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Love - Lana Del Rey

To be young and in love


Felicity continued to sew in the flowers to her dress. " Is that for tonight?" Steve asked her as he rearranged the movies on a shelf. " Yupe." She smiled brightly super excited. " You are gonna look so hot," Robin added eyeing up the dress. " Robin!" Felicity laughed loudly her cheeks turning bright pink.

" What? I'm not wrong, right Steve? Tell her how hot she is gonna look in that." Robin smirked looking over at Steve who then dropped a few movies clearing his throat. " Right yeah umm, Robin, she is umm, well-" he sighed and took a deep breath. " You are going to look amazing Fel."

Felicity gave him a warm smile and looked back down at the dress. " See I told you," Robin whispered in the girl's ear. " He totally has a thing for you, no one stampers over their words that much unless." Robin sang out. Felicity gently shoved Robin away from her with a light giggle.

" Well, I hope it still you know goes good tonight, especially after what the news just said." Felicity frowned hearing about the death of a student. " I'm sure it'll be okay Fel don't stress about it," Steve said leaning over the counter and looking at her. His eyes did not leave her.

" Robin's going right?" he asked and Robin jumped onto the counter beside them taking a seat. " welllllll"

" Robiiinnn, you have to come," Felicity whined. " Look little Fel I have to do other things just as important as tonight." Felicity dropped her head and groaned, no one I know is going. I'm just going to be there awkwardly."

 " Maybe a cute boy will walk up to you, especially if you wear this."

Felicity shook her head and Steve rolled his eyes. " Look Fel you know I love you but Dances aren't really my thing."

" It's fine don't worry about it Robin, I'm sure it'll still go well, even if I'm sitting alone all night," the girl said sarcastically. " See nothing to worry about then." Robin jumped off the counter and began to get back to work.

" Steve" All their attention turned to Dustin walking in with Max beside him. " How many phones do you have."

" Someone was murdered," Steve said pointing to the tv. " How many phones do you have?" Dustin said more eagerly. " Uhh two, why?"

" Technically three if you count Keiths in the back."

" Something wrong Dustin?" Felicity asked setting aside the dress. " Yeah, three works." Max added. And Dustin throw over his bag and climbed over the counter. Knocking over a stack of movies cause Steve to get mad.

" what are you doing man," Steve asked him and Felicity started to pick up the tapes off the ground. " Set up base of operation here."

" Base of operations?" Felicity asked walking over to him on the computer. " Get off that."

" Stop I need it."

" Need it for what?" Steve asked annoyed.

" Looking up Eddie's friend's phone numbers."

" Ah, Eddie. Your new best friend who you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game." Steve sounds jealous. Felicity slightly laughed at them.

" I never said that." Dustin defending himself. " Seriously maybe on a Monday you guys can play in here like toddlers, but not on a Saturday." Robin said fixing up the front desk.

" It's our busiest day," Felicity said helping Robin's statement.

" Aright listen I totally empathize, but this cannot wait."

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