summer fight 2

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A/n: I didn't proof read I was too lazyy, so don't mind mistakes if I have any.

Will flopped on his bed. He was tired, angry, and most of all, embarrassed. He was embarrassed that he actually said what he felt. It was almost like a cover up love confession.

He was angry at Mike. Angry at the fact that he didn't give will the affection he wanted. Angry at the fact that he was more concerned with Eleven than with him. Eleven had her fair share of trauma, but will was literally kidnapped, and taken to an alternative dimension. Let's not forget the fact he was also possessed.

He kicked his feet in the hair in frustration, not before he heard loud thuds coming from the door.

"Will?? It's mike! I'm sorry!" Mike screamed, banging on the door.

Will groaned. Why can't he just go away. His apology is half-ass.

"Will please! I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I Hate it when we argue." Mike sighed, leaning his head against the door.

Will left his bedroom, now standing in the hallway with his arms crossed.

"Fuck you." Will replied.

"Will, I'm so so sorry. The truth is, I worry about you all the time. It's crazy, I'm so afraid I'll lose My best friend again. El was my girlfriend, but I don't worry about her as much as I do you. I worry about her out loud because I don't ramble about her as much as I ramble about you. If I rambled about you, I think it would be for the whole day. I'm sorry will."

Will was taken back by Mike's response, true or not Will was surprised, and felt the flush grow on his cheeks.

"Can you open the door?" Mike mumbled, will almost hearing the small smile form on his face.

Will slowly walked to the door, and opened it. Mike immediately bear hugging him.

"I'm so so so so sorry." Mike repeated, making Will sigh.

"Yes Mike, I know." Will chuckled.

"I just want you to know. I'm so so so—" Will interrupted him.

"Mike, shush." Will wrapped his arms around Mike's back, embracing the hug.

They stood there for a good few minutes, before Mike pulled away, will missing the warmth.

Mike had a goofy grin plastered on his face.

Will raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"This.." Mike stood back. "This is a perfect time for a song."

Will shook his head. "Don't start Mike, I swear." A smile started to form on his face.

"Ooh!!" Mike started to sing. "Turn around!"

"Mike, no!" Will started to laugh, trying to cover Mike's mouth.

"Bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart!!" Mike yelled, still singing.

"Mike nooo" Will laughed.

"And I need you now tonight!! And I need you more than ever!!"

Will just kept laughing, while Mike was singing his heart out to music that wasn't even playing.

Mike stopped to catch his breath, he was singing and laughing too much.

"Thank you, your singing is horrible." Will laughed.

"Hey!—" Mike yelled. "It's not bad! Your just deaf." He smiled, rolling his eyes.

Will giggled. "I'm tired. Do you wanna stay here and watch a movie?" He smiled, and grabbed Mike's hand.

"Of course."


THEY ARW SO CUTE AJBDB- 🤧 Mike's singing is awful though

— Lee :)

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