Quiet Dusk Coming Early

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Alex Pov

I open my eyes to find Max standing over me slightly impatient.

"What's wrong?" I ask sleepily.

"What wrong is Mike called us and said we were all in danger and we've been trying to wake you up for half an hour" Max says scoffing, I stand up and position myself inches away from her.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you?" I tease.

"...Yes, but we'll do that later, we need to go...put a shirt on" Max avoids my eye contact as I put my shirt on and we leave.

Time skip

"I didn't think it was anything at first, I just didn't wanna believe it...the first time I felt it was at day of the dead, then at the field near the Nelson farm the next day then again outside castle Byers." Will explains.

"What does it feel like?" Max asks.

"Its like...you know that drop on a roller coaster?" He asks.





"Its just like everything in your body is sinking all at once but...your body goes cold and you cant breathe...I've felt it before, whenever he was close"

"Whenever who was close?"

"The mind flayer"

"I...closed the gate"

"I know but...what if he never left, what if he's locked in here with us" 

Will grabbed charcoal and frantically drew the mind flayer explaining everything we already knew about the mind flayer, everybody debates on whether the mind flayer is back or not.

"He'd wanna attach himself to someone again, but since its not me who is it?" Will questions, Max and El look to me as I stare at the picture.

"I got an idea" 

Time skip

We all stare at Billy who's not his usual shirtless self at the pool.

"I don't know, he looks pretty normal to me" Max says as she looks through binoculars.

"When you weigh up everything we saw from him yesterday, it cant just be a coincidence" I say back.

"Well I guess its a little weird" She nods.

"More than a little, do you remember what happened when we got home from Heathers yesterday?" I ask.

"Yeah you threw up for 20 minutes then passed out on top of me" She says slightly annoyed.

"Its those damn cookies I'm telling you" I complain.

"Yeah they did look...off" Max says inching closer to me. "But he's lounging at the pool, that's like the least mind flayer thing ever" 

"Yeah but Will was a double agent, y'know one minute he's fine the next he's telling the mind flayer our location" I say back.

"He's right. The mind flayer only activated me when he needed me" Will says.

"So we just wait till he's activated then" Max concludes.

"No can do, he could like...kill someone" I conclude.

"We cant take that chance, we need a plan" Mike says before thinking for a moment.

"I got a plan, there's a sauna in the men's room, if we get him in there we can use the heat to force it out of him, all we have to do is wait till the pool closes and everyone leaves" I form a plan.

"Well how are we going to get him in there?" Mike asks.

"Uh...hello" I say pointing to myself  "Mind control" 

"Oh...right" Mike says as the others giggle.

"Alright, go get set up, I need to get something" I say marching off.

Time skip

A little while later I spot Max waiting by the car as I approach her.

"Hey" I say handing her a slushy.

"Is this what you went to get?" She asks.

"...maybe" I avert my eyes.

"Is it at least cherry?" She asks.

"Of course it is" I say back as she happily drinks hers.

Time skip

I stand in the dark rooms of the now closed pool as Mike makes noises of mockery. Billy, in an attempt to locate the noise, rounds a corner straight into me.

"Alex...shouldn't you and Max be sucking each others faces somewhere other than here" He says sternly.

"Y'know its gross when you say it but what ever, sorry man, just a precaution" I say as he stalks closer.

"What are you talking about you shit-" He says but is cut off by me.

"W̸͓̒a̵͉͠l̵̮̋k̵̺̅ ̷̘̔i̶̟͛ñ̵̯t̴͎̆o̵̪͘ ̵̮̄t̶͕͑h̵͎̊ḙ̵̄ ̵̛̩s̸̥͐a̶̒͜u̵͚͊ṇ̴̃ā̸̱" I say as Billy's eyes go completely white and he walks in a trance into the sauna and stays stand there motionless, Mike and Lucas quickly shut the door.

"Got it" Lucas confirms just as the mind control wears off. Billy begins frantically pounding on the door.

"Max" He whispers out but she just grabs my hand tightly and gulps.

"Do it" She says as Mike flips the sauna on and turns up the heat to the max. Billy stays quiet for a moment, his eyes glued to Max as he breathes heavily.

"LET ME OUT!" He bangs on the door as I feel Max flinch and grip my hand tighter. "You shits think this is funny, its another of your games...open the door" 

As Billy gets angrier, Max's grip on my hand tightens, until Billy sinks to the floor crying and Max's hand slips out of mine to approach him although I soon follow. 

"I've done some bad things Max...some...bad things" Billy sobs.

"What bad things?" She asks teary eyed.

"He...he made me do it" Billy says still crying.

"Made you do what?" 

"Please Max it wasn't my fault" Billy sobs, the sight of seeing him like this makes her hug my chest as she still looks at Billy.

"Billy...we just want to help, we're gonna get this thing out of you" I say as I see Billy grab something from the corner of my eye.

I'm able to swing myself so Max goes on the other side of me when Billy crashes through the window with a sharp broken tile in his hand and stabs me in the shoulder with it, I grunt in pain as he tries to grab me, to which I'm able to dodge it, he dislodges the bar and Max runs to the others, I rip the tile out from me and stare at Billy as he stares back.

"Your dead you hear me Clarke" Billy says as he charges at me.

"S̵͎̒t̴͍̃--" I go to say but Billy grabs me by the throat and starts to choke me. El screams and uses her mind to force Billy into the wall behind him, he drops me and Max rushes over to me.

"Shit Alex are you okay?" She asked panicked and teary eyed.

"Let me deal with him...I've been working out" I say with a small smile as I wince when I touch my neck.

Billy gets up and I tackle him instantly, while he is confused I beat him with punch after punch, his veins go a deep black colour and he pushes me off him with great force, El throws him around for a bit with her mind, but he crashes through a wall and runs away. The rest of us are left to stare as he runs with inhuman speed.

Left this book for a while to finish my other one, do expect uploads to be less frequent as burnout was getting to me, but in other news I have a Nancy X Reader book that will get a chapter most likely tomorrow so look for that...k bye <3

PS: Was thinking of making a fear street book since I just watched it so lemme know if you'd read it and also which character it would be (Though if your reading this book I can probably guess)

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