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Cupid's Chockhold - Gym Class Hero's

Take a look at my girl

She's the only one I got


The group ran through the woods following the compass. And they ran into the lake. "Lovers lake," Felicity said crossing her arms. " Yeah, I thought these woods look familiar." Eddie sighed.

When the group got to the boat Felicity was about to climb in, but Eddie stopped her. " hey woah you aren't going out there." She frowned and scoffed at him.

" Yes I am Eddie"

" No, I want you are far away from this as possible."

" Eddie I'm already marked, I am coming with." She snapped.

" Will you both just come on," Steve said pointing to the boat. And even though Eddie hated the idea of her getting on the boat to go find the gate, he knew he couldn't stop her. Felicity ignored the small argument that Steve and Dustin had and looked at Eddie.

She grabbed his hand and he took a deep breath. " I'm going to be okay remember." She whispered to him. " I know I just-" He looked at her and even in the moonlight her eyes were so bright. And ocean blue swimming around them. " I just don't want you anywhere near Vecna, and if he's down there" He squeezed her hand and the boat began to move.

" I just don't know what I'll do if something happens to you" She surprised him by giving him a quick kiss on his lips. He instantly craved for more but the others were around. Robin's jaw was dropped. And Nancy's eyes were wide. Steve was looking away.

" When the hell did this happen?" Robin said cheerfully. Felicity laughed and rolled her eyes. " I guess at the shed when we were there forever." Felicity sighed still holding Eddie's hand. Her thumb played with one of his rings.

" Explains the dress" Robin winked at Felicity. She snorted.

" Woah woah woah slow down," Nancy said as the compass began to spin. " Hey, guys what's going on come on guys talk to me," Dustin said through the walkie. Robin explained to him that the compass was going crazy.

Steve began to undress volunteering to swim down and see what was happening. " Unless one of you four can top the Hawkins high swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it's gotta be me, no complaints right?" Steve said taking off his shirt.

" Hey I'm not complaining, I do not wanna go down there," Eddie said dumping out the plastic bag and wrapping a flashlight in it.

" Hey," Eddie said to him handing him the flashlight " Good luck"

" Thanks" Steve whispered. Eddie placed a cigarette in his mouth and Felicity pulled it out. " Ew" she said throwing it into the water.


It felt like forever waiting for him to swim back up, but it was only a few seconds. She sat nervously playing with the rings on Eddie's fingers. Eddie watched her carefully. Fel had never been someone who was patient. The time she had to wait to hear the news if her mother had cancer or not. That time felt like a neverending loop. Just stared at the clock praying and pleading for her mother to be okay. And then when she stood outside the Star court mall waiting for Hopper to come back out. Tapping her foot on the ground somehow was comforting her. Helping her relax, twirling a piece of hair in her finger. Except both of those times, it never came out her way.

Steve swam back up and everyone looked at him.

" I found it, more a snack size gate than a mama gate. But still, it was pretty damn big." Steve said catching his breath when suddenly Something pulled on him. And everyone paused for a moment confused. Until he was instantly pulled under.

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