Things That Are Beautiful And Transient

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Alex Pov

I'm lying in bed when I hear the phone ring, I think about just ignoring it but its constant ringing makes me get up and answer it.

"What" I ask tiredly.

"Its at mine in 20?" She say, my mood instantly improves.

"Oh, uh yeah...why?" 

"Its El..."

Time skip

I knock on the door and a while later Max opens it and smiles.



She grabs my hand and yanks me to the bedroom where Eleven is sitting.

"Can you tell her Mike is lying about his nana" Max asks.

"Uhh...why?" I ask back as she scoffs.

"Mike is lying to El saying that he cant see her today when I bet you him and Lucas are playing Atari" She says.

"I mean...I could go and check" I say.

" could go and mind control him into spending time with El" Max says.

"Max...have I ever controlled you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.


"Exactly, because its a breach of privacy and its morally wrong, I'll go to Mike's, see what he's up to, then come back"

"Okay fine...but after that you come back, I wanna hang out again" Max mumbles.

"Your so clingy sometimes" I chuckle and leave for Mike's.

Time skip

I knock on Mike's door and his mother opens it.

"Oh hey Alex, Mike's just downstairs" She says as I enter his basement.

"Oh Alex, I was just about to call you" Mike says desperately. "Can you mind control Hopper into letting me see El again" 

"What?" I ask.

"Hopper threatened Mike to get him from seeing El" Lucas fills in.

"Did he say he'd kill you?" I ask.


"Then why are you complaining" I say.

"THATS WHAT IM SAYING" Lucas says in frustration.

"Alright, little bit of advice, when Max is sad or angry, I give her something to show I care, it doesn't have to be big or expensive, it just has to mean something" I say.

"You really think that will work?" Mike asks sceptically.

"Who's the one in deep shit, and who's the one in a happy relationship" I say as I turn to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" Lucas asks. "Don't just leave me with him" 

"I'm going to Max's, I don't wanna sit here and listen to you complain" I say as I leave for Max's.

Time skip

"So...?" Max asks.

"Something about Mike and Hopper...kinda zoned out...Mike sounded like he felt bad though" I say, Max thinks for a second before her eyes widen.

"Lets go" She says grabbing both mine and El's hand.

"Where are we going?" El asks as she's dragged.

"Lets forget about Mike, show you there's more to life than stupid boys" She says as I chuckle. "Except you obviously" 

Time skip

We hop off the bus and El gawks at the sight of star court. 

"Impressive I know" I say as we all head inside, after having to reassure El.

"Where shall we go first?" Max asks.

"Wait you did bring money didn't you?" I ask.

"Of course I did, you taught me to always come prepared you know" She smiles.

"Yeah I guess I just am that awesome" I say as we head to the gap.

We all run towards the Gap and Max and El begin trying on clothes, Max and El poke around the women's section while I poke around the accessories part, I find a few pairs of sunglasses and decide to buy them as a surprise for Max and El. Just out of the corner of my eye I notice a store that sells instruments, including an electric guitar. I go into the store and look at it.

"Impressive right" Someone says behind me, I turn around to find a guy a few years older than me with messy hair looking at it in admiration.

" I know you?" I ask.

"Probably not, but I can tell when a kids interested in music almost as much as I am" He smiles.

"Heh, yeah, its helped me through a lot" I say.

"I'd love to buy something like that but...y'know...poor" He chuckles, I decide to fill out my 'do one nice thing' quota for the day and decide to get it for him.

"I'll see if I can get it for you" I say.

"Its well over 100$, a little kid like you couldn't get that money" He raises and eyebrow.

"I know the owners" I say as I approach the register.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asks cheerfully.

"Ģ̴̱̆i̷̹̓͝v̵̹͉̐è̴̼̃ ̶̣̈́m̵͕͌̅ę̷͌ ̵̢̙̐̉t̵͈̄h̷̩͐à̵̹̾ț̵̏̑ ̵̞͉͑g̷̟͇̈́͠u̸̙̘̒ì̶̖ṯ̸͌â̴̰r̶̭̪͌" I order. He goes and grabs it mindlessly before handing it to me.

I go and give it to the guy and his face lights up.

"No way...dude you rock" He punches my arm.

"No problem man" I say.

"Maybe you could join my band one day" He admires.

"Nah, I'm more of a solo act" I chuckle.

"Where are my manners, Eddie Munson" He extends a hand.

"Alex Clarke" I say shaking it.

"Alex, there you are" Max says as she grabs my hand and pulls me away as I wave back to Eddie. I notice El's dramatic wardrobe change, I hand them the sunglasses and we all put them on and walk off. 

We do a lot of things, such as taking photo shoots, I was hesitant since I didn't like my picture taken but Max roped me into doing all those cheesy couples photos. We messed with some older mean kids who picked on El earlier. We then went to get ice cream and we're currently leaving star court when we see.

"Well well well, look who it is" Max says as she looks to Mike, Lucas and Will.

"What is she doing here" Mike says pointing to El.

"This is her new style, what do you think?" Max smiles sarcastically.

"What's wrong with you, you know she's not allowed to be here" Mike scolds.

"Mike...I mean this in the nicest way possible...take that stick out your ass, she's having fun and that's all that matters" I say as Max struggles to not burst out with laughter at my comment.

"Yeah, she's not a pet" She says still trying not to laugh.

"Am I a pet?" El asks Mike.

"What no!" Mike says offended.

"Then why do you treat me like garbage" El asks, causing my eyes to widen.

Mike stutters for a bit before I whisper to El.

"Is Nana sick?" She asks.

"Yes, yes super sick, that's why we're here, to get a gift for her...and for you" Mike mumbles at the end. I whisper to El again and she slowly approaches him.

"I dump your ass" She say as we all walk off, we enter the bus and I high five her and we head off.

Thanks for 1k reads, all the comments, votes and support in general is great...K bye <3

Mind Control (Max Mayfield X Male Oc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora