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When I finally found some dry clothes and I walked downstairs only to be ushered back up again, forced into my room and tied to the bedpost. Once free I found the two young agents who had pranked me and I threw them in the lake.

"Kindly do not drown my agents in the lake," Benny said tiredly, suddenly appearing in front of me. I brushed my hands and nodded, darting back towards the large training facility.

The building was plastered and imposing, looking less like a hotel from the outside than it did from within. The windows were nearly all shut apart from mine, giving me a route to get back inside.

I pulled myself through the window and somersaulted onto the bed, lying down and checking with my hand to see if the sheets were still wet. Thankfully they weren't having dried out in the sun.

Someone knocked on my door and I sat up, unlocking it with a remote I'd made specifically for the purpose. Georgina, Rebecca, Sophie and Shaade were crowded into the doorway, pushing through into my room. Shaade promptly sat on the only chair in the room, Sophie curled up like a cat and Rebecca leaned against the wall. Georgina sat on the bed beside me, using my pillow as a cushion for her back.

"Pepper," she said. "Rebecca and Shaade have been plotting and have come up with an idea. Would you two like to explain?"

Shaade picked at the arm of his chair and said nothing, tear tracks still on his face. Rebecca sighed and started to talk.

"What we have planned," she began, "is a rebellion. Whilst we're stuck here we won't get any work done, they just want us as machines. Soldiers that are going to end up dead.

'I don't want to die, not again. It hurt and it was cold. So what Shaade and I have plotted, seeing as Rainfall have already killed Josh by giving him a power overdose, is a rebellion, like I said. We rise up and fight or run away."

"But we ran away before and got screwed around," Georgina argued. "Everything we do ends up glitching and going wrong."

"Not this time," Shaade said quietly. "This time we do it right. All the staff will die, the agents, the leaders. They deserve it."

"A little brutal, isn't it?" I said, raising my eyebrows. Shaade shot me a glare. "Remember that these people are all trained assassins."

"And we're trained warriors," Sophie shot back. "We have all our weapons, our wits and our strategies."

"Weapons and strategies? What weapons and strategies?" Georgina muttered. "We're a mess, guys."

"We are weapons," Rebecca said. "Think about it. I have electricity, Sophie has her claws, Shaade has his shadows, you have your arm and Pepper has his super-speed."

"My arm is not a weapon and all Pepper can do is run away," Georgina pointed out. I threw a cushion at her and scowled.

"I can charge into people," I said. "I can knock them down, run around them and confuse them."

"And my arm can do what exactly?"

"Did you listen to anything I said?!" I cried. Georgina shook her head.

"Memory like a goldfish's," she said by way of explanation. "That's me."

"Can we get back to the mutiny, please?" Rebecca whined. "Please? Thank you."

"What we plan to do," Shaade said, still looking at his chair, "is ask to go on a mission and then break free, run away. We will end up being hunted eventually but in the meantime we can use the assignment as cover."

"Where will we go? Don't forget, this place is my home," I reminded them. "I can't hop back to another dimension and continue with my life."

"I don't have a home," Shaade said, sadness hinting at his voice. "I've been kicked out of Asgard."

Super Glitches 5: The Soldier's VowWhere stories live. Discover now