Road trip

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"C'mon brochacos!!" Argyle almost sounded like an alarm, calling for the two boys who were rushing out of the house.

Mike lazily threw his bag inside the van. "Tell me again, why do we have to do this?" He breathed out, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Unlike Mike, will carefully put his bag inside. No sweat at all. For someone who was shorter, he was a lot stronger than Mike.

"Mike, don't be like that." Will playfully rolled his eyes, crawling inside the van.

"What?" Mike turned. "I'm genuinely wondering." He shrugged.

Jonathan turned to look at the boys crawling inside, a small smile plastered on his face. "It'll be fun, we need a boys trip."

Will sighed. "It's not a boys trip when both of you are high." He fixed himself next to Mike, who was already digging inside his bag.

"Hey, for your convenience, I'm only half high." Argyle slurred, looking in the rear view mirror.

Will scoffed. "That's not even a thing argyle, and I have a feeling your lying."

Argyle sluggishly shrugged, starting up the van. Mike leaned back on his seat, eating a pop tart.

Will slightly laughed at this, himself pulling a water out of his bag.

Mike nudged will, a piece of the pop tart in his hand. "Want some?"

Will smiled, taking the sweet treat out of his hand. Gracefully taking a bite. Mike smiled back, eating the rest of his.

The roadtrip went on like that for awhile. Jonathan and Argyle singing along to random songs on the radio, mike and will giggling to whatever Argyle and Jonathan do, and Mike and will talking about the most random things.

It was now dark out, the stars slowly appearing in the sky for any late nighter to look out on. Argyle sat tiredly on the wheel, pretending like he wasn't tired. He was painfully high too.

Jonathan was attempting to write a letter to Nancy, but a pile of crumpled up papers could tell you how it's going.

Will looked out at the night sky, staring at the stars. He's trying to remember all of it, so he could paint it whenever the road trip ends. Mike was sitting next to him, snoring. It was a bit obnoxious.

Argyle suddenly giggled, making Will turn his head. "I see something funny. Heyo John, you seein' this man?" He slurred nudging Jonathan.

He looked up, not caring. "See what, argyle."

The image out on the road was getting slightly bigger by the second.

"Heh, that." Argyle pointed to the figure on the road.

Jonathan, who was tiredly looking, squinted his eyes. "Oh shit- Argyle maybe we should stop and park."

Argyle laughed. "Whyyyyy? We're having so much fun." He turned his gaze to Jonathan.

Will looked out on the road. "Argyle just pull over." He breathed out, getting tired.

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