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A/n; this one's a long one but I love it hahdhd

"That's why we need to break up."

Last month those words were thrown at Mike Wheeler. His girlfriend at the time, El, had fallen in love with someone else. More specifically her best friend, max. He wasn't mad about it at all. He felt like he needed a break anyways, he wanted to spend more time with his best friend.

Mike felt like he was letting will 3rd wheel everywhere they went, and honestly he felt bad. He wanted to include him on things, but felt like el was taking too much of his time (she could be clingy at some points).

But here he was, sitting at the diner with wills new boyfriend. Now mike was the one third wheeling, he hated it.

"Oh shut up, James." Will giggled, laughing at one of his boyfriends joke.

Jealousy bubbled inside of mike stomach, he didn't know why. Just seeing them together made him jealous. He shouldn't be though, will finally found someone to love, just like mike did. Maybe mike was jealous at the fact that he didn't have someone to cuddle with anymore.

maybe it was a different reason.

"MIKE." Will nudged him, pulling the ravenette out of his thoughts.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered, looking at will.

"We have to leave, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Will flashed a smile at mike, before getting up and grabbing his coat.

"I- uh, okay. See you!" Mike mumbled, will and his boyfriend already walking out.

Mike watched as the two left, giggling and laughing at each other.

we used to do that.

Mike shook his thoughts out of his head. He shouldn't be jealous, his friend was happy. He should be happy too.

But he wasn't.

Mike wheeler, was in fact, not happy. He had no idea why.

Mike sighed, getting up. He tossed his milkshake in the trash, he didn't even drink it.

"Whyd you throw that away, it was perfectly good?"

Mike turned around to see El, max followed her shortly after.

"Uhm- I wasn't thirsty." He dryly laughed, shaking his head.

"What are you doing here though?" Max asked, taking a sip from her float.

"I had to tag along with wills date." Mike slightly rolled his eyes.

Max let out a laugh, while El giggled. "Are you jealous or something?"

Mike's face flushed. "What? No. It's just- it' was annoying. I was like a 3rd wheel." He looked down, continuing. "I do deserve it though. Will 3rd wheeled all the time."

Max glanced at El. "Yea. How'd it go anyway?" She stirred her milkshake, looking up at Mike.

"They mostly talked, will tried to get me to talk but his stupid boyfriend would interrupt me." He rolled his eyes again.

El giggled. "Jeez dude, you really hate this guy."

Mike nodded, as the group started to walk out of the diner. "Yea- his name is James. Such a stupid name if you ask me. He's a complete asshole. I don't know what will sees in him." Mike was being honest for once, kicking at the ground.

El was quiet, she fiddled with her fingers. She looked anxious. Max noticed this.

"El? You okay?" She put her hand on Els shoulder, her voice calm and sweet.

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