Friend Turned Foe

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I zipped around the edge of our freshly-made camp, checking the boundaries for soldiers. I had managed to persuade the others (with difficulty, may I add) to move from the trees and drag some logs over to create a seating area.

Rebecca had responded by giving me an electric shock that sent me five feet into the air. Sophie had hissed and clung to a tree using her claws. Georgina gave me a look that said 'no just no' and then had reluctantly raised her hand, palm up. The few logs scattered around the dusty clearing lifted into the air and drifted towards me. I led them to the open, grassy area and motioned for the logs to be set down.

That was about an hour ago. After that point we'd had an argument - that is, me and everyone else - and I'd been set on watch duty. So there I was, running around in circles, checking that there were no nasty men hiding in the bushes.

"Hey! Pepper!" Georgina shouted. I was at her side in an eyeblink.


"You know how you can run really fast," she began. "Well, can you jump really high too?"

"Um..." I fell silent in thought. "I... I guess... Why?"

"Good," Georgina said, ignoring my question. "I'll give you a boost."

She swept her arm and a rush of air that was tinged slightly blue came rushing towards me. I yelped and involuntarily jumped out of the way. The wind pushed at my feet and threw me upwards, my flailing legs giving me extra height. The air I used as a floor to spring higher.

Only when I started to run out of oxygen did I realise why Georgina had sent me up in the first place. A dark shape was whizzing towards me, shrouded in shadow. An icy river of dread trickled down my spine and I shivered as I started to drop.

Halfway down I was caught, arms gripping my biceps tightly. Georgina lowered me to the ground and then flew upwards. Seconds later she landed beside me, eyes wide.

"That traitor," she said furiously. "And now he's coming back, probably to beg forgiveness."

Sophie and Rebecca crowded behind us as Shaade hit the ground, fingers splayed for balance. He grinned and his eyes returned to their normal, evil black - recently he'd taken to having them pale blue again but this was a no-show.

"Hello, Super Glitches," he rumbled. Even his voice had got lower. "I'm back."

"Why?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah, why are you here?" Sophie added.

Shaade's smile grew. "I'm here to kill you."

He moved as quick as a lightning flash towards me, shadows sharpening into spikes. I sped aside and Rebecca darted forwards, electricity crackling all around her. She cannoned into Shaade and they launched apart, Shaade stunned, Rebecca laughing.

Georgina sent a jet of blue laser light at Shaade's head just as he sat up. He groaned and fell back, rainbows and shadows snaking across the ground. I shouted a warning and Georgina hovered off the ground.

"I don't think I can ever say thank you enough for this arm," she called, landing again and stamping on a trailing shadow. It flicked sideways briefly and then wrapped around Georgina's leg, tripping her. She yelled and wriggled, trying to break free.

Sophie bounded forwards and lunged at Shaade, claws sinking into his back as he tried to retreat. He swore and stumbled, Sophie wailing and hissing, digging her teeth into his neck.

In a sudden rush of movement Shaade threw Sophie off, light bursting from his hands and slamming her against a tree. She meowed and fell to the ground, crying softly as her ribs smashed.

Super Glitches 5: The Soldier's VowWhere stories live. Discover now