know so badly on my part; she rolls over onto her back as I watch her with wonder on that. 

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